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5 minutes ago, Porthos said:


Unlike Roe, which had a ton of passion behind it, I'm not gonna lay any bets on Obergefell being overturned, as the passion and drive just isn't there.  But the speed in which this current court (is about to) tossed Roe overboard means I ain't gonna lay on any bets on it being upheld, either.  Chip chip chip away though?  Very much so.


The main thing protecting Obergefell is the speed in society accepting it.  There just isn't the same level of animus against that decision as there was with Roe and that matters at least a little.


No, I think there's something far more worrying in this draft:



I don't know if they have five votes for "fetal personhood", as I think that might even be a bridge too far for some of the Justices (we don't know what the concurrences might say, after all).  But a two step like:


1] life/personhood begins at conception

2] 14th amendment gives equal protection under the law to all people


is the just how close this country might be to abortion being outlawed by fiat by this SCOUTS.


I don't quite think they have the votes to do it yet.  But I also think they might only be one or two short.


Personhood bills have a LOT of unintended consequences in them, and as you said the court is not THAT extreme... yet. But who know about when more hacks who have barely even clerked get on it.


Here's hoping an insurrectionists husband who isn't exactly the model of good health croaks very soon to bring some semblance of balance back to the court.


I wonder if some red state will try to sue to prevent people from traveling to California or Colorado for getting an abortion. I am 100% sure some state will, but don't think this specific SCOTUS is that far gone to try and overturn inter-state commerce yet.

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1 hour ago, Porthos said:

The only glimmer of a fig leaf of a not-absolutely-worst-case-scenario is that this was deliberately leaked in an effort to torpedo the decision and defang it somewhat.  Can't see much other of a reason for it to have been leaked, as something this major has ****NEVER**** been fully leaked in the history of the "modern" Supreme Court (whisper campaigns/allusions to decisions are another matter, ftr).  That it leaked might be a last ditch effort to get a swing vote to change their mind.  I won't hold my breath at that happening, though.


This. Someone wanted this information out there. The ruling is absolutely horrendous, but I'm glad this was leaked so people can be appropriately angry now instead of blind-sighted and stunned when it's too late.

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2 minutes ago, Morieris said:


This. Someone wanted this information out there. The ruling is absolutely horrendous, but I'm glad this was leaked so people can be appropriately angry now instead of blind-sighted and stunned when it's too late.


Except the (preemptive?) pearl clutching by the Beltway Press over the leak is trying mighty hard to make the story about the leak itself and not, you know, the utterly horrific ruling.

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2 minutes ago, Porthos said:


Except the (preemptive?) pearl clutching by the Beltway Press over the leak is trying mighty hard to make the story about the leak itself and not, you know, the utterly horrific ruling.


People are doing that nonsense on LinkedIn as well. "Omg I can't believe someone LEAKED this, as lawyers you should be horrified"




I really hate that place.

Edited by Morieris
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1 hour ago, Porthos said:

Most of me is upset about how this is going to affect countless women and their families across the nation.  This is going to be horrific and a dark dark day when that ruling is delivered, and I don't say that lightly, either.


But I do admit a very small (and not at all nice) part of me is... smirking isn't the right word, so instead I'll just use the phrase "sadly shaking my head and saying 'I told you so'" at all of the oh-so-smart intellectual takes that swore up and down that the cultural right in the US would never actually succeed at having Roe overturned, as that would de-fang one of their greatest tools at mobilizing voters.


This is something the religious right has been working toward for literally decades and they ain't stopping at "just" overturning Roe.  Next stop is full-scale nationwide ban via SCOTUS, and that'll be a lot easier than some folks seem to think it might be.


The only glimmer of a fig leaf of a not-absolutely-worst-case-scenario is that this was deliberately leaked in an effort to torpedo the decision and defang it somewhat.  Can't see much other of a reason for it to have been leaked, as something this major has ****NEVER**** been fully leaked in the history of the "modern" Supreme Court (whisper campaigns/allusions to decisions are another matter, ftr).  That it leaked might be a last ditch effort to get a swing vote to change their mind.  I won't hold my breath at that happening, though.


Anything else I have to say is probably too political and deserves to be in the Politics section.


What about the norms? They scream





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1 minute ago, Morieris said:


People are doing that nonsense on LinkedIn as well. "Omg I can't believe someone LEAKED this, as lawyers you should be horrified"




I really hate that place.


It has a strong chance of "working" in the short term, as the DC/Mainstream Press is utterly addicted to process stories, and many of the ones that aren't, are addicted to palace intrigue.  Only an intense, near-cataclysmic blowback by the public stands a chance of short-circuiting this from becoming a major part of the story.


And we might just get it too.  Hope so, as the decision itself and the fallout needs to be the story and not those oh-so-battered "norms".

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9 minutes ago, grim22 said:


What about the norms? They scream







I'd say "Too soon", but this sort of satire/mocking is sorely needed in response the folks pushing this line.

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20 minutes ago, filmlover said:

The fact this leaked like this just goes to show how little trust there is in our Supreme Court. The fact something like this has never happened until now speaks volumes.


We are definitely heading towards a Supreme Court decision soon where the President will actually go "John Roberts has made his decision, now let him enforce it". I am completely expecting that quote to be used within the next 5 years.

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5 minutes ago, Ryan Reynolds said:

maybe the future in Demolition Man is coming true

Pizza Hut and Taco Bell did merge into one entity, so regardless of whether you mean the US version or the International version, you will be right.

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2 hours ago, Eric Strange said:

Fuck America


demon cracker nation!


No but really this country sucks and I've really wanted to get out for like 10 years now.  New Zealand or something like that seems like a chill place to watch the Titanic go down.  Somewhere in Europe was initially my first choice but when their gas gets shut off from the escalating war over there its gonna be pandemonium.

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16 hours ago, grim22 said:


We are definitely heading towards a Supreme Court decision soon where the President will actually go "John Roberts has made his decision, now let him enforce it". I am completely expecting that quote to be used within the next 5 years.

It a bit more complex, since the decision does not actually ban abortion, just allows states to do so.

I think it is a horrid decsion, but the fight has just begun.

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17 hours ago, Porthos said:


It has a strong chance of "working" in the short term, as the DC/Mainstream Press is utterly addicted to process stories, and many of the ones that aren't, are addicted to palace intrigue.  Only an intense, near-cataclysmic blowback by the public stands a chance of short-circuiting this from becoming a major part of the story.


And we might just get it too.  Hope so, as the decision itself and the fallout needs to be the story and not those oh-so-battered "norms".

I think  it will be like Prohibtion: a ban on abortion will be impossible to enforce. 

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