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What a WONDERful Weekend | WW down only 16% on Sunday. 103M weekend. pg 226

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1 minute ago, MCKillswitch123 said:








Come to think about it, I did the same for Guardians V2, and it wasn't #1 either....



I saw it on Friday, in 3D no less (only show available at the time I could go, but the 3D was good).


It will be between Pirates and Underpants (because of Children's Day). Wonder Woman will be 3rd, I think (I am pretty sure Pirates is first, but because of Children's day I can't rule out Underpants).

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1 minute ago, damnitgeorge08 said:

That's easy to say now. But at the time people were not predicting big numbers for avengers. "It's iron man 3, ca and thor disappointed". 

In coming weeks people started to say it could do 130 ow.

Week before release, most sites started comparing it to hunger games 150 ow. 

And than that week started, and went from #notaevent to destroying the ow record.

That's not happening with JL unless the movie itself is really good. Possible? Yes but how likely is it? It will have some goodwill from WW now so we'll see. Made it a lot more interesting that's for sure. 

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How the entire movie industry looks at Patty,Gal and Wonder Woman right now : 




Couldn't be happier!!The film deserves every single penny and then some!YES it's not even one of the biggest OWs of all time but its roaring success makes me the most happy because we may be looking at the begginning of a new era in movies.I just hope that Captain Marvel will seal the deal.Now more voices that were not be given the chance before will be given the chance to be heard with their movies.Congrats to everyone invovled that made this real!

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Superheroes fly high on strong first weekend of June.


It was a great for two superheroes one being a strong female clothed superhero, and the other one only underwear and a cape.


Overall the top 12 was at $176.1 which is up from the norm of first weekends in June, and up from last year(considering its up from the 3-day portion, not the 4-day) when X-Men, and Alice were duds.


Wonder Woman flew high with an estimated $100.5 million, which is lower than Man Of Steel's debut 4 years ago, and a gigantic step down from the likes of Suicide Squad or Batman V. Superman. But its either way a strong start, considering that female led superhero films were a tough sell last decade. It is also great to note that Wonder Woman also whipped a debut for the best start ever for a film directed by a woman! With solid word of mouth, Wonder Woman could hold up just fine. But for right now, look for Wonder Woman to whip around $245 million domestic.


Dreamworks Animation's Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie was off to a decent start with an estimated $23.5 million. While lower than most Dreamworks  Animation titles, it's safe to note that the budget is under $40 million. Overall with decent  word of mouth, and competition from Cars 3 and Despicable Me 3, Captain Underpants should tra-la-la-la its way between $65-$70 million domestic.


Pirates Of The Carribean: Dead Men Tell No tales sunk in its second outing with a 65% drop which was even worse than On Stranger Tides drop 6 years ago. With a more competitive June on the rise, look for Pirates to make an excursion around $145-$150 million domestic. 


With Wonder Woman and Captain Underpants headlining the weekend, Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 had a not amazing but a not horrendous hold under 55%, and should make at least $385-$390 million domestic.


Last weekend's other underperformer, Baywatch also didn't see smooth sailing unfortunately with a drop around 54% and with comedies such as Rough Night and The House having potential this month, Baywatch may not be able to hold up strong and make its way above $50 million domestic.


While still being murdered by competition, Alien:Covenant saw yet another  hefty decline around 62% and is on track to be the least attended Alien film in terms of attendance. Look for Alien to suck up close to $80 million domestic. 


Out of all the holdovers, Everything, Everything saw the best hold with a drop close to 45% and should make $35 million domestic.


Snatched took a beat down once again with a drop around 66%, and with Rough Night in two weeks. Look for Snatched to come close to kidnapping around $50 million domestic.


With competition with Captain Underpants, Diary Of A Wimpy Kid:The Long Haul saw the steepest drop on the top 10 with nearly 73% decline. Look for wimpy kid to make around $20 million domestic.


Although having the success of Wonder Woman this weekend, and Everything, Everything making some decent money for its low budget. Warner Bros big budget bomb King Arthur once again got beat up with a drop close to 65%, and should make above $40 million domestic. 

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So, for those who think WW reaching 3.0x is impossible b/c reasons (pretty much, it's a CBM, they don't do that)...here's why I think it has a good possibility...

1. The market this year has been uber-light for movies to take your 6+ year old girls.  Why did I think B&TB would hit $400M+ even before it opened?  One, it was a wildly beloved movie that everyone was begging for...but more important 2. what the heck were families gonna take their girls to?  The only competitive movie that girls would like after B&TB opened was Boss Baby and that DID indent B&TB - it was like the only movie that did.  It's like how everyone was surprised that Everyone, Everyone has been a mild hit - again, B&TB was practically gone from theaters - what else are they gonna see?

