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Monday (27 Nov) - JL $2.1m - Down 76%, Coco 2.3M - Down 84%

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5 minutes ago, KeepItU25071906 said:



What we have: movie with bad flaw, any interesting visual or plot decision, any NEW (not copy from cartoon) memorable moment, Watson's acting ...you know... this movie has anything, what we can note like "+".


If you call this "hard work" I give up. Don't see any chance continue this conversation.


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Hey guys, I have this crazy theory. What if... What if making movies was an art form? I know, lock me away and throw away the key! But think about it! You can teach someone how to do it, but that doesn't mean they have the gift. Even if they have said gift, it doesn't mean that they will target it towards a audience that cares or has the numbers to matter.


Maybe you're right. Take me away boys. I'm coo coo for cocoa puffs. 

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Not sure how JL is an argument at this point.  It was a big fail and whether it holds well or not isn't even all that relevant at this point. Also,  from a marketing standpoint I feel like WB knew it was going to bomb.  The layout was pretty lazy and uninspiring. I think they were just trying to get past it.

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1 minute ago, That One Guy said:


just BATB for me.  #GhostsbustersCanBeWomenToo #TwilightIsFine

The Ghostbusters reboot was a decent summer ride. The final set piece has a lot of similarities to a motion simulator. Especially when the villain turns into a cartoon.

As far as the Twilight series, yeah not a fan but it has nothing to do with it being a franchise that's more adored by woman. I like Kristen Stewart and Anna Kendrick (I think she's in some of those). KS is better then that material and has actually been really good in indie films. I have a bigger problem with the wooden male actors in the those movies and the scripts/bad CGI.

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1 hour ago, Squadron Leader Tele said:




There's nothing lazy about any production. Nothing. It's incredibly difficult and requires a ton of effort, no matter how shitty the creative decision-making was.

I meant creatively lazy, relatively speaking.


Not every project is equally ambitious creatively. Not every one aims for the stars.

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1 hour ago, RichWS said:


I don't see why a soft R has had any bearing on how the film is performing. I doubt people are walking out saying, "If only it was more gross-out or less so, I would recommend it more." The novelty of the first movie is gone and it's coming only a year later. Feels like a sizable decline was always in the cards.


The unavoidable decline is probably true. The release date is probably the other factor going against the film. Early November was probably too soon this year for people to be thinking about Christmas. Thanksgiving weekend or even this first week of December might have been better choices. Regardless, I don’t think we’ll be seeing a Bad Moms 3 based on the performance of the second one. 

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It's amazing how some people stand on their pedestal and lecture about how bad, lazy or soulless BatB was, as if their opinion matters more than the millions and millions of people who saw the movie, liked it and carried it to over $500M domestic.


It's like, no man, YOU are in the minority. Clearly most people wanted, and ended up liking, exactly what they got. You can say that that's all well and fine but we should still call Disney and Hollywood out on It, but who are we to want to take away what so many more people wanted and adored? It just reaks of arrogance.


There's a reason why BatB was more of a scene for scene, line for line remake than, say THE JUNGLE BOOK or CINDERELLA. Disney knows what they're doing and I think they knew that the original BatB was such a magical experience that audiences would want to re-live in live action as closely as possible. Cinderella and TJB were beloved too but Disney probably knew there was more room for change and freshness there.


Anecdotal, I know, but everyone I know who saw it loved just that about it, that it was like going back in time when you were a kid, or at least a younger adult like my mom, and watching the original animated version again. I know when I saw it that's how I felt. It reminded me of songs or lines that I never realized I remembered until then. That's part of the magic of that movie. It was done that way by design and clearly Disney nailed it.

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2 minutes ago, RandomJC said:

Not really. I liked it, solid enough, but not really great.


Hemsworth was easily the best part.

Oh i meant wrong as if because its a female led project and i ended up thinking the guy was the best part lol

Edited by iHeartJames
spelling error
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