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5 minutes ago, Lordmandeep said:

Ta hype was big however it was the last two weeks that drive it sky high.



Anyone notice Sw7 was the only recent film that had ridiclous expectations and met and exceeded them.


It still fell short of 300 m OW. :ph34r:

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1 minute ago, jb007 said:


I'm not going to use 3d since it did not have 3D and was so by choice. It was never going to get that extra $$$$ for 3D.


It is like saying that KFP3 lost about $75M+ by releasing on the wrong weekend in China. Too bad, it is what it is. It was DW's choice to release that weekend. 


For all wanting to use ticket sales to bolster TDK/TDKR, then Shrek 2 sold more tickets than any movie since 2000 barring TFA. Yes more than Avatar, TA, SM and TDK



Yes I have said Shrek 2 was an underrated ticket seller repeatedly. I already said 3D was self-inflicted handicap for TDKR twice in this thread. You said "any circumstance" and I offered you the circumstance with no shooting and WB forcing 3D down Nolan's throat. 

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17 minutes ago, jandrew said:

How did people react to the CW Spidey reveal at yalls preview shows? Or is it moot since most of the audience was likely fanboys who have seen the CW trailer 55 times already on Youtube? 

That was the single reaction the entire screening had around my theater. Some fa girls screamed underoos with Tony and people cheered. I laughed. 

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Just now, redfirebird2008 said:


Yes I have said Shrek 2 was an underrated ticket seller repeatedly. I already said 3D was self-inflicted handicap for TDKR twice in this thread. You said "any circumstance" and I offered you the circumstance with no shooting and WB forcing 3D down Nolan's throat. 



Under any circumstance as it existed.


Different circumstances could change the equation. For ex., If TDKR was the greatest movie in history, then it may have easily surpassed TA. But that circumstance did not exist. ;)

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