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Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood | July 26 2019 | Digital Foot Technology | RIP Cinerama Dome

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2 hours ago, PenguinHyphy said:



Yet, there you are berating people for what they want to see. People not wanting to see a Quentin Tarantino movie about Hollywood really is not the high crime that you make it out to be. You have the opportunity to see it in theaters, so that is all that oughta matter to you. What other people want to see with THEIR money and time is their proclivity, and all of the whining about people not being as excited about a Quentin Tarantino movie as others is annoying.      


To you maybe. Not to many of the others on here that agree with me. 


I’m not berating anybody. I personally think it’s sad that moviegoing has now got to the point where a new QT movie with big movie stars isn’t appealing to a demograph who would rather go watch F&F movies. You disagree, and that’s fine. 


I’m genuinely not berating anybody. All I’m saying is if this doesn’t do well then we know what audience to blame, and can tell them straight when they complain about constant franchises and nothing for them. 

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2 hours ago, Firepower said:

He's berating people for complaining about Hollywood not making original movies and at the same time not supporting those when Hollywood makes them. That's absolutely reasonable complain. If people had supported piece of shit movies and hadn't complained about Hollywood not making original movies, then that would have been completely different story. The blame is always on audience because demand creates supply, just like in any other industry.

Indeed. I’m doing exactly that. 

I’m surprised anyone could be offended at my comments, but there we go. 

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2 hours ago, PenguinHyphy said:

Common sense oughta tell you that the same people who are complaining are not the ones who are supporting those projects, and just because someone wants more original movies that does not mean that every original movie is going to generate any intrigue. 

This isn’t any original movie. It’s a Quentin Tarantino event with two of the biggest movie stars in the world. Slap bang in the middle of a summer of sequels, remakes, cartoons and superheroes. There has to be a huge audience craving something like this, and I’m hoping they come out. 


There are tons of people I speak to who complain about ‘it’s just all sequels and franchises’ now, when they don’t go and see anything else themselves. I tell them straight too that they’re the reason. 


For the record, there’s nothing wrong with that. It pisses me off, sure - but it’s their choice. They can’t then complain about it though. 

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1 minute ago, The Futurist said:

His association with Marty is a franchise, make no mistake about this.

"Oh wow, I can't wait to see the next installment in the Martin Cinematic Universe (MCU)!" - said no kid ever.

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20 minutes ago, wildphantom said:

This isn’t any original movie. It’s a Quentin Tarantino event with two of the biggest movie stars in the world. Slap bang in the middle of a summer of sequels, remakes, cartoons and superheroes. There has to be a huge audience craving something like this, and I’m hoping they come out. 


There are tons of people I speak to who complain about ‘it’s just all sequels and franchises’ now, when they don’t go and see anything else themselves. I tell them straight too that they’re the reason. 


For the record, there’s nothing wrong with that. It pisses me off, sure - but it’s their choice. They can’t then complain about it though. 

It just depends on if star power can carry this movie. With Hobbs And Shaw you know exactly what you're getting, Johnson and Statham trading barbs, driving, shooting, and kicking ass. The trailers sell the product as much as they can. The trailers for Once Upon A Time have been conservative in my opinion. Maybe they're saving the Manson stuff as a huge spoiler, but I'm just not sure the GA cares enough to see this movie on the promise of "trust us, it'll be good because it's Tarantino." If it wasn't a Tarantino movie I doubt I would even see it just based on the trailers. 


Just because people want more original movies doesn't mean they'll just see any ol' original movie and hope it's good. Look at Us. Sold with a promising up-and-up director, good trailers and marketing, tons of buzz, it was a big hit. 

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33 minutes ago, wildphantom said:

This isn’t any original movie. It’s a Quentin Tarantino event with two of the biggest movie stars in the world. Slap bang in the middle of a summer of sequels, remakes, cartoons and superheroes. There has to be a huge audience craving something like this, and I’m hoping they come out. 


There are tons of people I speak to who complain about ‘it’s just all sequels and franchises’ now, when they don’t go and see anything else themselves. I tell them straight too that they’re the reason. 


For the record, there’s nothing wrong with that. It pisses me off, sure - but it’s their choice. They can’t then complain about it though. 

Most people have no idea what they really want, they just like to complain.

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2 minutes ago, Mekanos said:

It just depends on if star power can carry this movie. With Hobbs And Shaw you know exactly what you're getting, Johnson and Statham trading barbs, driving, shooting, and kicking ass. The trailers sell the product as much as they can. The trailers for Once Upon A Time have been conservative in my opinion. Maybe they're saving the Manson stuff as a huge spoiler, but I'm just not sure the GA cares enough to see this movie on the promise of "trust us, it'll be good because it's Tarantino." If it wasn't a Tarantino movie I doubt I would even see it just based on the trailers. 


Just because people want more original movies doesn't mean they'll just see any ol' original movie and hope it's good. Look at Us. Sold with a promising up-and-up director, good trailers and marketing, tons of buzz, it was a big hit. 

Of course if OUATIH wasn't a Tarantino movie starring Leo and Brad, the studio would probably advertise it in a different way (but probably wouldn't have greenlit it, at least not this budget). But it is a Tarantino movie with A-list megastars, so that's taken into account when they sell it to the world. Is it lazy or incomplete? Perhaps, out of concern for spoilers or just the fact that the market is so saturated with superhero/Disney remakes that the studio feels OUATIH can stand out by its mere existence. We'll see whether that strategy works or not come Friday afternoon...

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15 minutes ago, TMP said:

"Oh wow, I can't wait to see the next installment in the Martin Cinematic Universe (MCU)!" - said no kid ever.

Clearly you didn't see the post-credits scene of Silence where Hugo shows up.

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Just bought my tickets for Saturday. I was the first person at that showing to do so but the tickets did just go on sale today. I think there will be a lot of walk ups and this will be hard to predict. 

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I'm not sure about the legs, the movie is really different from what people can expect from Tarantino + Hollywood + a Charles Manson's plot , and i would say from what the general audience love to see from Mr. Tarantino. If you think is something like the basterds or Django,  well you're wrong, it's something more similar to the hateful 8 (but it's a MUCH better movie) and Jackie Brown. 

Edited by maxalcamo
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