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Detroit (Kathryn Bigelow directing) (August 4, 2017)

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lol this film isn't going to do well at the box office. I'm already seeing all of the negative reviews are from black people and black people aren't' going to go out in droves to see a film about black kids getting tortured and the police getting away with it. + Girls Trip is in theatres and doing very well + there's no hype on social media at all. I'm predicting like 10 million at most in the wide opening and finishing with at most like 40 million. 



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I can see that too. White people are going to be shaken while black people are like "This happens to us all the time, to this day, ya'll just don't care."


Good on Bigelow for telling a story I legit have not heard about but it looks like that might be the only praise. But of course I have to see it for myself.

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2 minutes ago, Morieris said:

I can see that too. White people are going to be shaken while black people are like "This happens to us all the time, to this day, ya'll just don't care."


Good on Bigelow for telling a story I legit have not heard about but it looks like that might be the only praise. But of course I have to see it for myself.

Like I still think it will probably do well at least with nominations at the Oscars but this isn't going to be some big BO hit like Hidden Figures or Get Out lol 

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12 minutes ago, Morieris said:

I can see that too. White people are going to be shaken while black people are like "This happens to us all the time, to this day, ya'll just don't care."


Good on Bigelow for telling a story I legit have not heard about but it looks like that might be the only praise. But of course I have to see it for myself.



Black people's real suffering is torture porn entertainment blasted on cinemascope and slick sound system for white people that side eye Black Lives Matters to pimp up All Lives Matters gaslighting bull and "colorblind" hypocrisy IRL. I had enough to subject myself through that white gaze in a theater.

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4 hours ago, Barnack said:



I doubt you are believing what you are saying and not just trolling.


If you are serious thought (even just a little bit) you should bet on Detroit, it is giving 14 time your money right now (favorite Dunkirk, Phantom Threads and The paper are below 10)


Bet just $10,000, you will make an easy $140k, if you do not, it is because you know you are just trolling.this year than



I was calling Moonlight win as soon as Birth of a Nation collapsed due to scandal and Moonlight reviews were up. I have nose for those things. It emerged as the Important movie (gotta make up for Brokeback) and Importance always trumps everything. I'm telling you, Detroit is it. You can screen cap it and post it come February or March 2018 (I'm not watching Oscars for years so I'm not sure of dates but it;s usually that time).  Also, why would anyone troll about predicting a safe bet? Famous director with a narrative (was snubbed few years ago)? Check. A woman (female directors are so in this year thanks to Patty Jenkins, heck, WBs Oscar campaign for Jenkins can only help Bigelow cause Jenkins ain't getting in for WW)? Check. A movie about race relations? Check. Not so important competition? Check. 


Yes, I know. People question this cause Annapurna but lack of campaigning experience didn't stop Summit from getting Bigelow and HL their wins on narrative alone. And because of boxoffice potential but that's stupid cause boxoffice has been a non-entity in winning for years and years. And because of violence which, again, didn't stop wins in the most recent past (12YS). And cause Bigelow won already but it wasn't that recent and she was snubbed more recently and look at Inarritu. So all BS concerns. 

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4 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

 Also, why would anyone troll about predicting a safe bet?

How much will you bet if the odds are over 10 ? (if you do not bet a big amount you are trolling because you do not really think that it is a safe bet, you are just exaggerating how much you are confident it will win on the Internet).


If you do not bet a really huge amount (and considering taking a loan to bet more than what you own), with those odds it is obviously not true that you consider that it is a done deal Detroit will win.


So my question is:

How much will you bet and if the answer is 0 (or a small amount below $10,000) why not bet more if it is certain Detroit will win ?

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6 minutes ago, Barnack said:

How much will you bet if the odds are over 10 ? (if you do not bet a big amount you are trolling because you do not really think that it is a safe bet, you are just exaggerating how much you are confident it will win on the Internet).


If you do not bet a really huge amount (and considering taking a loan to bet more than what you own), with those odds it is obviously not true that you consider that it is a done deal Detroit will win.


So my question is:

How much will you bet and if the answer is 0 (or a small amount below $10,000) why not bet more if it is certain Detroit will win ?

:wtf: I'm not taking any real bets, lol. I'm not a gambler. Just explaining why I think this is winning. If you don't believe it that's fine but I do. I'd rather Shape of the Water or Mother or Downsizing win  based on their synopsises, but I know that stuff will never win while Detroit type of winners are en vogue now. The trend will change eventually but not that soon.

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5 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

:wtf: I'm not taking any real bets, lol. I'm not a gambler. Just explaining why I think this is winning. If you don't believe it that's fine but I do. I'd rather Shape of the Water or Mother or Downsizing win  based on their synopsises, but I know that stuff will never win while Detroit type of winners are en vogue now. The trend will change eventually but not that soon.


Yes I know you think it will win (and I have no issue with you thinking that it is likely it will win).


But I do not believe you at all when you are saying that:
Game is over. poeple can deny this fact all they want cause having the oscar race wrapped up so early is boring but that's what it is. It's won.


And the fact that you will not bet answer my question that I was right to not believe you, that it was simply saying Internet hyperbole, if it would have already be certain to win, you betting would not make you a gambler, it would be you having fund a loop hole of people accepting bet about a certain event (that they foolishly think is uncertain) and you having find an easy way to become rich with certainty and you would without a doubt doing it (nobody would not do it, that would make no sense at all it is way too easy money).


Why would a movie like The Papers could not win ?

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8 minutes ago, Mojoguy said:

Is this movie suitable to watch for a 10 year old kid?

I'd say yes as long as you talk with your children afterwards and have an intelligent discussion about it. There is as much if not more violence in superhero films. Except of course those films are fantasy and this movie is about real events with actual stakes. 

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5 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

@Barnack What's Papers about? If it's more important, sure, why not. I'm not familiar with it. 



A cover-up that spanned four U.S. Presidents pushed the country's first female newspaper publisher of The Washington Post, Kay Graham (Meryl Streep) and its hard-driving editor, Ben Bradlee (Tom Hanks) to join an unprecedented battle between journalist and government in publishing the Pentagon Papers.


Look at the key words in the first Trump year Oscar, U.S. President cover up, first female newspaper publisher, journalism against government, those pentagons paper were about US military and political involvement of Vietnam and were part of the Watergate scandal involving Nixon:



My prediction is that will be the movie seen as important this season, it was rushed to be made because of the current environment.


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8 minutes ago, Mojoguy said:

Not my kid. Family member visiting.

That awkward moment when you realize you should have gone to see Emoji movie instead. But Detriot looks hella more interesting.

I would never take my 10 year old...especially if they haven't ever lived any part of this reality...my oldest, maybe, but only if she's interested...but there's a big difference between a 10 and a teen...


I'd swap the tickets for Emoji...or change for Spidey or WW...


(Now, I would think about this on video...since the kid could bail if it's too much and/or you could shut if off...and hit pause if you needed to discuss stuff right then)...

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Are you people serious about taking a 10 year old to Detroit, even with an in depth discussion afterwards?


Christ, it really is true that most parents are terrible nowadays. "But Detroit looks hella more interesting". Since when is it about you?? Give your head a shake.

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13 minutes ago, JB33 said:

Are you people serious about taking a 10 year old to Detroit, even with an in depth discussion afterwards?


Christ, it really is true that most parents are terrible nowadays. "But Detroit looks hella more interesting". Since when is it about you?? Give your head a shake.

He said it was not his kid


3 hours ago, Mojoguy said:

Not my kid. Family member visiting.

That awkward moment when you realize you should have gone to see Emoji movie instead. But Detriot looks hella more interesting.


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