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Eric Quinn

Weekend Box Office: Actuals (Page 55): BP $26.6M TR $23.7M ICOI $17.1M AWIT $16.3M LS $11.8M, PR crosses $100M, Jumanji crosses $400M

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3 minutes ago, Porthos said:

You were wrong about him and Avatar, anyway.




He ALSO talks about Titanic all the time. :ph34r: :lol:

Don't forget 4 other certain movies he seems to be very passionately hyped about...

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Just now, IronJimbo said:

this thread really took a wholesome turn, I'd pinpoint it the change in tone to where I started posting.


On the contrary, Tele just turned it personal.

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6 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:

So you weren't actually infuriated during your Last Jedi meltdown and were just playing a character? I guess that makes more sense. :cheekkiss:


The best thing about all of that is that the overwhelming consensus is that the user ratings went through a coordinated effort to lower them artificially, which has been proven out over multiple films since and nobody with a brain points to them as evidence of anything other than unreliable.  


I'm a truth teller and saw it before everyone else.  

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5 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

I'm like two weeks behind. Did anything more fucked up than the full moon episode occur? 

No. I don't think they want to top that either. Episode 8 first 911 call is insane tho, and it is based on a real story.

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1 hour ago, CJohn said:

Everything ok here? Do I need to lock this or not? Things seemed to be heating up but now everything is calmer. I am also watching 9-1-1 and don't want to be bothered. 👀





Edited by 75Live
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I'm not sure if I am more surprised by Peter Rabbit hopping across the $100M threshold or A Wrinkle in Time likely falling short of that same milestone.


That being said, the Alt-Right/MRA crowd must be fuming over the Top 5 this weekend which features a massive hit with a predominantly black cast, two films with women headlining them and another film about a gay teenager.

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Just now, EmpireCity said:


The best thing about all of that is that the overwhelming consensus is that the user ratings went through a coordinated effort to lower them artificially, which has been proven out over multiple films since and nobody with a brain points to them as evidence of anything other than unreliable.  


I'm a truth teller and saw it before everyone else.  

Did anyone ever deny that the votes were being manipulated? What I remember trying to get through to you that the word of mouth was mixed, this wasn't just from rotten tomatoes but from the entire internet. Which was proven to be true.


I would say that it was in fact, I who was the truth teller and saw it before just you.

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*wakes up*


*reads last few pages*


What th...




Gotta say I am legitimately surprised that @MovieMan89 thinks Freed is being fudged here.  Okay, I can get misunderstanding things over the word 'incentive', but I would have thought this post would have killed the narrative stone dead:


54 minutes ago, EmpireCity said:


What do you think I "admitted" to earlier?  What do you think "incentive" means in this case?  


I'm not backtracking from anything, you simply don't understand how all of this actually works.  


**Hint** the "incentive" is currently being given to about 30 other movies currently playing.  

That last line is enough for me.


But it was expanded upon later on:

28 minutes ago, EmpireCity said:

Here are the most common ways a movie can be fudged....

  • At the start of a run of a movie, the studio does buyouts instead of promo screenings.  Instead of paying a theater rental rate for a promo screening, they simply do a buyout and pay for every seat and have the theater report the gross on opening day.  No customer has paid for tickets but the studio has and it boosts the gross.  
  • Studio has a sneak peak of another film and then takes that gross and puts it towards a current movie in theaters.  Customers paid for one movie but it gets applied to another.  
  • Studio does the double feature trick where the entire gross can be applied to both movies.  Takes the new popular movie and puts it with the old movie they are trying to push over a threshold and lets it piggy back the gross. 
  • Sponsorship buyouts where a studio has a sponsor on the film and they have them committed to purchase x number of tickets either at the start or the end of the run and apply it towards the gross even if nobody shows up.  The most famous hybrid example of this would be Man of Steel where Wal-Mart committed to buying $10m of tickets and no matter how many they resold all of that money went towards the opening gross of the movie.  

Fudging is one of these or similar methods.  It is not on any level where a movie is still in theaters and paying customers are buying tickets and watching the movie.  


41 minutes ago, EmpireCity said:

Fifty Shades Darker released in Feb. 2017 and Universal had a jam packed schedule the first 3 months of the year.  Split and A Dog's Purpose released weeks before and both did very well taking up over 3,000+ screens each.  Then Darker came out on 2/10/17 in 3,700+ screens.  The Great Wall came out a week later on 3,300+ screens and smash hit Get Out came out a week later on what would end up being 3,000+ screens.  


Universal had 5 pictures at some point playing at the same time.  Fifty Shades Darker became expendable due to Split and Get Out.  At some point fair play becomes and issue and studios have to sacrifice the run of a film so something else that is doing better can stay in theaters.  


Fifty Shades Freed is released in Feb. 2018 and Universal literally does not have another film in theaters.  They had Insidious on 1/5/18, but that was done by the time Fifty Shades Freed opened and the next film they have is Pacific Rim on 3/23/18.  Since they have nothing else, Universal can naturally have Fifty Shades Freed stay in theaters longer than Fifty Shades Darker.  There is no fudge, there is no conspiracy, this is simply how things work.  


(Yes, I stripped the prickly parts out of the posts. :ph34r:)


If I had to guess, I would guess these 'incentives' are a better revenue split between a studio and theater than 'normal'.  It might also be a soft pledge to have a theater have a hotter product down the line that might go to a local rival instead.  It could be all sorts of things that are an inducement to keep a movie in.


Just like a studio can strong arm a theater with unfavorable demands when a movie is hot (*cough* Disney *cough*) a studio can try to sweet-talk a theater into keeping a film when they want a film to keep grossing dineros.


NOTHING about this is fudging.  It's simply business. Show business, one might say. :)


So, sorry MM89.  From where I sit this isn't even close to being fudging. 

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