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***SPOILERS*** The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread ***SPOILERS ALLOWED*** You have been warned! DO NOT ENTER if you don't want to be spoiled

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53 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

Finn is not Han. Never seen a stormtrooper having second thoughts.


Rey is not Luke. Same-y starting point perhaps but very different arc.


Kylo is not Vader. Not yet.


The big baddie we don't know.


Lupita s character was new.


Characters' interactions are new, fresh, funny, dinamic and exciting more than in any Star Wars movie, there was an energy in this movie that was undeniable and very JJ's.


The last act in the forest was a total surprise to me, if you saw it coming, then you should be a writer.


Did you know that Luke was the McGuffin, I suspected it, but I thought it was a bold move to have a movie with almost no Luke when Hamill was all over the promotion to sell the movie to old timers.


Old characters, Luke, Han, Leia, Chewie, R2 are forever changed & damaged, they evolved dramatically.


Plenty of interesting questions are asked in the movie for the future.


But I don't deny it, plenty of scenes and set ups are similar to ANH, even ESB (the set up for Han's death) so the lack of originality issue is valid but they tried some things I thought and succeeded.

And yes a third Death Star is a cop out, it s so expected Han makes a meta joke about it in the freaking movie.


But wanting TOTAL originality from a Star Wars movie is an exercice in futility since ANH 's premise  was that originality in storytelling simply doesn't exist.

Re-read your Joseph Campbell s teachings young Padawan, a lot you have still to learn.


Like SURPISE ME Star Wars, surprise me Hollywood, I command it !

Good luck with that, few movies surprise me, I know how they are gonna pan out 99% of the time, serious dramas, indies whatever included, same old three acts everywhere.


And the last act of the movie in the forest knocked me out and surprised me so Mission Accomplished JJ !

When the lightsaber doesn't come to Kylo & Rey gets it, I have goosebumps just writing about it.


Rey is the new bad ass in the galaxy, get used to it and take a bow !




The biggest difference between the 2 is how mature the characters were in their character arcs.


As much as I love the OT... 3 of the 4 main characters had no where to go.


Vader, Leia, and Solo where already the characters they would be all 3 movies.  Only with Luke did you have growth potential.


With Poe, Finn, Rey and Ren you have 4 characters that could grow in any number of ways.


3 of them already had significant character growth in the one movie.


In ANH the back story of the characters had little effect on the movie... we were told what we needed to know to understand everyones motivations.


In TFA we are left with the feeling that Rey and Ren's unknown backstories not only played a major role of their actions in TFA but also that they will play a mjor role in the future.  Poe and Finn seem more cut and dried but I don't think anyone would be surprised if there are surprises in their past that will play a role in the future.


In ANH the plot was simplistic.  Destroy the death star before it destroys the rebellion.  You could have had the same movie without the Force being involved.


In TFA the Star Killer base is really a side issue.  It was a convenient plot device to provide a place for the 3rd act.  


The plot instead revolved around the 'awakening' of the force in Rey... as of right now we seem to being having the growth of both the dark side ( Ren ) and the light side ( Rey... maybe Finn)


Completely different.  Without the idea of the Force this movie does not exist.


Some chance I think they took with TFA...


A strong female protagonist, a black protagonist that as of now will become romantically with Rey, killing off Solo, not having Luke really involved, a purposely weak villain. 


Leaving as many questions as they did was taking a chance.  ANH did not do that.


I could go on and on.



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TFA was essentially a remake of New Hope with steroid level nostalgia built in. Rey's character was horribly written. So years of new Star Wars films to come producing a machine-like reaction and I hated this film because of its push button manipulativeness. Oh well.  

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3 hours ago, straggler said:

TFA was essentially a remake of New Hope with steroid level nostalgia built in. Rey's character was horribly written. So years of new Star Wars films to come producing a machine-like reaction and I hated this film because of its push button manipulativeness. Oh well.  


Rey was probably the best part of the movie, and props to JJ and co for getting a complete unknown for the role.   Katniss is one of her future handmaidens.

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I finally got around to look up the final scene location. Luke's Jedi Temple actually is a 1400 year old monastery. Those steps were over 1000 years old. 


Is that the location that they've already done some shooting for VIII?

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2 hours ago, DeeCee said:

I finally got around to look up the final scene location. Luke's Jedi Temple actually is a 1400 year old monastery. Those steps were over 1000 years old. 


Is that the location that they've already done some shooting for VIII?



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13 hours ago, The Futurist said:

And what s up with the Skywlaker's parenting (ok Padmé was dead and Anakin turned into Vador), abandoning their children all the time ?


What s Luke s excuse ? He went into depression because his nephew turned to the dark side ?


