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Weekend Thread - Insidious 29.6M, Jumanji 37.2M, TLJ 23.7M, TGS 13.8M, PP3 10.3

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4 minutes ago, MaxAggressor said:


WOW!!  MoviePass, its power (yep, until I see data otherwise, I'm gonna assume the bumps are gonna get bigger and bigger every weekend with more and more users - record 2018 BO, here we come:)...


PS - And this was the perfect movie to benefit from it...walk up anyway, so ticket seats wide open on the mornings, especially when extra late shows added...in the exact demo of the majority of the pass holders...and a known quantity movie that was unlikely to be off-putting or non-audience-friendly...

Edited by TwoMisfits
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2 minutes ago, TwoMisfits said:

WOW!!  MoviePass, its power (yep, until I see data otherwise, I'm gonna assume the bumps are gonna get bigger and bigger every weekend with more and more users - record 2018 BO, here we come:)...

Or the fact that a lot of teens will see horror movies and the last big horror movie was HDD.


Either way impressive for Insidious.

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1 minute ago, FantasticBeasts said:

What the fuck with that Insidious number? Completely nuts.

close to what i would have guessed as it's final dom gross. my new years resolution to get more accurate at bo is failing me very early on.

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4 minutes ago, TwoMisfits said:

WOW!!  MoviePass, its power (yep, until I see data otherwise, I'm gonna assume the bumps are gonna get bigger and bigger every weekend with more and more users - record 2018 BO, here we come:)...

 I fail to see what Moviepass has to do with this more than any other movie?

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4 minutes ago, FantasticBeasts said:

 I fail to see what Moviepass has to do with this more than any other movie?

Reposting...(although I do think all movies are benefitting - you really think 2 Xmas movies looking at 10x is normal, either?:) - but here's why from my other post...


"PS - And this was the perfect movie (Insidious) to benefit from it (MoviePass)...walk up anyway, so ticket seats wide open on the mornings, especially when extra late shows added...in the exact demo of the majority of the pass holders...and a known quantity movie that was unlikely to be off-putting or non-audience-friendly..."


I said to raise your expectations for every movie opening until the terms change...I'm gonna keep saying it...and the more the movie tends to be walk up, or fit the "demo" of the holders, the more it's gonna pop...animateds and total kid-only oriented being the only exceptions...

Edited by TwoMisfits
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4 hours ago, Porthos said:

I have some more box office legs thoughts in regards to The Last Jedi that I'd really like to post here, but there are some low level spoilers in it (though non-specific), so I instead posted it in TLJ spoiler thread.


Folks might want to check it out, as I think it gives another angle to the TLJ situation above and beyond my prior thoughts about its lack of a crowd-pleasing third act on the level of Rouge One


Appreciate it if folks checked it out, even if only to give it some thought. :)  I don't think for a second that's the entire picture.  But I do think it's a contributing factor.


Rian put $#-+ instead of chocolate in our Star Wars peanut butter. I'll never understand why people would want this. 


Star Wars has previously been about well defined good succeeding (if only eventually at times) over well defined evil. 


I deal with enough shades of gray in real life. Please leave my escapism alone. You can try to teach a lesson in a SW film but it's never going to be anything more than a space opera. Rian basically made an anti-war Star Wars film. F him sideways. 


I hated the new BSG because it was often Mayberry in space. Present day issues in a Sci-fi wrapper. This is lazy and not clever. But for some reason people like this. But then again my one co-worker that LOVED BSG was lazy and not clever. Hmm.....


Times are trying. Life is tough. American doesn't want a deconstructed Star Wars anymore than they want a deconstructed Superman. It definitely affected the BO. Why would anyone want to go to the movies to be $#-+ on for two plus hours? Especially when it teaches 'lessons' in a hamfisted  way at the expense of a proper narrative. Even in Empire you get the thrilling escape from Hoth against all odds and the Falcon outsmarting the Imperial fleet for awhile until their luck finally catches up to them. Things end on a downer but that doesn't define the whole film. 


TFA was a rehash but at least it was FUN.

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13 minutes ago, TwoMisfits said:

Reposting...(although I do think all movies are benefitting - you really think 2 Xmas movies looking at 10x is normal, either?:) - but here's why from my other post...


"PS - And this was the perfect movie (Insidious) to benefit from it (MoviePass)...walk up anyway, so ticket seats wide open on the mornings, especially when extra late shows added...in the exact demo of the majority of the pass holders...and a known quantity movie that was unlikely to be off-putting or non-audience-friendly..."


I said to raise your expectations for every movie opening until the terms change...I'm gonna keep saying it...and the more the movie tends to be walk up, or fit the "demo" of the holders, the more it's gonna pop...animateds and total kid-only oriented being the only exceptions...

If moviepass has a million users and 50% watch this opening weekend that is 5M at most though.  I have a moviepass, love horror, my wife was out of town this weekend and I didn't watch it.  

On the other end of things moviepass at most has 100M of funding so if a million users watch a movie 10 consecutive days you are already basically bankrupt.  

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4 minutes ago, Rumpot said:

If moviepass has a million users and 50% watch this opening weekend that is 5M at most though.  I have a moviepass, love horror, my wife was out of town this weekend and I didn't watch it.  

On the other end of things moviepass at most has 100M of funding so if a million users watch a movie 10 consecutive days you are already basically bankrupt.  

Evening showings are $13-$20+/pop (not $10 - remember MP pays full price)...and $5M is a huge % on a $29M open...that's the kind of pop you're looking for...


If 500K users hit a night show, you've added $7M to the BO (I'm assuming $14/ticket payment)...


And as for Moviepass continuing, who knows...but til they don't, these "pops" are gonna keep happening...especially for these movies in the millenial "pocket"...


PS - I mean, who says no to "fun, FREE scary movie with friends?"



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42 minutes ago, patsfan12 said:

Saw TLJ for the fifth time yesterday and I have to admit for selfish reasons I am glad Disney instituted a 30 day period where the movie needs to be shown in a theater's largest screen.  I think the movie is great anyways but the better sound and larger screen only enhance the movie even more for me.


Now that NFL playoffs are in full swing I am going to compare (I admit not a great analogy) TLJ's BO run to a team's run in the playoffs. Ultimately, TLJ will win the BO Superbowl (highest WW total for 2017). Its home record was 6-2, overall a very very good performance but just below the very best (Avatar and TFA have 8-0 records and TA, JW and Titanic have 7-1 records). On the road (overseas), TJL went a very respectable 5-3, playing very well in Europe but getting crushed badly in one particular away game (China).


Speaking of football it would be cool if there was a QBR equivalent for box office performance. It would include looking at total WW gross, DOM and Foreign gross, OW multiplier, exchange rate fluctuations, % of revenues from 3D,  Imax and other large screen formats, trailer views, and availability of other forms of entertainment to consumers (streaming today, home video formats etc) and whatever else you want to throw in.


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