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1 minute ago, DeeCee said:

I just can’t get over how bad TVI is bombing. 

It is fucking sinking bro. SINKING. THEY WERE LEADERS FOR 150 MONTHS IN A ROW!!!!!

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It’s been 3 days now since I burned my foot and it is still painful and red.  Note to self, sunscreen.


In other news I just have one more day of work before vacation.  Everything I work tomorrow is overtime and I am scheduled for 8 hours.

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1 hour ago, CJohn said:

I was going to comment this to you. Bah gawd it is over. I still cant believe Prisioneira is such a BOMB. TVI is in the pits right now. Losing to Joker should be enough reason to pull Prisioneira from the air and replace it with repeats or something fucking lmao. No salvation possible. Let it burn completely. Like Me came out of fucking nowhere as usual (and it tanked... as usual) and SIC had a stunning marketing campaign for Golpe de Sorte.


Also, Maria C. Gomes sunk harder on Sunday. There are no shining spots on TVI programming nowadays. None.


Edit: maybe RAP still leads on Sunday nights? I don't even know.

I can. I saw it coming. TVI didn't promote the show worth a damn, it had a painfully low heritage from Valor da Vida, everyone is criticizing it for being too violent and incoherent (they all sucked A Herdeira and A Única Mulher's dicks but now they're done with violence, apparently), and SIC - who is basically the cool channel to watch now - gave this soap some of the best marketing I've ever seen for a Portuguese show. And 99% of all social media business about Golpe is nothing but praise to the soap. Prisioneira was a bomb waiting to happen, it just needed this extra smackdown from SIC to be buried completely. But losing to Joker too...... HOLY FUCK, that's bad. That's Alma e Coração bad (that soap has lost to Joker too before). Dare I say worse, even, because at least it took months for AeC to lose to Joker, and at least AeC wasn't the replacement of a soap that, regardless of how low its average actually was, still managed to be the most watched show on Portuguese television during 8 fucking months. Poor Joana Ribeiro and Kelly Bailey, but especially Joana Ribeiro, cause this is the third time she's in a single-title soap whose 1st letter is "P" and that is a gigantic flop, after Poderosas and Paixão :rofl:


Like Me actually had a better result than it had any right to. AND THAT'S SAYING SOMETHING CONSIDERING WHAT IT ACTUALLY DID. Was that the 1st time that TVI hit over 12% share at 7PM since the Raid The Cage and Who Wants To Marry My Son days? Dear Lord, celebrating over 12% share at 7 fucking PM as a small win :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Your Face Sounds Familiar was doomed from the moment it was even hinted at. The show is overdone, tired and no one cares about it anymore. And I feel really bad for Maria, because she's great and deserves better than the crap she's given to handle, but basically throwing her to the wolves by forcing a weird-ass (though fucking hot looking) pair with Rita Pereira in yet another show that Cristina Ferreira used to host only further fueled the idea that she and Rita are both Cristina wannabes. Even some random, shitty special to further squeeze the life out of The Farmer Wants A Wife beat the only 2nd fucking episode of YFSF. Can only imagine when the real Season 2 starts this Sunday. Fuckin' Hell, SIC is gonna break the scale on dailies, since The Farmer has become more of a 7PM monster than a Sunday monster. And now with Golpe de Sorte anchoring their primetime...... 23% daily averages, here we go.


Gente Que Não Sabe Estar was the highest peak of all programming this past Sunday and is usually TVI's highest peak on Sundays, and Jornal das 8 always wins on Sundays, so I would assume that RAP still leads, indeed. One shining spot amongst a giant turd.

