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1 minute ago, MrPink said:


We've had two hall of fame quarterbacks for the past 25 years almost. Our luck is gonna run out looking at most of the other franchises.


But there's always next year :whosad:

True, but NE was 1-3 that year before the Super Bowl win - Bledsoe lost the 1st 2 and Brady looked bad the next 2, and then things just went well...one bad loss after the new QB isn't time to write off the season yet (I'm an Eagles fan, so I am over the moon with how the season's gone so far...I had faith the Eagles would do well, but 6-1 is even above my expectations - love their QB and their D - I think the Eagles have their own "Baby Brady" that maybe we can finally ride for 10-15 years of good teams (watching Wentz/Pederson on the sideline gives me Brady/Belichek vibes, so now we just need like a speck of their success...like 1 Super Bowl...it's been a long time coming - I thought McNabb could get one, but Brady torched us:)...

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4 episodes into Stranger Things 2, and it's..... something. Calling it disjointed is a pretty accurate description. There are waaaaaay too many threads going on so far, and really only one is even remotely interesting. The rest either feel unnecessary or too drawn out. I will say that I'm super impressed with David Harbour though. He's far and away the best part of the season right now, and I don't see that changing. 

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6 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

4 episodes into Stranger Things 2, and it's..... something. Calling it disjointed is a pretty accurate description. There are waaaaaay too many threads going on so far, and really only one is even remotely interesting. The rest either feel unnecessary or too drawn out. I will say that I'm super impressed with David Harbour though. He's far and away the best part of the season right now, and I don't see that changing. 

I'm just finished Episode 3. It's definitely taking its time, but I'm still digging it (the young actors remain fantastic, I feel like there's never been a period with a stronger group of child/teen actors than the one we're living in). I'll continue watching tomorrow and get another episode in, at least before I see the new movie starring BOT's favorite actor and @CJohn's wife later in the day.


(CJohn will also be happy to know that Haley Bennett is currently all over the department stores in the local mall because she's the current celebrity spokesperson for one of those fragrances)

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4 minutes ago, filmlover said:

I'm just finished Episode 3. It's definitely taking its time, but I'm still digging it (the young actors remain fantastic, I feel like there's never been a period with a stronger group of child/teen actors than the one we're living in). I'll continue watching tomorrow and get another episode in, at least before I see the new movie starring BOT's favorite actor and @CJohn's wife later in the day.


(CJohn will also be happy to know that Haley Bennett is currently all over the department stores in the local mall because she's the current celebrity spokesperson for one of those fragrances)

CJohn moved away from Haley Bennett a long time ago, the Riverdale girls are his new thing.

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While everyone else is on the Stranger Things train, I had the bug to start watching Doctor Who again. I left off, I think, at the end of season 8. (Unsure if I finished it, or saw the Christmas Special between seasons that year.) So I fired up Season 9 on Amazon Prime.


And... it's good. Like, really good. I was a little nervous at first, because with Missy showing up, it felt a bit like Moffat going with his familiar toys in ways that always feel weaker than you'd expect (the Weeping Angels were never as good when they came back. River Song became less interesting with each appearance). But then it got into some nice character material and while there's a bit of cleverness to wrap up the first story, it's not the Xanatos Gambit stuff that he's had previously with an oh-so-important throughline for the entire season or whatnot. For whatever reason, it seemed he'd found his groove again.


And then the second two-parter for episodes 3 and 4 had some legit great sci-fi horror vibes. The scene in the second episode when Cass (the deaf woman) is being followed by a ghost dragging and axe, and then it starts switching camera angles to show her perspective and has the sound cutting in and out. Awesome stuff.


So, yeah, now that Moffat seems to have stepped past his "young woman as a mysterious puzzle that must be solved" schtick, it's like Capaldi can really step into the role and shine. He was good before, but now he's got material that's also good. Coleman is a lot more compelling as well, now that she's just a teacher who wants some adventure, rather than a mobile plot device.



Of course, since I marathoned four episodes, I did procrastinate from the cover letter I need to finish. Two positions have opened up at the central library that I can apply for, and I need some permanence. Well, I got one paragraph written, at least.

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