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Dax's Top 47 Movie Fight Sequences | Land of the GIFS | We have a winner!

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As it got a bit long, I used spoiler tags - plus I have no idea what you will add, so I add what I would add if I'd list them. Maybe... or?


Sword Fights:


I love sword fights (and fight scenes that make me smile for one reason or the other), but am bad with movie title names, too often even if i remember the title I do not remember which fight scene was in which movie (remember, me being face-blind, often the actors do not speak during a fight scene = bad for me remembering those....).

The only ones I do remember / I can name are:

the two-handed fights by Ioan Gruffud (who is a ~ more or less rare 2-hand-able actor / 'fighter') in King Arthur,

and some nice ones in 'Equilibrium' too, including the last fight scene, where they mix in a way guns with martial arts

Bob Anderson as stunt person involved (see the old ones too), most will probably know Princess Pride, LotR ( see e.g. Aragon vs ? forgot the name, as Boromir died. LotR fights made me smile a lot), Star Wars, 007, Highlander (movie 1 and some of the series, there are two sword-fights I really like too) PotC, especially the fight Will Turner vs that ~ stoned pirate guy, Zorro with Antonio Banderas, and so on)

'The Duellists' I love too

Different scenes out of 13th Warrior

An old The Three Musketeers and an old Zorro version


There are exceptional Asian based sword fights, but I do not remember even one title (nor another Western culture based ones)


I have a soft spot for the low(er) budgets ones too, so:


In 'Serenity' the ~ martial arts fights with ~ brain-washed-trigger-something River Tam, played by Summer Glau, where she knocks out a ship-mate too (who does actually speaks shortly before that, so....)



the second one is missing the start of that fight (and the fight the captain had at the same time,.. part of the face of him is not done by make-up)


Maybe for the same reason (lower budget)

I like some out of Hansel & Gretel too, especially the team work between the siblings.



Team up:

the Avengers in various combos, may bcs it so seldom done, especially in a nice way


Flying Bullets:


In a way an escape-fight-shooting-endless-scene in 'Shoot 'em up', when a LOT of ppl try to break into the house - usually not my cup of tea but makes me laugh a lot

Another shoot-out... or shoot-in, as the situation is the other way around, scene, again with Banderas, the Bar scenes (both) in 'Desperado'

Love also one non fight-scene in a way, as Indiana Jones (based on the illness of the actor on that day) shoots the sword whirling 'aggressor'



Claws / Spear / SH /....



First time someone surprised me with the, for me then unexpected, intensity or whatever to call that, is Hugh Jackman's Logan/Wolverine

Can not explain that, something in the performance made me sit up and look closer. Funniest to me (maybe based on my face-blindness, as the characters too didn't know who is who) maybe Wolverine vs Wolverine? X-Men 1+2 were the first SH I saw after Batman Robin something

Elektra had some 'moves, but Nakia, Okoye and 'her women' (again, I forgot the term) have some more (and that smile even I see per colour contrast - love that)



Post-apocalyptic or so:



The Salute of the Jugger aka The Blood of the Heroes aka a few other names. Rutger Hauer also did one where he played a blind sword fighter (no idea about the title), and in Blade Runner I liked him too (him vs Harrison Ford)

I should probably add Mad Max to that too



In a way coolest female soldier:



Aeryn Sun (from th TV-series Farscape, maybe bcs its a series and has as such time to develop the character, but....). I like what Claudia Black can do with her voice (she seems to get casted for games also)

Farscape also has some of the strangest fight scenes, incl a knocked out character, who dreams up fight scenes with ship-mates vs him, that get shown animated beside the series usually being not animated, like in road runner style and another episode in an even more extreme strange ~ alternative world (not animated)



mostly ~ mental fight against the odds (and as such probably not what you meant):


Wait Until Dark, Touch of Evil, Night of the Hunter


Word fights (screw-ball?) in a funny way:


scenes of Katherine Hepburn vs Spencer Tracy in Desk Jet. And in a way in African Queen too (vs Humphrey Bogart)



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Other Honorable Mentions


Fists of the White Lotus (1980)


Directed by: Lieh Lo

Starring: Gordon Liu, Lieh Lo

Fight Choreography: Chia-Liang Liu




Smoothest disarm I've ever seen.


