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Star Wars TFA 2nd Wknd Actual: 149.2M !!!

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1 minute ago, CJ Ren said:

The Night Before already crashed when it lost almost all his theaters last week. 


Night before averaged 467 per theater.  Martian averaged 466.  Heart of Sea averaged 460.  and Good Dinosaur averaged 461.  I cannot believe Night Before shed that manyy...

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2 minutes ago, TStechnij said:

I know it is about 11 pages back, but has anyone actually seen MMXXL? Because, no joke, it is one of the best movies of the year. 

Yes I liked it even better than MMFR. Second to Star Wars for the year for me.

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Just now, 4815162342 said:


General EDux is watching you


#ED: Today is the end of Disney. The end of a studio that acquiesces to spectacle. At this very moment in a studio lot far from here, Disney lies to Hollywood while secretly supporting the treachery of the rogues of Marvel Studios. This fierce machine which you have built, upon which we stand will bring an end to the Mouse House, to their cherished brands. All remaining studios will bow to the League of Nolanites and will remember this as the last day of Disney!

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Just now, Jonwo said:

I would say Ride Along 2 has the best chance of knocking Star Wars off the top spot but I wouldn't rule out 13 Hours doing well too. 

I could see all three hitting 35-ish that weekend. Could be a very nice January weekend. Either that or TFA has Avatar-esque holds the whole month and nothing else does well. 

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2 minutes ago, MrPink said:


#ED: Today is the end of Disney. The end of a studio that acquiesces to spectacle. At this very moment in a studio lot far from here, Disney lies to Hollywood while secretly supporting the treachery of the rogues of Marvel Studios. This fierce machine which you have built, upon which we stand will bring an end to the Mouse House, to their cherished brands. All remaining studios will bow to the League of Nolanites and will remember this as the last day of Disney!

I am gonna assume you downloaded some shit copy to see the dialogue because if you remember all of it... Holy shit.

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4 minutes ago, Frozen said:

What happened to the Box Office Buzz and Tracking thread? Is it ever coming back?

:kitschjob: Fuck. I forgot to save the link. Now it is lost forever in the depths of the forum. Tele? 

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1 minute ago, CJ Ren said:

I am gonna assume you downloaded some shit copy to see the dialogue because if you remember all of it... Holy shit.


I have an amazing memory.



IMDB has all these quotes.


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First, 55-58 would be very solid, especially upper end of that range. Yesterday I said 49-58-52 was my prediction. We'll see.


Second, why is there this weird and yet fairly common opinion that it would be incredibly unlikely for TFA to be nominated for Best Picture? You guys are joking, right? This is the Academy! This isn't the Denver Critics Circle. The Academy gave Best Picture -- THE WIN -- to Braveheart, Gladiator, and Titanic. They nominated Avatar. These are movies with worse reviews than TFA and much lower box office grosses in several of those cases, adjusted, unadjusted, whatever. Why wouldn't the highest grossing movie ever made (when noms come out) that has 94% positive reviews get one of a now-expanded 10 Best Picture nominations? Anything can happen, but to say it's unlikely is ridiculous and shows, I think, a lack of understanding of how the voting process works. There are 6,000 Academy members in all branches. They haven't even seen some of the smaller indie films that the critics put as front-runners or likely nominees. Everyone will have seen Star Wars. Not to mention it's hard to get passionate about some of these turds that get great reviews, but Star Wars has united people and created intense enthusiasm. Odds of a Best Pic nomination are not 1%. They're 90%. It can still NOT happen, but it would be unusual.


Also, a few more apparently unpopular opinions. Mad Max is just as overrated as Gravity. They both suck compared to any decent film of any given year. Neither one has a plot, whatsoever. Mad Max is a series of grunts and moans and some great car chases, great practical effects, but cheesy villains, nothing to say about the world, nothing interesting going on, just your completely average summer blockbuster. I simply don't get it. I enjoyed it, and gave it a B, a 3 star rating. It's a good, fun movie. But to go overboard and call it one of the year's best movies is just.. mind boggling. Just as mind boggling as Gravity, where there's a great scene of Sandra Bullock going, "woof... woof *sob sob* woof... woof... *sob sob sob* woof." That's great cinema? Christ I was dying in the theater of laughter it was so bad! The only good acting and good character was George Clooney, who was gone way too early. The effects were top notch, the sense of tension and adventure was excellent, and it was enjoyable overall to watch. But it had no message, it had no plot, it was unrealistic on top of that, and was nothing but a summer blockbuster that got glorified as some profound film. I feel like audiences and critics are getting dumber if they think either Gravity or Mad Max are profoundly brilliant movies. I mean, go watch a real classic like Godfather or The Usual Suspects or, whatever, pick your poison, any great classic, and tell me how these two turds compare to anything that's ever been discussed for awards before.


As far as other garbage films mentioned, we'll have to agree to disagree on Boyhood because while both Gravity and Mad Max are FUN, solid B movies, Boyhood is an F-. I wanted to kill myself just watching it. One of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life by far. Plotless, pointless wonder with bad acting, 2D characters, nothing happening. My girlfriend and I both hated it with a passion that will not die. THANK GOD it didn't win Best Picture. I would have been pissed. 


If we're talking about great movies this year, let's talk about Bridge of Spies, The Big Short, Inside Out, The Martian, Star Wars, etc. Let's not talk about Spotlight either, which was like watching a Wikipedia entry being made into a film. Overrated doesn't begin to describe that movie. It was well acted, it's basically well made, nicely crafted, but EVERYONE already knows the story and it didn't inspire any sort of passion to watch it, it's not interesting because it's nothing we don't already know, and it was directed in the most perfunctory manner imaginable. How that is an Oscar front-runner, I don't know. Truly 2015 is one of the worst, weakest years for movies I've ever seen. It's tough to make a Top 10 list because there was so much crap this year. My Top 10 would have to include Rogue Nation because that's how rough this year was. Great, fun action movie, but I can't believe because everything else sucks so bad I have to put that on my list. Ugh.

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3 minutes ago, grey ghost said:


Okay, what made MMXXL such a great movie? :apocalypse:



It is a great strip show. But it is not even a movie at all. It is just strip show. People are free to like it, tho. 

Just now, MrPink said:


I have an amazing memory.


  Reveal hidden contents


The Asian legends are true. All of them.



:kitschjob: I knew it was too good to be true. 


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I'm really feeling like anyone cares about 13 Hours? It's clearly trying to ape Lone Survivor and American Sniper, yet those movies had more striking marketing campaigns/titles (13 Hours is almost generic and vague as you can get), while those movies had A-list names like Wahlberg and Cooper while this has...John Krasinski, a "comedic" actor mostly known for TV's The Office, taking a stab at a "bearded tough guy" part.

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1 minute ago, filmlover said:

I'm really feeling like anyone cares about 13 Hours? It's clearly trying to ape Lone Survivor and American Sniper, yet those movies had more striking marketing campaigns/titles (13 Hours is almost generic and vague as you can get), while those movies had A-list names like Wahlberg and Cooper while this has...John Krasinski, a "comedic" actor mostly known for TV's The Office, taking a stab at a "bearded tough guy" part.


Not really feeling that one tbh. Can't believe Jim came close to being Captain America.

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8 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

I could see all three hitting 35-ish that weekend. Could be a very nice January weekend. Either that or TFA has Avatar-esque holds the whole month and nothing else does well. 


I wouldn't be surprised if there is barely any difference between the three on that weekend and it's down to $1m for the top spot. 


I think unlike Avatar, the competition in January is decent which is why I think Avatar holds might be unlikely for TFA but it so far ahead it doesn't matter a

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