1a. Now look at the next 2 months...Cars 3 is a boy-based movie property, Captain Underpants is a boys-appealing movie property, Spiderman will be a more male appealing property, Transformers - boys, Mummy - boys.  Rough Night, Girls trip - yeah, not for the under 18.  Baby Driver, Dunkirk, Valerian - boys.  There is literally no other movie coming for this set except DM3.  If you wonder why I've been high on both movies all summer, this is the biggest reason.  I can take my boys and girls to both movies and they'll love them.  Same for finally Emoji movie, which if good enough will probably surprise.  I mean, it's the summer.  When it rains or they are on vacation, families go to movies.  The only movie that will dent WW to a big degree is gonna be DM3...Spiderman will not dent it as much as supers normally dent supers...

2. The movie is a 4 quadrant hit that has been deemed family friendly (not all supers are).  Families are telling families it's okay to go.  I told a bunch of families yesterday after my comic book store manager had taken his 10 year old boy who loved it as much as he did...when it's PG-13, a lot of families need to "check 1st" before taking the plunge...they now know it's okay.

3. Its movie time length - it caused less overall showings per screen this weekend, leading to almost all sell outs here and the need to keep adding shows...so demand can't be met b/c the screens just aren't there.  Played eventually in 2d 3-4 weeks from now, this will just keep playing and playing...

4. The X factor of new audience - my sis told me yesterday she's gonna buy tickets soon.  As an art house goer, she hasn't gone to a single supers movie all year or probably in the last 5 years...but she supports female directors and stars...so she wants to put her money in the till to encourage it...this film, b/c of its quality and deft advertising hand, may be able to avoid the traps Ghostbusters hit last year while getting all the fans Ghostbusters wanted...it's a movie for "all", not for "some" and has avoided politics of any side to an almost complete degree, and that's crucial for long legs...


But, I could be totally wrong...I just don't see "well, this is a CBM, it can't do that, you're nuts" as an argument when this is a CBM not done before...just like Deadpool was a CBM not done before last year in a different way... 

Edited by TwoMisfits
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34 minutes ago, SteveJaros said:

Surprises to me:


(1) POTC5 over a half-billion dollars in 10 days despite tanking in the USA.


(2) WW only at $100m DOM? I expected it to be in truly elite territory, $130m+ like Guardians. Heck it couldn't even match Suicide Squad?


Hopefully, WW's box office legs are as hot as Gal's, and it ends up beating SS and BvS at the DOM box office. I think it will. 


100o.w is very elite for this.

 It has no Chance ,The best it will do is a 3x

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1 minute ago, GiantCALBears said:

That's not happening with JL unless the movie itself is really good. Possible? Yes but how likely is it? It will have some goodwill from WW now so we'll see. Made it a lot more interesting that's for sure. 

Didn't say anythi g about jl. I was just saying avengers ow was more like deadpool. A novelty factor of seeing multiple heroes in a single film, start of a interconnected franchisee. Iron man becoming a social media icon.

So your point of avengers ow has anythjng to do with ca and thor is wrong according to me. They didn't stop but didn't help either.

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17 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:

Let's be real about this... WW is their first "good" film, so it's a step in the right direction but your momentum as a studio is only as good as your next project so lets see JL before we declare this "on fire" or a massive success etc. 

JL will open to 140M+ on its way to 330+M DOM.It is indeed a fantastic start.That being said WW being good just saved the prospects of JL and the entire DCEU.I don't think the franchise would survive another bad film even if JL ended up being good.If WW was bad then this would limit the audience of JL by a lot.But as it stands right now the DCEU is in great shape .

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27 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:

Lol at saying it's on fire because every film opened to $100m+. That's not how it works when 3/4 would've been pretty much a disaster if they didn't reach $100m OW. 

This is very false As BVS with a 99mil opening would have still crossed 263dom and still managed 800ww and SS with a 99mil opening would still cross 296dom and 700ww without china.

This is very much flames ? as WW will end its run above 250dom.


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1 minute ago, damnitgeorge08 said:

Didn't say anythi g about jl. I was just saying avengers ow was more like deadpool. A novelty factor of seeing multiple heroes in a single film, start of a interconnected franchisee. Iron man becoming a social media icon.

So your point of avengers ow has anythjng to do with ca and thor is wrong according to me. They didn't stop but didn't help either.