As an abandoned child himself, Luke thought not giving his guidance, wiseness and knowledge of the Force to his daughter Rey was such a good idea ?


The only thing I can come up with is the "She will be much better off away from me" thing that pops up in movies from time to time.   He may have thought that, as bad as growing up an orphan would be, it would be better than her fate if he raised her.


12 hours ago, Baumer Fett said:

When she is in Maz's basement, that sabre calls to her.  Also, Kenobi's voice does say something like follow your father's footsteps.

Maz asks Han, "Who's the girl?"  I think she has an idea who she is.


I think it's the other way around.   Han appears to know who she is.   Maz asks and sounds like she doesn't know.   The scene cuts away just as Han is going to answer the question.   Then later, Maz mentions that Han told her who Rey was.   I think it was right after the light saber encounter with Rey.


So if Han knows who she is...  (Would explain why he was so quick to invite her to join the crew)


And how about the biggest clue of all?   Anyone think Mark Hamill recorded this voice-over for teaser trailer #2 for nothing?



All that "Force is strong in my family" wasn't put in there for no reason, right?    "My father has it....I have it...my sister has it....you have that power too"

Kinda hard to misinterpret that.


11 hours ago, The Panda Menace said:

Oh yeah, that reminds me.  Snoke's first scene and the opera scene have the same music to them.




11 hours ago, Baumer Fett said:

So if Sidious/Palpatine killed Plagious in his sleep then how exactly is he still alive?  Palpatine says the irony is that he can create life, save it, but not his own.  So it would be a big stretch to say he is Plagious.  


Another one who died off screen.


11 hours ago, The Futurist said:

Force Awakens has the best acting in any Star Wars movie.


Those characters were so lively & lived in, loved it !


Especially that scene between Rey and Ren engaged in a mental battle.


11 hours ago, Blan Solo said:

I realized this film literally has ONE acknowlegment of the prequels :lol:


(When Ren tells Hux he wishes they had clone troopers instead.)


Well, we do have to admit they aren't perfect then.     ;) 


11 hours ago, 4815162342 said:


But Dark Empire was the comic series that brought back the best villain ever!!!





And some wonder why I don't just assume a character dies when I don't see it.   This stuff happens all the time.


10 hours ago, 4815162342 said:

Hey, it's Harpospoke rules. No dead body in view, no real death.


Correction....potentially no death.    I don't know either way.


9 hours ago, Darth AndyLL said:


The biggest difference between the 2 is how mature the characters were in their character arcs.


As much as I love the OT... 3 of the 4 main characters had no where to go.


Vader, Leia, and Solo where already the characters they would be all 3 movies.  Only with Luke did you have growth potential.


With Poe, Finn, Rey and Ren you have 4 characters that could grow in any number of ways.


3 of them already had significant character growth in the one movie.


I don't think I could agree with that.   Han started out as a "scoundrel" who only cared about himself and evolved into a guy that Leia could love and acted in a selfless manner.   He changed a lot.  (That's right George...that's why your explanation for why Greedo shot first doesn't work)


And the entire OT was about the redemption of Vader so he obviously changed as much as a character can change.   He went from the ultimate bad guy to a hero.

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8 hours ago, Ozymandias said:


Rey was probably the best part of the movie, and props to JJ and co for getting a complete unknown for the role.   Katniss is one of her future handmaidens.

Katniss was a great character because she was both strong and vulnerable. There was a certain realness to her, flaws, immaturity. She wasn't played like Joan of Arc, which is why she was in spite of herself. Katniss was someone that moviegoers should have hated but it was perfectly balanced. Rey is presented as a superhero, completely one note,and that is how she is played. No depth or humanity. She is written to be the new Luke without having to do any growth. It is a cheat. Movies are fake of course and there are scripts and effects but you don't want the film to ram a character down your throat because then you see the strings. Frankly none of the new characters meant anything. This one was the new Luke. This one was the new Han. This one was the new Vader. Thank god the real ones showed up to save it.    

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49 minutes ago, straggler said:

Katniss was a great character because she was both strong and vulnerable. There was a certain realness to her, flaws, immaturity. She wasn't played like Joan of Arc, which is why she was in spite of herself. Katniss was someone that moviegoers should have hated but it was perfectly balanced. Rey is presented as a superhero, completely one note,and that is how she is played. No depth or humanity. She is written to be the new Luke without having to do any growth. It is a cheat. Movies are fake of course and there are scripts and effects but you don't want the film to ram a character down your throat because then you see the strings. Frankly none of the new characters meant anything. This one was the new Luke. This one was the new Han. This one was the new Vader. Thank god the real ones showed up to save it.    