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26 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

I can. I saw it coming. TVI didn't promote the show worth a damn, it had a painfully low heritage from Valor da Vida, everyone is criticizing it for being too violent and incoherent (they all sucked A Herdeira and A Única Mulher's dicks but now they're done with violence, apparently), and SIC - who is basically the cool channel to watch now - gave this soap some of the best marketing I've ever seen for a Portuguese show. And 99% of all social media business about Golpe is nothing but praise to the soap. Prisioneira was a bomb waiting to happen, it just needed this extra smackdown from SIC to be buried completely. But losing to Joker too...... HOLY FUCK, that's bad. That's Alma e Coração bad (that soap has lost to Joker too before). Dare I say worse, even, because at least it took months for AeC to lose to Joker, and at least AeC wasn't the replacement of a soap that, regardless of how low its average actually was, still managed to be the most watched show on Portuguese television during 8 fucking months. Poor Joana Ribeiro and Kelly Bailey, but especially Joana Ribeiro, cause this is the third time she's in a single-title soap whose 1st letter is "P" and that is a gigantic flop, after Poderosas and Paixão :rofl:


Like Me actually had a better result than it had any right to. AND THAT'S SAYING SOMETHING CONSIDERING WHAT IT ACTUALLY DID. Was that the 1st time that TVI hit over 12% share at 7PM since the Raid The Cage and Who Wants To Marry My Son days? Dear Lord, celebrating over 12% share at 7 fucking PM as a small win :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Your Face Sounds Familiar was doomed from the moment it was even hinted at. The show is overdone, tired and no one cares about it anymore. And I feel really bad for Maria, because she's great and deserves better than the crap she's given to handle, but basically throwing her to the wolves by forcing a weird-ass (though fucking hot looking) pair with Rita Pereira in yet another show that Cristina Ferreira used to host only further fueled the idea that she and Rita are both Cristina wannabes. Even some random, shitty special to further squeeze the life out of The Farmer Wants A Wife beat the only 2nd fucking episode of YFSF. Can only imagine when the real Season 2 starts this Sunday. Fuckin' Hell, SIC is gonna break the scale on dailies, since The Farmer has become more of a 7PM monster than a Sunday monster. And now with Golpe de Sorte anchoring their primetime...... 23% daily averages, here we go.


Gente Que Não Sabe Estar was the highest peak of all programming this past Sunday and is usually TVI's highest peak on Sundays, and Jornal das 8 always wins on Sundays, so I would assume that RAP still leads, indeed. One shining spot amongst a giant turd.

I think Prisioneira will rebound a bit today and during the rest of the week and won't lose to The Joker again but holy hell, this was their big bet. This had all the elements to be a giant a hit. It even had strong marketing everywhere leading up to the release (unlike literally anything else TVI has launched in the last 4 months) and yet... it was a fart in the wind. It won't win any more days and TVI has finally lost their primetime leadership.


Like Me is a disaster and I guess it will get pulled in a month. I only found out about it last Friday, it had no marketing and it is occupying a dead slot for TVI right now with Fátima's incompatible lead in not helping at all. If they wanted the NOS paycheck, they should have just went ahead with Love On Top season 20 or whatever, at least that doesn't have any important daily slots.


The rebooted Your Face Sounds Familiar... oh boy what is there to say? SIC won't even give it a break so it won't be able to recover like Dancing With The Stars (which at this point is all but guaranteed to return with Rita Pereira and Pedro Teixeira hosting again), since SIC won't give The Farmer Wants A Wife a break. What should TVI have done anyway? A new format? It would have probably bombed so they went with a familiar name that gave them big ratings in the past. I still think the rebooted Operação Triunfo they bought a few years ago wouldn't be a bad idea.


RAP is too big to fail... until the day he will. It is only a matter of time now. If I were them, I would send him on a Summer break and bring him back in late August for a 2nd season of Gente Que Não Sabe Estar for some wild elections coverage and daily interviews with our main politicians. That is a sure fire hit on the primetime.

Edited by CJohn
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11 minutes ago, CJohn said:

I think Prisioneira will rebound a bit today and during the rest of the week and won't lose to The Joker again but holy hell, this was their big bet. This had all the elements to be a giant a hit. It even had strong marketing everywhere leading up to the release (unlike literally anything else TVI has launched in the last 4 months) and yet... it was a fart in the wind. It won't win any more days and TVI has finally lost their primetime leadership.


