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ROGUE ONE WEEKEND THREAD | Actuals R1 155.09m, Moana 12.7m, OCP 8.58m, CB 7.1m, FB 5.07m

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2 minutes ago, Merkel said:

TFA made me care more about the new characters than the returning trio. That's an incredibly difficult thing to pull off. It recycled plot, but did not recycle story. It left several relationships and conflicts on the table that I can't wait to see explored.


In a way, I think we can only fully judge TFA after the new trilogy is done, depending on how well VIII and IX handle the seeds laid by this movie

Not difficult to have it not make you care about Luke and Leia when for all intents and purposes they weren't in the film.

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1 minute ago, Treecraft said:

Not difficult to have it not make you care about Luke and Leia when for all intents and purposes they weren't in the film.


It made me not mind Luke's absence. Besides, it was a great idea to let both Luke and Han shine, without one overwhelming the other, and specially both of them overwhelming the new characters. Making Luke the McGuffin of it all was great. And I adore the ending, in all its mythic, dialogue free, music driven grandeur

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20 minutes ago, titanic2187 said:

What i dont understand about prequel is why George Lucas started the story with small Anakin? it was too backward, the 1st movie should be the preclude of clone wars event, Attack of the Clone should be the midst of Clone wars, connected the clone wars with the death of anakin's mom, while the last can be more detailed about how jedi defeated.


TFA surely enjoyable and everytime it gave me a chill when I see R2D2 and BB8 completing the map together, the whole EP7 works like a transition ceremony for me from old character to new character. But i still wont give TFA a high rating because I knew why it's work on me, because I damnly love the original trilogy!!! TFA storyline of coz is working as it just "copy" the ingredient of OT and make a new one....TFA may not be a good sequel but surely a good remake.....     


I disagree completely, doing that wouldn't have made much sense at all, and would have been very cheap in terms of story-telling as well. "Okay, here's Vader slicing through stuff for 120 minutes, have fun", is something that certain fanboys might drool over, but it is hardly something particularly compelling or deep in terms of story. You could have made another story that went differently than the one we got, but it would have needed to be set up quite differently.


Anakin was so young in Episode 1 because he had to be for the story the way it was written to make sense. The aim - apart from having a lighter side to the story due to how dark the end of thet rilogy would be - was to show a pure and good Anakin, who had nothing dark on him. Anakin being older wouldn't have worked, because then leaving his mother behind wouldn't have the impact it had now. A child away from his mother is a much harsher break than a teenager or grown up. Have Anakin as anything but a kid, and the death of his mother cannot play the same role in the movie.


I for one like the prequels a lot. They have their flaws, but they had worlds of imagination and new ideas, plus plenty of really awesome stuff. All that makes me ignore any hiccups, as the movies are enjoyable to me, and that's what matters in the end. They don't match the OT, but then again, nothing does. I like TFA a lot as well, it establishes great new character and is a fun ride. It's also not exactly flowing over with imagination, the story feels a bit like "lets take ANH, add the best parts of everything else we can find in Star Wars, and mix it all together". But I can look beyond that, because the movie as a whole works great. Between the prequels and (one) sequel it's all a completely different approach though. The prequels are trying to be as creative as possible, constantly trying new things. Not everything might work, but that's what happens when you try to be creative. The more you try, the more you will fail, but the more will you find something entirely new as well. TFA, on the other hand, basically plays it as safe as possible, just hit the beats that you know work well. For a return to Star Wars, and as an approach to regain those who didn't like the prequels, this was probably the best approach.


Now Episode VIII can be more creative again, and I fully expect Rian Johnson to deliver on that.

Edited by George Parr
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I'll quote a part of my post for poining out:


Insiders anticipate a global launch in the $250m-$300m range, of which $130m-$150m is expected from international markets and $120m-$150m in North America,


The deadline article from last week said $280m to $350m globally, so it seems to me that those new numbers are actually taking the OS previews into consideration

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In Star Wars, moments that define characters and make you care for them are very hard to pull off. They have to be telegraphed, almost. Conveyed with a very small amount of elements. Star Wars is not a TV series, with endless dialogue scenes.


That is why Poe's introduction in TFA is so well handled. The whole "So who talks first? I talk first, you talk first?" thing is a prime example of what I am reffering to. It immediatly creates an empathy for the character, a sense of what this guy is about. Had any of the Rogue One characters have moments like this, and they would've felt much more alive, instead of being mere gears in the plot progression. Story is always more important than plot

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4 minutes ago, misafeco said:

One of the most powerful scenes of Star Wars. It destroyed me when I saw it first, I almost cried when the Jedi were slaughtered:



Absolutely!! More powerful than anything in TFA. The last 45minutes is great stuff! Fight between Mace/Palpatine, Order 66/Raid on the Jedi temple, Empires Birth, Duels between Anakin/Obi Wan and Sidious/Yoda. 


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5 minutes ago, Merkel said:

In Star Wars, moments that define characters and make you care for them are very hard to pull off. They have to be telegraphed, almost. Conveyed with a very small amount of elements. Star Wars is not a TV series, with endless dialogue scenes.


That is why Poe's introduction in TFA is so well handled. The whole "So who talks first? I talk first, you talk first?" thing is a prime example of what I am reffering to. It immediatly creates an empathy for the character, a sense of what this guy is about. Had any of the Rogue One characters have moments like this, and they would've felt much more alive, instead of being mere gears in the plot progression. Story is always more important than plot


I felt Donnie Yen had that. And basically the only character to have any sense of...character.

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13 minutes ago, miketheavenger said:

Backlash always happens to any popular movie, no matter how well-received it was originally. Insecure people just like to hate on popular things because it's "cool" and because it somehow makes them feel better about themselves.

Isn' t your take also "cool" and "edgy", how can people hate popular things I like it must have because their insecure. Of course differing opinions don't exist there is only one accepted view of TFA 

Edited by boomboom234
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12 minutes ago, miketheavenger said:

Backlash always happens to any popular movie, no matter how well-received it was originally. Insecure people just like to hate on popular things because it's "cool" and because it somehow makes them feel better about themselves.

You're right, even though I love Star Wars to bits and was genuinely disappointed and upset by The Force Awakens and thought it was awful, I'm just saying that to be "cool". Just to make me feel better about myself (despite the fact I felt absolutely gutted, like my heart had sunk, the day after watching TFA).

Edited by Treecraft
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