I don't disagree the novelty played a factor, my point is the goodwill from the first run did contribute to its overperformance. 

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1 minute ago, Brainiac5 said:

This is very false As BVS with a 99mil opening would have still crossed 263dom and still managed 800ww and SS with a 99mil opening would still cross 296dom and 700ww without china.

This is very much flames ? as WW will end its run above 250dom.


Lol this is dumb. 

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31 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:

Cool? I just think to say the DCEU is on fire when the legs for all 3 of the previous were pretty awful and WW hasn't happened yet is a stretch but again it's subjective. 

BVS is the only film with bad legs.

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3 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:

I don't disagree the novelty played a factor, my point is the goodwill from the first run did contribute to its overperformance. 

If are comparing to JL then yes it did help.

But seeing in a vacuum, only a little. But I think even with good reviews for previous movies, JL would not have done avengers numbers.

Mos have not done much better with good reviews. 

Bvs, 450 domestic and 1.1 billion ww.

I don't think JL will increase 300-400 million from bvs.

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33 minutes ago, damnitgeorge08 said:

If we include all dvd sales, merch, etc. DC is doing real good. SS made same profit as civil war(dhd). Man of steel profit were less but bvs did good again. This is much better than beginning of any other franchise.

The problem is people tend to have high expectations for these Dceu films but totally forgetting they are just getting started.

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So it seems like we have an outlier here on the US vs Australian box office performance


@DeeCee just how outlier is WW's OW compared to what it should have been? I recall about $85M was the ceiling, technically. 


From that point on, if a movie wants to be a real outlier, it'll have to be even more of an outlier than WW to win the outlier crown :ph34r:



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20 minutes ago, Maxmoser3 said:

Superheroes fly high on strong first weekend of June.


It was a great for two superheroes one being a strong female clothed superhero, and the other one only underwear and a cape.


Overall the top 12 was at $176.1 which is up from the norm of first weekends in June, and up from last year(considering its up from the 3-day portion, not the 4-day) when X-Men, and Alice were duds.


Wonder Woman flew high with an estimated $100.5 million, which is lower than Man Of Steel's debut 4 years ago, and a gigantic step down from the likes of Suicide Squad or Batman V. Superman. But its either way a strong start, considering that female led superhero films were a tough sell last decade. It is also great to note that Wonder Woman also whipped a debut for the best start ever for a film directed by a woman! With solid word of mouth, Wonder Woman could hold up just fine. But for right now, look for Wonder Woman to whip around $245 million domestic.


Dreamworks Animation's Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie was off to a decent start with an estimated $23.5 million. While lower than most Dreamworks  Animation titles, it's safe to note that the budget is under $40 million. Overall with decent  word of mouth, and competition from Cars 3 and Despicable Me 3, Captain Underpants should tra-la-la-la its way between $65-$70 million domestic.


Pirates Of The Carribean: Dead Men Tell No tales sunk in its second outing with a 65% drop which was even worse than On Stranger Tides drop 6 years ago. With a more competitive June on the rise, look for Pirates to make an excursion around $145-$150 million domestic. 


With Wonder Woman and Captain Underpants headlining the weekend, Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 had a not amazing but a not horrendous hold under 55%, and should make at least $385-$390 million domestic.


Last weekend's other underperformer, Baywatch also didn't see smooth sailing unfortunately with a drop around 54% and with comedies such as Rough Night and The House having potential this month, Baywatch may not be able to hold up strong and make its way above $50 million domestic.


While still being murdered by competition, Alien:Covenant saw yet another  hefty decline around 62% and is on track to be the least attended Alien film in terms of attendance. Look for Alien to suck up close to $80 million domestic. 


Out of all the holdovers, Everything, Everything saw the best hold with a drop close to 45% and should make $35 million domestic.


Snatched took a beat down once again with a drop around 66%, and with Rough Night in two weeks. Look for Snatched to come close to kidnapping around $50 million domestic.


With competition with Captain Underpants, Diary Of A Wimpy Kid:The Long Haul saw the steepest drop on the top 10 with nearly 73% decline. Look for wimpy kid to make around $20 million domestic.


Although having the success of Wonder Woman this weekend, and Everything, Everything making some decent money for its low budget. Warner Bros big budget bomb King Arthur once again got beat up with a drop close to 65%, and should make above $40 million domestic. 


I know you didn't write this yourself.  Please credit the original journalism/source!!!

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2 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:

MOS OW is really $128m, getting only $163m after that is uhhhhhh bad lol.

Especially with summer weekdays starting to kick in after its first week. I guess the public wasn't ready for a masterpiece. 

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