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Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood | July 26 2019 | Digital Foot Technology | RIP Cinerama Dome

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The bit about the critics was sarcasm... I was making fun of the idea that you can't trust film critics despite the fact it's literally their job to see and think about movies all the time... but somehow the opinions of 9000 randos nobody's ever heard of.... and half of whom probably don't even really exist.... leaving a rating on imdb is somehow trustworthy.... despite the fact we've got at least 10 years of sustained evidence that tiny groups of people on the internet love to brigade polls and game reactions for "reasons" as you put it... 

Nobody's fooling me because I make it a point to find people whose thoughts are understandable, whose writings are clear, and whose opinions I can get behind.... and I pay attention to those people. Some of them are film critics! Some of them are just friends! Some of them are people on message boards! But still, I make it a point to have some idea of who I'm listening to and why I'm listening to them.... instead of putting any faith or belief in the tiny percentage of people I've never heard of who anonymously rate things on one of the most easily gamed websites in internet history...

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It wouldn't be a Tarantino film if it WASN'T decisive or it didn't have parts people didn't like. Tarantino makes some weird movies. It's par for the course, especially in this outrage day and age, that people are going to express their dislike online, which will affect ratings. We shouldn't really care. Just see it for yourself. 

Edited by JB33
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2 minutes ago, Deep Wang said:

Just got out and I am very curious what the cinemascore is going to be!

I realize you just got out so you're probably not ready for a big write-up, but what are your quick thoughts? Thumbs up? Thumbs down?

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I think you are going to enjoy it.  You seem to be really ready for it so I am sure it will be a good pay off for you :) 



2 minutes ago, cookie said:

Would you guess it to be higher or lower than Hateful Eight's B?


as for cinemascore i think it will be more than the B for hateful 8, but I wouldn't be surprise at any grade it gets

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1 minute ago, Alli said:

The funny thing is that JLaw looks more like Tate than Margot, who has a different shaped face...more square

yes but sharon tate's sister deemed her too ugly and we must respect the family's wishes.

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Just now, The Futurist said:

QT used to be the most vocal admirer of Jlaw, mentionning her often in his interviews.

Those were the days ...

What are your thoughts on the film before I head in in about 10 minutes?

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2 minutes ago, Alli said:

i don't think he' seen it. it doesn't open in France until august

I see. His statement "This is a long bore of a movie" doesn't carry much weight then, does it?

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41 minutes ago, Deep Wang said:

Just got out and I am very curious what the cinemascore is going to be!


I'm also curious about it, even though I haven't watched it yet. I hope this isn't another Suburbicon or Killing Them Softly.


How did people react when you watched it?

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