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Dr. Strange (2016)

Dr. Strange (2016)  

80 members have voted

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I actually liked it. Much better than Civil War and the Avenger film. Not as good as GotG or IM. But it is up in the top 5 Marvel film. Good visual and Benedict  is great but some characters are flat and a weak villain.  The romance angle was weak bad a thor romance. 

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seen it twice already!

benedict cumberbae is like chris pratt a T-bone eye candy, who cares about the plot ?


story was ok , people love the beyonce reference and timeloop sequence at the end

also i don't feel like romance was front center or that pivotal (comic-free ) they had a thing but is it still the case ehhh but who cares benedict with a cape oggling worthy i repeat!!! kkkk

the fight scenes were cooollll and the inception special effects would have been worth 3D

an A+ for me on strength of main character i'm too sexy for the screen vibe and i'm looking forward to him and thor association ,great idea!

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This was great... I am sick and tired of the Avengers and most superhero overload movies but I got talked into seeing this and am very glad I did.


Particulary loved the camera work in the CGI extravaganza scenes (which have a surprising down to earth and gritty feel to them) and the soundtrack.


Swinton and Cumberbatch were great, too.


8.5/10 or B+ maybe even A-

Edited by ShouldIBeHere
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At this point, I think it's worthless to point out what doesn't and what does work.


Problems that plagued the predecessors are all here, as are the qualities that made the franchise so popular with the public.


Favorite parts were Giacchino getting back on form after Zootopia debacle and Tilda Swinton observing rain drops falling at a millionth of a second.  




Iron Man 80/100

Thor 70/100

GOTG 70/100

Iron Man 3 65/100

Ultron 60/100

The Dark World 60/100

Civil War 60/100

Avengers 60/100

The Incredible Hulk 55/100

Winter Soldier 50/100

Iron Man 2 45/100

First Avenger 40/100

Ant-Man 30/100

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The movies lack magic. the movie in a nutshell feels like Its as if Harry Potter walked into Olivanders and he just gave harry the wand of the phoenix and harry said thanks and walked out. Taking in the moment and discovering the magic, the room lighting up, the wind, these moments are no where to be found in Doctor Strange. 



This movies mistakes can be summed up in one scene, its actually MARVELS problem in general.  When he is on Everest, what is important for our story!???! 


A ) Seeing the character struggle and learn his inner self and what it TAKES to create spells, even in life or death! 




B ) Wait for him in a Temple and crack jokes..... 


They are literally on the wrong fucking side of the scene. How am I ever supposed to believe Strange, the world, or the magic if you never show him learning. we NEVER see Strange learn his power, we need to see him struggling learning what it means to create a spell.




- Cumberbatch was great, although this character is never really dick enough and never learns any lessons really, he has no arc. 

- Bad villian, maybe weakest of the Marvel even. 

-Poor structure

- Amazing visuals

-Rushed movie 

- non existant plot

- never really built up the world or explored the sets, lacks any the magic.

- McAdams does nothing and is unneeded.


- Too funny, the tone was just slightly off.  You can tell this needed to be a more serious film and they bog it down with jokes. Example the cape wiping himself. Its too much. Listen you need those false cool moments in a movie but not every time. sometime you just NEED a character to say something cool like badass and let it be. Just give me a movie moment. Its like they are scared if theres not a joke every 5 minutes people will all of sudden loose interest. 


- 0%%% stakes in the action, while the visuals were so cool, I could care less. The intro was DOPE. The first fight I was damn this is gonna be awesome. nope. 

Wong does nothing, Chewy does nothing. Whats there fighting styles look like? Are they all the same? Why don't they fight too?


Why is Strange special? There is like 50 training people and he's the worst. Oh he waited outside 5 hours. SOOOO you're fucking 1,000 years old! make the mother fucker wait 5 days. Like is he there a weekend , week, month, 5 years? Who knows. Also its like I read books and now I can do it. Were's the struggle, or the training montage haha Wong and him have NO ARC ether,  the first time they meet Wong is chill helping him out showing him secret books. Strange doesnt earn Wongs respect. 



Its another simple by the number Marvel movie. 


C+ (79)





Gonna do an hour podcast on this, lots to say

Edited by Jay Hollywood
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Doctor Strange is the first time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe where Marvel may have gone too far into pulpy, bizarre, comic lore for the general audience. Yes, going further than a talking raccoon or a man who speaks to ants, Doctor Strange triumphs because not only does it adapt some really crazy stuff, it never loses your attention.


Cumberbatch is surprisingly an inspired choice as the Sorcerer Supreme. Yes, Cumberbatch seemed like an obvious choice when he was announced, but he plays the role way differently then his other blockbuster efforts, being both restrained and having shockingly good comic timing. Swinton, Ejiofor, and Wong are all great as well, although Mikkelsen and McAdams are both wasted in their underdeveloped roles. This is Strange's film in a very good way, giving us a developed, if somewhat familiar archetype.


The script covers all the basic grounds of origin movies. This would be a problem if the cast wasn't so entertaining, or, more importantly, if the visuals were just average. This is a true visual feast, the first innovative blockbuster in visual effects since Gravity. There are shots in it that look like a modern art painting brought to life, and the Cloak is a character in its own right. The action has a lot of variety to it; more than the typical Marvel movie, and it allows each individual sequence to be memorable without thinking of comparing them.