Like Me is a disaster and I guess it will get pulled in a month. I only found out about it last Friday, it had no marketing and it is occupying a dead slot for TVI right now with Fátima's incompatible lead in not helping at all. If they wanted the NOS paycheck, they should have just went ahead with Love On Top season 20 or whatever, at least that doesn't have any important daily slots.


The rebooted Your Face Sounds Familiar... oh boy what is there to say? SIC won't even give it a break so it won't be able to recover like Dancing With The Stars (which at this point is all but guaranteed to return with Rita Pereira and Pedro Teixeira hosting again), since SIC won't give The Farmer Wants A Wife a break. What should TVI have done anyway? A new format? It would have probably bombed so they went with a familiar name that gave them big ratings in the past. I still think the rebooted Operação Triunfo they bought a few years ago wouldn't be a bad idea.


RAP is too big to fail... until the day he will. It is only a matter of time now. If I were them, I would send him on a Summer break and bring him back in late August for a 2nd season of Gente Que Não Sabe Estar for some wild elections coverage and daily interviews with our main politicians. That is a sure fire hit on the primetime.

I would believe you, if it wasn't for the fact that the very TVI-friendly social media old/middle aged people are saying Golpe de Sorte made them turn a new leaf and they're checking SIC's soap instead :ph34r: And Prisioneira was already under 10% rating last week when it had basically no competition and it was in its 1st week of release. Hell, Thursday was only its 3rd episode and its rating was 9.9% (what the fuck were they thinking premiering it on a Tuesday???). I actually have to disagree on the strong marketing part..... it may have been the best marketed product from TVI in months, but that's not saying shit because TVI has been absolute garbage at marketing for months. Yeah, there were posters everywhere - par for the course for a TVI release, but urban marketing doesn't mean jackshit if you don't have on-air marketing to back that up. And on that note, the TV promos themselves, while somewhat intriguing, weren't exactly bursting out the scene all the time, which was especially stupid given how weak TVI's ratings are nowadays. They should've pushed that shit through the fucking Moon. Like, they should have topped SIC's marketing for Golpe de Sorte and acted like they had everyfuckingthing to lose, which THEY ACTUALLY DID BECAUSE THE PRIMETIME WAS THE ONLY THING THEY WERE LEADERS ON. Oh, and they probably shouldn't have announced the release date so on the nose as they did either. As a consequence of their mistakes, it all felt too quiet for what should have been a bombastic release. It had nowhere near the level of fervorous hype that A Herdeira or A Única Mulher had before they made their premiere.... it just felt like a fart in the wind waiting to happen, as you described it. Valor da Vida had better marketing and they announced its release date like four days before it premiered. And then, to make matters worse, Golpe de Sorte was sucking up all the hype and had its release strategy and marketing absolutely perfectly handled. More than just a stroke of luck (which is what "Golpe de Sorte" means, for y'all non-Portuguese people here :ph34r:), it was a move of genius by SIC.... mixed with moves of dumbass by TVI.


To be fair to Like Me, what are they gonna put at 7PM instead? At least, if they're gonna have disastrous results at 7PM, they can have them at virtually no cost thanks to that NOS cha-ching. Right now, the only things I can think of would be to either do a First Dates Season 2 (Season 1 actually didn't do that bad, compared to everything else that succeeded it), or create a new game show hosted by either Fátima or Goucha, and even those ideas are basically just to inch past 15% share. Bringing back The Money Drop with Teresa Guilherme isn't a terrible idea either, but Teresa has her image too burned by overdoing reality shows from 2011 to 2017. But either way, the slot is clearly being positioned for the Morangos return in September. Which is going to BLOW UP IN THEIR FACES SO GODDAMN HARD. Morangos is another bomb waiting to happen. Write that down, dude.