Rey used the force once and the film and at the end held herself just enough to beat Kylo.


I'm missing where she's a superhero. I must have missed the part where she jumped into her mechanical suit and started laser blasting people, or just flying around on her own, perhaps shooting laser rays from her eyes........

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Well I guess I'll start with what I liked (which was most everything but particularly):


The New Cast! The New Cast! The New Cast

Kylo Ren and Finn are my MVPs 

Liked that the old characters had been pretty fucked over since the last time we saw them.

visually super impressive

Third act was pretty great (not that the other two weren't good)



No Jar Jar :P

The Kylo Ren being Han's child review was kinda super poorly done



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3 minutes ago, K1Rey said:

Rey used the force once and the film and at the end held herself just enough to beat Kylo.


I'm missing where she's a superhero. I must have missed the part where she jumped into her mechanical suit and started laser blasting people, or just flying around on her own, perhaps shooting laser rays from her eyes........


you aren't missing anything.  literally that post you responded to has nothing correct in it :P 

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4 minutes ago, Ethan Hunt said:

Well I guess I'll start with what I liked (which was most everything but particularly):


The New Cast! The New Cast! The New Cast

Kylo Ren and Finn are my MVPs 

Liked that the old characters had been pretty fucked over since the last time we saw them.

visually super impressive

Third act was pretty great (not that the other two weren't good)



No Jar Jar :P

The Kylo Ren being Han's child review was kinda super poorly done







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3 minutes ago, 75live said:


you aren't missing anything.  literally that post you responded to has nothing correct in it :P 


Oh good! Because here I thought after having seen it 4 times that each time I went to the bathroom I must have miraculously missed these "superhero" scenes. :lol: 

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1 minute ago, K1Rey said:


Oh good! Because here I thought after having seen it 4 times that each time I went to the bathroom I must have miraculously missed these "superhero" scenes. :lol: 


well there was the one scene where she grew 10 feet and became green but other than that



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54 minutes ago, K1Rey said:

Rey used the force once and the film and at the end held herself just enough to beat Kylo.


I'm missing where she's a superhero. I must have missed the part where she jumped into her mechanical suit and started laser blasting people, or just flying around on her own, perhaps shooting laser rays from her eyes........

I think the superhero analogy is perfect. She was an expert fighter and pilot and mechanic and force user and marksman and acrobat and lightsaber duelist and fearless and emotionally detached. I realize that Rey was written to be the "female badass" to show that Star Wars was safe for the 21st Century even though Leia was actually a great character but it was complete overcompensation. Katniss was a strong character because the film didn't keep insisting that she was. It was organic or natural. The film did not keep insisting on this fact and much of her strength came from the fact that she overcame fear and the vulnerability buried deep inside that Lawrence managed to convey. If a movie has to keep telling the audience how strong a character is, the character really isn't.  

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9 minutes ago, straggler said:

I think the superhero analogy is perfect. She was an expert fighter and pilot and mechanic and force user and marksman and acrobat and lightsaber duelist and fearless and emotionally detached. I realize that Rey was written to be the "female badass" to show that Star Wars was safe for the 21st Century even though Leia was actually a great character but it was complete overcompensation. Katniss was a strong character because the film didn't keep insisting that she was. It was organic or natural. The film did not keep insisting on this fact. If a movie has to keep telling the audience how strong a character is, the character really isn't.  


1. Expert fighter? How? Because she defended herself against a band of thieves that were trying to steal the droid? Because the force happens to pull to her? You have to understand that perhaps the reason why they showed she's tough (not expert lol) and perhaps strong is because she probably had a past of it but doesn't remember.

2. Pilot, so what's your point? Being a pilot makes you super? She can fly a plane (and showed she was nervous doing so, which seems human and natural to me).

3. Force user, again hints are telling us that either she is Luke's kid or the force was drawn to her.

4. Marksman, meaning what? Her shooting the gun? You aim and pull the trigger? Come on now, this is just getting nit picky here.

5. acrobat, ? I don't recall her doing flips or any circus acts. She's athletic, okay is that a big deal?

6. Light saber duelist, first of all LOL at the name, second she had ONE FIGHT with a saber and it was against someone WHO WAS BLEEDING TO DEATH. 

7. Fearless, so I take it you missed the scene where she was freaked out at shit from seeing all the disturbing images from the saber and actually ran away SCARED (no she didn't have to go take a piss). When she was being held captive she was crying, visually and clearly scared. 

8. emotionally detached, okay this is the first and only point where this is just from someone's objective and opinion, so I can't tell you you're wrong in feeling the way you do. However, I 110% disagree vehemently. If anyone was disappointing emotional wise it was Captain Phasma. 



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