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Wednesday: BvS $8.1M

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16 minutes ago, iJackSparrow said:


That won't happen. The DCCU will keep going. But if doesn't perform like above F7 during the weekend, good luck to WB to justify keeping Snyder to their share holders.


What could kill the DCCU is Warner letting Snyder keep going, hence why the responsible thing to do would be stop JL's production at all costs and rethink their strategy. We already  know that Ben Affleck has a draft of a Batman film ready. Get some good will with that, get a director that can deliver a great Justice League film and the tide will be changed.


Ayer should be paying close attention to this situation so his film won't suffer from it either. I trust him more than I ever will with Snyder, but I don't think he would be a perfect fit for JL like he is for Suicide Squad. 


They are not going to drop Zack now 10 days away from shooting. The most they can do his not have him direct any films after JL and let him have the producing. I'm sick and tired WB not sticking to their Guns.Just Move forward universe and fix the problem. Just control Zack if he's the issue and the let him go after the JL.
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3 minutes ago, jedieb said:

Off topic response....

It was a good series but there's just too much there. You're on book 6 and your still not done with the story. Plus, it's literally built on the foundation of dozens of books and comics. The EU was simply too cumbersome to keep in place and start a new trilogy. I always knew they'd wipe the slate clean if a new trilogy got greenlighted.


How about one better, sw7 ripped off all the best parts of the books. There were much better developed stories in the EU, we'll never get to see on the big screen.

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3 minutes ago, jedieb said:

Off topic response....

It was a good series but there's just too much there. You're on book 6 and your still not done with the story. Plus, it's literally built on the foundation of dozens of books and comics. The EU was simply too cumbersome to keep in place and start a new trilogy. I always knew they'd wipe the slate clean if a new trilogy got greenlighted.


Another off topic response..

I read many many EU books, Legacy being part of it. Yes, it's something I just wanted to see adapted.. but that's how much of the EU is. The Thrawn Trilogy would be a PEFECT follow up to the old trilogy... Legacy as well... but there's just way too much stuff in the EU, so I think Kennedy and Disney are doing the right thing and just picking through the EU. I do hope to see Thrawn in a movie, but we'll see.

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2 minutes ago, MikeQ said:

Didn't Gitish also say BvS' opening day was $78 million, when rth was right all along and it was $82 million? I have a hard time believing gitesh anymore. I'm betting the Wednesday number is closer to rth's $8.5 million.





Yes Rth has the real data.

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Just now, a2knet said:

Dumbledore: DC vs Marvel on every thread...after all these years?

Snape: Always..

It's not DC vs Marvel. I'm excited for Suicide Squad and I believe a lot of people that you claim are "Marvel fanboys" are excited for that too. 


I'm just as much worried with this situation as you are, dude. I'm a fan of the genre, and I'd be as much worried and saying the exact same things if it was Marvel in this situation instead. Don't assume enemies that don't exist.

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4 minutes ago, Dragon said:


They are not going to drop Zack now 10 days away from shooting. The most they can do his not have him direct any films after JL and let him have the producing. I'm sick and tired WB not sticking to their Guns.Just Move forward universe and fix the problem. Just control Zack if he's the issue and the let him go after the JL.


I didn't realize they were that close to start filming. I would just axe him after JL then. Something with these DC films isn't clicking... maybe it's him.. idk. Maybe WB is just WAY to late starting the DCCU.

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I mean, 500m Worldwide is nothing to sneeze at.... You see my Avatar, WB considers Godzilla, a film that made 525m worldwide, a huge success. WB is starting a whole Godzilla/Kong universe because they like the outcome.


I know its BATMAN.. I know it's SUPERMAN.. but my point is, with toys and all that this film is probably starting to bring in PROFIT and the second weekend hasn't even started. I'm sure WB expected more.. we all did.. but profit is still profit.

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7 minutes ago, iJackSparrow said:

It's not DC vs Marvel. I'm excited for Suicide Squad and I believe a lot of people that you claim are "Marvel fanboys" are excited for that too. 


I'm just as much worried with this situation as you are, dude. I'm a fan of the genre, and I'd be as much worried and saying the exact same things if it was Marvel in this situation instead. Don't assume enemies that don't exist.


Don't expect SS to be good according to what Fararci has said awhile ago about what he heard about that movie. I'm more inclined to believe Devin now since he broke the news about BvS being terrible and WB worried.

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5 minutes ago, Heat Vision said:

With no competition this weekend, does BvS have a chance of extremely over performing? Fandango says there good repeat business and is sitting pretty good on movietickets. 

Define overperforming.

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4 minutes ago, Heat Vision said:

With no competition this weekend, does BvS have a chance of extremely over performing? Fandango says there good repeat business and is sitting pretty good on movietickets.

define "extremely overperforming"

do you mean like 80M or something?

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With no competition this weekend, does BvS have a chance of extremely over performing? Fandango says there good repeat business and is sitting pretty good on movietickets. 

I don't think there's much of a chance. I don't want to just keep bashing it, but I don't think there's enough good will out there for BvS to start surprising us with strong holds.

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2 minutes ago, DMan7 said:


Don't expect SS to be good according to what Fararci has said awhile ago about what he heard about that movie. I'm more inclined to believe Devin now since he broke the news about BvS being terrible and WB worried.


WB just need to fix the issues moving forward. It's still bringing in profit.. but it was for sure a waisted opportunity. Don't cancel things.. just fix the issues.

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