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1 minute ago, RandomJC said:

Sooo many ways I could take and respond to that. so I'll pick one.


You hope DC never turns critically and commercially successful with nearly a decade of films that are generally well liked by the general audience?


DC should not be for general audiences in most cases. Obviously they can and will spin off characters from time to time that will be family friendly. Batfleck should not be one of those. IMO.


They already have Lego bat for that. And perhaps a new reimagined Superman for kids. Skies the limit.


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5 minutes ago, SWXII said:


Good. Hoping DC never turns Marvelous. Not that there is anything wrong with that.


But Flash is not a grimdark character. Cyborg isn't either. People act live Marvel and DC characters are so categorically different from each other and it couldnt be farther from the truth. They both share the same writers who bring similar sensibilities to the characters they write. Flash needs to be a fun, upbeat guy,  very similar in tone to something like Spiderman 2. There's literally no reason to darken his world. That would ironically lead to one of the (misguided) complaints about the MCU, that all their movies are/feel the same

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1 hour ago, jandrew said:

Everyone is wanting Snyder to be replaced, but correct me if I'm wrong (and I'm sure Tele will), but isn't he under contract? I doubt WB can't just legally drop him and replace him. Plus that would be some bad PR on Warner's part and may cause some bad blood.


What they could (should) do is un-split JL and get someone else for the sequel, but I don't think they can just send Snyder packing once he's signed the paperwork, unless its in the contract that he's under their mercy.


Replacing a director with the wrong vision worked for Ant-Man.


1 hour ago, filmlover said:

With apologies to Ezra Miller, a terrific actor himself, Grant Gustin's The Flash is gonna take a lot to live up to. Too bad he can't play him on the big screen.


Which mystifies me.   Why not use him in the movies?   I wonder if Marvel is going to use any of the TV actors for movies if those characters show up?  (Daredevil better not be recast)   But Marvel has already used the same actors for Coulson and Peggy Carter so I'm assuming it would work the same way in reverse.


50 minutes ago, mredman said:

i guess you havent seen BvS or seen Terio say JL will be lighter in tone. And its quite easy to figure out with not so serious and more happy superheroes like Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg


I don't think those guys are exactly happy.


30 minutes ago, RandomJC said:

You know who a happier superhero is. Superman.


Thank you.   WB is getting on my nerves with this glum depressed Supes in the same way Marvel is getting on my nerves with the mute Hulk.

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3 minutes ago, SWXII said:


DC should not be for general audiences in most cases. Obviously they can and will spin off characters from time to time that will be family friendly. Batfleck should not be one of those. IMO.


They already have Lego bat for that. And perhaps a new reimagined Superman for kids. Skies the limit.


Well, okay. If that's how you feel.

Edited by RandomJC
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1 minute ago, Sam said:

So the burning question is, if not for general audience, who else is there that the DC movies made for?

The movie is for general audiences and fans of DC comics. But it is definitely not a movie for those who have a blasphemy law against canon of donnerverse and some elements of DC heroes

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8 minutes ago, sdeezy said:


But Flash is not a grimdark character. Cyborg isn't either. People act live Marvel and DC characters are so categorically different from each other and it couldnt be farther from the truth. They both share the same writers who bring similar sensibilities to the characters they write. Flash needs to be a fun, upbeat guy,  very similar in tone to something like Spiderman 2. There's literally no reason to darken his world. That would ironically lead to one of the (misguided) complaints about the MCU, that all their movies are/feel the same

Neither is Superman. That is meaningless to Snyder. 

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1 hour ago, redfirebird2008 said:


He meant in Portugal for opening weekend. But it also sold more than the first Avengers film as well, which is insane. Ultimately I suspect Deadpool will sell more tickets than BvS for the entire domestic run as well due to the fact Deadpool did not have 3D.

Thank you for clarifying. I appreciate it! 

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3 minutes ago, hasanahmad said:

The movie is for general audiences and fans of DC comics. But it is definitely not a movie for those who have a blasphemy law against canon of donnerverse and some elements of DC heroes

Speaking of which, I should actually watch Donner's Superman. I've only seen clips, and the hilarious spinning the world backwards thing.

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16 minutes ago, Chewy said:




What I mean is families. This was PG-13. If DC does not differentiate from Marvel the genre will go away suddenly. 


Plus the bat deserves no such fate. :sadben:

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