If you were ever wondering where the character of Pai Mei in Kill Bill (played by Gordon Liu) originated from


(this guy):    2437177-409738-pai_mei.jpg


well it comes from this movie, played by Lieh Lo... who fights with Gordon Liu! The circle is complete!



The Five Deadly Venoms (1978)


Directed by: Cheh Chang

Fight Choreography: Ting Leung, Feng Lu, Robert Tai


The opening scene to this movie is simultaneously hilarious and unsettling. I'm not sure how that's even possible! It's hilarious because some of the special effects are unintentionally bad, but when a child gets both his arms cut off in gruesome fashion, then it becomes quite unsettling.


Then you kinda feel bad about laughing 5 seconds earlier.


Then you feel weird.









Buster Keaton





The grandfather of all movie fight choreography.


Here's an example of a funny fight scene he conjured:




Buster Keaton is featured as an honorable mention and not part of this top only because my knowledge of his work is too limited... for the time being. I intend on educating myself on his movies soon enough. It came to my attention only fairly recently that Jackie Chan basically cites him as the direct inspiration for his work. Say no more Jackie Chan, you piqued my interest!


Expect some Jackie Chan sequences in this top, in case that wasn't obvious.




And last but not least...


The Mortal Kombat Theme Song




I think nothing pumps you up more for a fighting movie than hearing this song right as it starts. Absolutely brilliant soundtrack!




And now we're ready to go. :sparta:



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I love it!  This is going to be so good.  


I'll keep this pinned for as long as you need buddy!

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3 hours ago, That One Guy said:

tfw so many people get tagged but you don’t

Same, I guess Dax just doesn’t appreciate a good Meryl Streep and Amanda Seyfried duet like some other people do

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For me the first two to come to mind (and one of my personal favorites) is the first fight from Kung Fu Hustle (for more reasons than I can list): 



And the second being Neo vs Agent Smith (although I have to give it to the first Matrix, but the final fight in Revolutions is amazing too): 



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It's too tricky with guns duels honestly. 


I did pretty much the same thing as most people doing a top fight sequences do: it has to mostly be a "fight" as in, close quarter.


It can have a few bullets shot here and there but the focus should be on people fighting, either with their fists or weapons in close quarter.


You can't lose by guessing anyway. Either you win BOT gold or your situation doesn't change :P


That's also why you guys have until the top 25 starts. You'll be able to see a bit what kind of fights will go in this top first!


Starting the top soon :sarah:

@Pandamia! I tagged you actually but the tag disappeared?


Maybe the same happened with That One Guy? I made my tags a while ago and maybe it bugs with people who change their names.


In my file I have:

@Critically Acclaimed Panda

Before grey ghost, and yet it disappeared :ohmygod:


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Jet Li vs 4 champions | Ending tournament sequence

Fearless (2006)




Hong Kong/China (Mandarin)




Directed by: Ronny Yu

Fight Choreography: Yuen Woo-Ping

Starring: Jet Li, Sun Li, Yong Dong

Worldwide Box office - $68,072,848 ($24,633,730 domestic)


Synopsis: A biography of Chinese Martial Arts Master Huo Yuanjia, who is the founder and spiritual guru of the Jin Wu Sports Federation.


My rating for this movie: ★★★★

My rating for this specific fight sequence: ★★★★


First of all, I would definitely recommend watching the Director's Cut of this movie, it's way better. And Michelle Yeoh also has an extended cameo role in that cut (stay until the end of the credits!), and who doesn't love more Michelle Yeoh? 