But hey, for the sake of giving SIC some shit, milking the ever loving fuck out of The Farmer might blow up in their faces too. They've gotten away with all of this dating show crap so far, but by the time we get Married At First Sight Season 2, which will likely be in September, that'll be one full year, plus the extra months of the show that go all the way until January, of dating shows occupying important entertainment slots in the channel (and TVI ripping them off doesn't help either). They're basically begging for people to get tired of this schtick. And here's hoping for no Carro do Amor Season 2 either, cause that'd be stupid. That being said, it works for now and TVI should have known better than anything other than Your Face Sounds Familiar. It gave them big ratings before, but before is not now. Before is before. Now is now. Imo they should have premiered Big Brother VIP instead. If you're gonna go with something that's old, that's the one concept that hasn't been done in many years + carries a big enough namesake to compete with just about anything. And yeah, I still have no idea why they bought Star Academy considering that they don't even broadcast the Eurovision - RTP does, hence why it made sense for them to have the rights for the show, since Star Academy is almost the same thing as Festival da Canção - and they haven't bothered to try to make a new show with it.


It is a sure fire hit on primetime. Which is exactly why it won't happen and TVI will milk RAP until he can't walk instead. We're not dealing with bright brains here, mate.

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5 hours ago, filmlover said:

I cannot imagine anyone ever bingeing all the episodes of Chernobyl in one sitting because man this show is such a grueling watch.

Plus as great as it’s been I can’t see myself going for a rewatch 

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@CJohn SIC's Tuesday: nearly 23%. TVI's Tuesday: just barely past 15%. This is like Summer 2018 but with the roles reversed :rofl:


Golpe de Sorte had another insanely strong result, losing very little of its premiere audience. Prisioneira rebounded a little bit, as it never sunk below Joker and had a slight increase..... and by slight increase, I mean it went up to 9.5% rating and just over 20% share. Yesterday it did less than that. Still, a massive far cry from the 13.5% rating and over 28% share that Golpe pulled off. These aren't Herdeira numbers yet, but they're about Ouro Verde numbers, and that's a great start.


Alma e Coração, SIC's previous 9PM megaflop, is now officially an 11PM success. It clearly made good use of both its lead-in and the months it spent at 9PM. It annihilated A Teia. which sunk to Vidas Opostas-like lows; it hit almost the same rating that Prisioneira did at 9PM (9.2%); and it broke its 2019 share record.


Like Me tanked to apocalyptic levels. At 7PM, it clocked in 8.9%......... share. Not rating, but share. The weakest premiere for a reality show diary EVER for TVI. That's not hyperbole: it's real. The Farmer, which had another special episode, tripled it, while The Price Is Right doubled it. And at midnight, the Globo soap Segundo Sol absolutely destroyed the late night diary. And here I thought that maybe it had a chance after its better than expected premiere, but after the jaw-dropping lows of Inspetor Max, Raid The Cage, Who Wants To Marry My Son, TVI On Air and so fort..... this has topped all of them in the failtastic meter. Goodness fucking gracious.


And last, but certainly not least, it has finally happened: Você na TV came in third after both Cristina and Praça da Alegria. It was Maria Cerqueira Gomes' birthday. And yet, nevermind doing about half of Programa da Cristina, Você na TV also lost to RTP. One year ago, that sounded like it would never, ever, ever happen. How things can change.


TVI, it was good knowing you. But your time of death has arrived.

Edited by MCKillswitch123
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We leave Friday.  One day left to work.  All overtime.   Saw a trailer for a movie last night that looked like a fun movie.  Is Ma a comedy?   Nope.  Foot is still red and painful.  And our dinner partners on the cruise, one of whom I have become great friends with has had his second heart attack in a month. He is still planning on cruising, and has cruise insurance.

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7 hours ago, filmlover said:

Up is now a decade old movie. Time flies.




Hangover came out this week ten years ago too.


For me it's like the comedy version of the Matrix.   Original is the best followed by crappy sequels.   Although I disliked the Hangover II so much I never really bothered with III

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New train company could bring passenger rail from Atlanta to Charlotte

Plans call for Virgin Group’s investment in the railroad business to link other traffic-clogged cities




I sure hope they have provisions to go to Birmingham Alabama and Dallas TX. Also Florida. And Northward to Acela.

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