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Decent preview numbers nothing earth shattering and those OD numbers sounds good, but we gotta see how this performs in the long run which might not be too good given expected WOM due to the poor quality of the movie.

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2 minutes ago, TommyA10 said:

Reviews and WOM isn't that relevant for the OW. It could have made maybe $10-15 million more with much better reviews, nothing crazy.


It's not how it works, imho. If it was a better film, they wouldn't have all those articles claiming that inside sources saying that the film was a mess. The positive buzz would make them break the embargo earlier and positive buzz would indeed make the film gross more than it's doing. If Warner thinks like what you are saying, then the DCCU is screwed. They need to know that they could do a lot more than what they are doing if this was actually a good film.

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2 minutes ago, MrFanaticGuy34 said:


Nah......the thing that Iron Man 3 had going for it, was the great reviews that film got.


Iron Man 3's WW-gross is safe as of now. But i think CA: CW will surpass it.


IIRC the european foreign press loved it.. Stateside, not as much.

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2 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:


Tthe numbers are so big that being 20m or even 40 m off isn't a derby killer as much as being 400k off WTF could be. 


Yeah, I was 24m off for TFA's OW, and still got 90% accuracy. :lol:

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14 minutes ago, Telemachos said:

@redfirebird2008, @ddddeeee: Right now, I'm taking advantage of the weekend theme to introduce Tele Jr. to the delights of Shirley Walker and MASK OF THE PHANTASM.


He should watch the first three seasons of BTAS.


Then when he sees that MOTP opening credits and music it will be a religious experience.


Or maybe that's just me. :kitschjob:

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Here's my two cents on a lot of what has happened and what has been predicted and so on.


For this film to open with 27.7 mill for previews, that is pretty awesome.  I think (this is going to be a common theme in this rant) we have been spoiled by a lot of the massive numbers from some films in the last 5 years.  Without looking it up, I'm going to say that this is a top five opening for previews.  Star Wars and Potter and some of the Twilight films did more for sure but other than I can't think of anything else that did.  There probably is something but I can't remember at this time.  So the preview number is fantastic.


We live in a world now where the 200 mill opening weekend has been broken three times.  So now this is some kind of stigma attached to any "big" film that doesn't break 200 mill as being a failure or a disappointment.  That is ludicrous.  Guys like Excel and Kal only perpetuate the problem by posting ridiculous predictions and berating anyone who dare say otherwise.  I'm far far far from the best predictor here but I looked at this film and predicted it to do between 160-180 OW.  That's a massive number.  Just because there are other films that did more, doesn't take away from that number.  


Marvel had a different strategy and it worked brilliantly for them.  They released something like 5 Avenger films before they all got together.  That was a terrific strategy and it worked for them.  BvS is a gamble of sorts for DC and WB.  Yes, Batman is a massive property and combining the two most popular DC characters should be an easy sell, but this is a different director and a different star playing Batman.  You're asking people to accept this new vision when they were used to Nolan's brilliant take on it.  IMO, Snyder's vision is not a bad one, it's just darker.  But WB had to do this and they had to do it soon.  They needed to launch their answer to Marvel.  


Now if you look at the Batman films, the highest it ever opened to was 160 mill.  Now you have people here saying that BvS should open to 30% higher than that.  I guess with 3D and more IMAX screens you can make a case for it but the way I see it this is obviously a huge film and it has a massive loonie following but I never saw it as a 200 mill opener simply because it's so new in so many  ways.  I think if Nolan had directed it and Bale and the rest of the TDK cast had been involved, regardless of reviews, it would broke 200 million OW.  But when you have an entirely new cast for Batman, you are starting fresh in a way.


I think WB will be more than happy with 400 domestic and a billion WW.  This is a start.  They need a good showing and they ARE going to get it.  I don't think the expectation from them was to do Avengers type numbers, but to establish this world and make some good money doing it.  Yes, WOM is mixed among paying customers and critics are shredding it, but this will more than likely open to 180 million and make 425-450 mill, which would be about a 2.5X.  Then, if they feel they need to lighten it up a bit, they can fix that in the next film.  But they have something like 9 movies coming out in the next five years, so they are confident this will do well enough to justify it and they have plenty of time to make adjustments if need be.  


For me personally, I love what they did with it.  I realize the wom is split for sure but I think there will enough people who do like it that it will have a good multiplier.  It's obviously not going to hve a 3X but it should be able to do a 2.5X.  And it's doing incredibly well in international markets so it's off to a good start.


I realize all of this is just my opinion, but the absolute vitriolic hate being spouted by some of the members here and others on line is just ridiculous.  You can dislike the direction they took but some of you are acting like this movie stole your girlfriend, beat up your grandmother and punched your little sister in the face.  It's astounding really.  


And to say that this was lazy or that they didn't put any effort into it is also ridiculous.  Film making is a long and tedious process that involves 100's if not 1000's of people.  I doubt they didn't care about the outcome.  


I just think some of you have your expectations way out of whack and once all the dust clears, this will be viewed as a very successful launch for the DC universe.  


Just my two cents.

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