If that name doesn't ring a bell, it will, soon :) 


So we're starting this list with Jet Li's Fearless, one of the few Chinese movies in this top that were

1. released in the US

2. actually grossed millions of US dollars in worldwide box office.

This is progressively gonna become more of a rarity with Chinese movies going forward. With $24.6M in domestic gross, Fearless was definitely popular in the West.


Here's a review by Audrey Karloff I enjoyed reading on letterboxd:



The more I watch this, the more I love it (the extended version in particular). Jet Li meant this to be his last martial arts film, which accomplished two things: first, it led him and his team to fill the movie with the drama and emotional depth that his movies often lack, possibly to prove he had the chops for a dramatic career to follow; second, he pulled out all the stops on the action. If I ever sit down and list his top ten fight scenes, at least three of them are in this movie. It's very close to a perfect action film.


What this fight sequence's all about




Clocking in at around 13 minutes, easily what sets it apart is that it's very cinematic and... dramatic! It's that long because it's a tournament, where Jet Li has to fight people one after the other.


Fearless truly is a movie that anyone can enjoy, not just martial arts fans. It's a movie with historical context that's got something to say, and without revealing too much about it, this sequence is an awesome and fulfilling way to finish the movie. For once, Jet Li actually gives a good performance too, he isn't only there for the fighting. It helps that he's speaking in his native Mandarin here instead of being dubbed over in Cantonese by random voice actors as was the custom during his Hong Kong years.


The sequence features lots of different fighting styles like boxing, spear work, sword fighting, Japanese karate vs kung fu, etc. Lots of variety, and very well directed. Lovely!


About 30 minutes into this movie, there's another great sequence where Jet Li takes on just about anyone who challenges him that could have made this top as well. Great stuff.


Jet Li is famous for a reason!


Unfortunately, the scene is too long for YouTube (no one uploaded it in its entirety), so I suggest you watch the full movie. It's good, up there especially for a martial arts flick!

Edited by Daxtreme
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JeeJa Yanin - Final fight sequence

Chocolate (2008)









Directed by: Prachya Pinkaew

Fight Choreography: Panna Rittikrai, Taworn Tonapan, Weerapon Poomatfon

Starring: JeeJa Yanin

Worldwide Box office - $3,179,014 ($14,000 domestic!)


Synopsis: An autistic girl with powerful martial art skills looks to settle her ailing mother's debts by seeking out the ruthless gangs that owe her family money.


My rating for this movie: ★★★

My rating for this specific fight sequence: ★★★★

$14,000 domestic. Respectable opening week-end of $11,180 in 7 theaters, but then faced a huge 80.5% drop in its 2nd week-end. Bad word of mouth? :qotd:

In Asia though, the movie was a lot more popular where it grossed 3 million dollars. Great comeback!


So this movie is about an autistic Thai girl who goes around collecting money various people owe her ill mother. Being autistic, the only thing she's really good at besides screaming is, of course, martial arts (Muay-Thai), which she learns via watching movies from fellow Thai legend Tony Jaa (later featured in this list)! How could that possibly work as a movie?


Well, it kinda does because the director commits to the themes of his story, which was very interesting to see. This movie is, without a doubt, quite unique, as you may have guessed from the synopsis.


What this fight sequence's all about


The real stars of this sequence are every single member of the stunt team. At some point you just go like "this absolutely cannot be possible, this is either CGI or this guy must be in the hospital right now" and then you watch the bonus features in the end credits and yup, he's in the hospital... but they got the take! They had to tell JeeJa Yanin to pull her punches eventually because she kept sending people to the hospital, one after another.


This movie's production definitely couldn't have happened anywhere near Hollywood.


You see so much crazy stuff in Asian action movies, that's why I love them!




Sadly, no link to YouTube because the final sequence is being removed every time someone uploads it. The gif above will have to do. The sequence is about 10 minutes long.


Choreographed by legend Panna Rittikrai (RIP) who was a mentor to Tony Jaa.


Edited by Daxtreme
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