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Weekend revised estimates and 4 days totals pg 43 4 day est: RA2: 41.6: The Rev: 39.0... SW7: 32.5

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857M is exactly the number I had predicted SW would be after its 32nd day. If this holds, and it continues following my model, it should break 900M on Feb 1st or 2nd at the latest. And Disney might be lowballing Sunday as usual.


Also, it took only 31 days for Star Wars to cross 850M, while it took 36 days for Jurassic World to cross 600M, the previous record holder.



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20 hours ago, LinksterAC said:




Definitely not. Not even close. TFA's 1B OS is nowhere close to Avatar's 2B in any way no matter what factors you try to use. ER is bad but lots of markets have expanded and 6 year's inflation further reduces that disadvantage. So, no way TFA is even close to Avatar OS in any way just because of ER. Its not even the biggest movie of its own year OS. Avatar is the 2nd biggest of all time. In fact when you factor in market expansions Avatar's china gross alone would increase to near 1200m. I am not saying it would have made that but since we are talking about pure number conversions that will be the number we'll have to take. That alone beats TFA's total OS and we haven't even come to the rest of Asia or Latin America where major market expansions take have taken place. So yeah - No.

Edited by Infernus
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TFA needed a 30% drop at most for the 3 day weekend to keep any long shot of 1b alive. So it is officially over. :( Can't say I'm not a little disappointed after its incredible 2015 stretch got it so far, but it's still an insane run of course. Now I just hope it can make another 80m so it doesn't miss the top ten adjusted. 

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54 minutes ago, bladels said:

So TFA needs to make about $210 more from OS to beat Titanic WW. 

Seems really difficult.


It's not happening.  It did $27.3m in non China O/S this w/e and China is falling hard and will give maybe other $15m if that. 


I think O/S will land around around $1.1b

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