Derrickson ended up being an inspired pick for Doctor Strange. With a surprising amount of actually disgusting shots for a PG-13 tentpole, Doctor Strange definitely wears his signature, although toned down quite a bit. Giacchino's score is disappointing, giving a great main theme, but blending into the background otherwise like in a typical Marvel fashion. Doctor Strange is a marked improvement from Marvel's last origin effort, and introduces a character and his universes for audiences to actually be excited for in upcoming films. The rare Marvel film that actually is a marvel, a flawed one, but a marvel nonetheless. B

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6 hours ago, Jay Hollywood said:

Cumberbatch was great, although this character is never really dick enough and never learns any lessons really, he has no arc. 


I agree on this completely.


Strange was never the arrogant prick that we were told he was. To me, he seemed like a REAL human being going through a rough period after a tragic accident. Honestly, the early hospital scenes made him look like a cool guy to hang around.


Truth is, they kept dancing around a promise of an arc until they didn't need it anymore, and then they dropped it completely. Movie basically ends when Strange masters the time spells in the temple library as far as character development is concerned.

Edited by Goffe
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Dormamamu, I've come to Bargain! 

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1 hour ago, eddyxx said:

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Dormamamu, I've come to Bargain! 

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One of the best Superhero movies. Amazingly, it doesn't feel like a superhero movie. Fantastic visuals, good score, fine performance by cumberbatch.


The script is strangely fascinating (No pun intended). I would rate it below the CA: The First Avenger. Some of the lines were superb and had great humor. The interaction between the Doctor and Kaecilius about his name was hilarious.


Great time at the movies. Eager for the Doctor's return


Mid credit scene was funny. I'm assuming we will see Dr. Strange in Thor 3. 


Rating: A


P.S.: Dormamamu, I've come to Bargain. was absolutely precious. :lol:

Edited by jb007
added ps
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I love marvel films, I probably tend to overrate them a bit, to be honest, so I expected I would like Doctor Strange. but I didn't expect to love it so much.


Look this is not the best film ever made, it is not even the best superhero film ever made, but it's bizarre gorgeous strangeness spoke to me on another level. maybe because I've always had an obsession with magic, sometimes I move my hands around like I am conjuring so spell for no reason at all.


I think what I loved about this movie was how much it made me feel like I was a child again when I watched it, the visuals were just off the chart crazy, unlike anything I've seen before, and this movie is gorgeous to look at, and there is darkness to the story, but at its heart, it has a cozy feel to it, like something you would wanna watch on a lazy day at home crawled up in a blanket to. I gotta to be honest before seeing this I kind of found Benedict Cumberbatch to be an overrated actor, mostly because I felt he always played the same roles, so I was a little disappointed when I heard he was cast as the sorcerer supreme, boy did he prove me wrong, sure he is still playing a smart character, but he is completely different from any other rules he has played, and Steven Strange himself goes through this beautiful character arch of this egotistic self-centered surgeon, to a selfless hero in the course of this film, and it's something that only works as well as it does because of Cumberbatch.


Tilda Swinton was amazing in as the ancient one, she kind of reminded me of Aang from the Last Airbender in her role as the original Sorcerer supreme, and it was actually her and Cumberbatch's chemistry of the roles of master and tutor that I felt worked the most in this movie and was kind of the heart of it. I don't want to give too much away, but there is a point near the end where she is giving Strange some crucial advice and the whole scene is just breathtaking and poetic.


I always kind of felt that Marvel can go a little overboard with the use of humor, which is usually kind of hit and miss for me, while maybe there was a little more than I wanted, most of it is actually quite funny, and there is a scene with Strange and his cloak of levitivity that just got me in all the right places, man I want that cape.

aside from the visuals, the camera work was really good too, as well as the score, which is usually a weak point for marvel as well.


The movie wasn't perfect, it felt a bit rushed here and there, there were some things I would have liked them to go more in-depth with like I actually really liked Rachel Mcadams in this movie, but she was given very little to do aside from being there as a supporting character for Strange. the villain will not the weakest I've seen, wasn't really given enough time to make him a truly great villain either, but those are pretty minor nitpicks for me, overall I absolutely loved this movie, and it currently is just below the last two Captain America films as favorite marvel film. loved it

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I hate Marvel and everything it represents but went to Dr Strange with an open mind. 


Conclusion: I was right, Marvel sucks unwiped ass. 


Dr Strange doesnt know what it wants to be. It tries to balance the dark, serious, cerebral metaphysical world with Marvel's brand of audience-friendly humor and large-scale mayhem. One moment you have Tilda Swinton in a monk's robe explaining complex mystical rules, the next you have Cumberbatch making lame Beyonce jokes and bounding like a caped video game character from one dimension to the next. It's all very clunky and makes you long for the cool edgy style of The Matrix because the filmmakers lack the conviction to embrace what the story is about and try to force it within the confining parameters of a Marvel movie. Most surprising is how cheap it looks at times, like when Cumberbatch is flying Superman-style. 


Swinton fares best but can't save it. 


Grade: C

Edited by La Binoche
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This is one movie people will revisit in a few months and wonder why they liked it. Seriously, it was average. Good visuals can't make up for a mediocre script.


Curiously, the thing i liked the most was the the interactions with Christine. Even though Mcadams has limited screen time, she owned the role. What a good actress she is!



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