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KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON | 10.20.2023 | Paramount | final gross: $68,026,901

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2 hours ago, dudalb said:

Agreed, Tht Stahemis smehow in the same box office draw  universe as Cruise and De Capio is just plain silly,


The Statham being bigger than Cruise and Di Caprio is hillarious.or even in the same league.  Like what drugs would someone  have to be on to even float that. 

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11 hours ago, ThePhasmid said:

He is internationally recognized, but I wouldn't place him in the same breath as someone like Tom Cruise or even Jason Statham. That's no offense to Leo either. He's a movie star who exists in his own realm these days, and doesn't always choose projects that are fit for mass consumption. I don't see this breaking out overseas. I think it will do better than most predictions assume in the US. At least 150M domestically.

...jason statham?


Edited by JustLurking
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5 hours ago, ThePhasmid said:

OK. Statham comparison was a bit of a stretch, but I'm talking about recent foreign box office numbers. I'm going with at least 150M (AT LEAST) here in the US. 200M at most overseas.


Leo's last 5 films have made $208+ mil overseas. I think a 150/250 dom/os split is the goal, and anything over that is gravy.

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DI Capio is one of the few stars loft whose name alone on a film can put fannies in the seat. You have lots of stars who have name regognition, but the kind who can sell tickets on their mere apreance in a film are very few. Leo is one of them.

no doubt that the Luhrmann version of Great Gatsby..a film I devoutly hate...Bax was jsut the wrong choice for director and just did not get the book...made a lot of money because Leo was in it, dying for love again. Sure as hell was not it's virtues as a film.

He also, of course, is a very,very good actor....I think he is a better actor then Cruise, frankly.

What makes Leo's career more remarkable, is that the films he chooses are seldom the big box office genres, he does very few action films or comedies. But he can make a sucess of any film he is in.

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On 9/26/2023 at 5:08 PM, Valonqar said:

Leo has turned numerous tough sells into blockbusters while most stars that are considered draws are franchise driven. He doesn't have one genre (lets say action or comedy) that'a his confort zone and sure success. He opened gazillion movies that were risky or wouldn't have done so well without him. He also doesn't depend on the same look to draw audience. Unlike most gym crazu stars, he flaunts dad bod or overgrown beard and disheleved look and still has the same or bigger success. He's a brand that means stamp of quality. 

As different as his films are, he does have a defining genre, most of his films fit into the historical drama category.

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16 minutes ago, Safeno Rdz said:

As different as his films are, he does have a defining genre, most of his films fit into the historical drama category.


Not the most best-selling genre and also many of those movies are closer to contemporary than what's considered a costume drama. 

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Leo's movies sell because he is synonym with quality. And that quality is given by working with the best directors. Kudos to him for establishing a great working relationship with Scorsese and the other highly esteemed directors.


Personally, i enjoyed his acting more when he was younger. In his middle age it looks like he's trying too hard and he comes off as acting constipated. His best roles in the last years were In Wolf of Wall Street and Django.

Edited by Maggie
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If strike doesn't end by then, then $24m seem pretty spot on to me, at most $30m. Unlike most movie, Killer won't have review bump or premiere activities awareness boost in the presale cycle since premiere and embargo lifted long ago. Leo and Pitt was actively involved in the marketing of OUATH but if Leo isn't around this time doing promotion, I really doubt Killer can come close to $41m. 

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3 minutes ago, titanic2187 said:

If strike doesn't end by then, then $24m seem pretty spot on to me, at most $30m. Unlike most movie, Killer won't have review bump or premiere activities awareness boost in the presale cycle since premiere and embargo lifted long ago. Leo and Pitt was actively involved in the marketing of OUATH but if Leo isn't around this time doing promotion, I really doubt Killer can come close to $41m. 


Maybe I'm wrong but I think a Martin Scorsese/Leo collab movie markets itself and doesn't need anyone appearing on Kimmel or one of those morning news/talk shows for a couple minutes promoting the movie.

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3 minutes ago, Ozymandias said:


Maybe I'm wrong but I think a Martin Scorsese/Leo collab movie markets itself and doesn't need anyone appearing on Kimmel or one of those morning news/talk shows for a couple minutes promoting the movie.

Plus, Leo is not very charismatic. have you seen any interviews with him lately? He's very reserved


Thank God for Brad's charisma



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9 minutes ago, Ozymandias said:


Maybe I'm wrong but I think a Martin Scorsese/Leo collab movie markets itself and doesn't need anyone appearing on Kimmel or one of those morning news/talk shows for a couple minutes promoting the movie.

Unless we can prove having Leo promoting a movie out there adversely impacting the BO, it will always be good to have extra awareness boost or event building before the release. 

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Talking about the Box Potential for this Leo is the straw that stirs the drink. Scorese never had a 100 million dollar grossing movie until he teamed with him. His biggest movie up to then was Cape Fear which did about 75 million. His next biggest was Color of Money I think with about 50 or so.

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