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The Good Dinosaur | Peter Sohn | BR/DVD release 2-23-2016 | Pixar's first BO flop

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what's the plot though. is it just some ice age/croods thing where they've gotta go on a trip and bond and shit?


Arlo gets lost and needs to find his way back home, meets Spot and yea pretty much that. Except done as more of a drama than comedy.


So... The dinos don't talk?


They do. Just not very much. All of the dinosaur characters have voice actors attached.


What didn't they like about the original version?


Supposedly the original idea was set a bit further in time, where dinosaurs had evovled alongside humans, but remained the dominant species. Still, it wasn't modern day and Arlo's family were basically a parody of amish farmers. The kid (Spot) was still in the movie who bonds with Arlo, but it was supposed to be much more comedic and silly. Nearly the entire voice cast got booted off the project in favor of more niche celebs, and it originally included as Arlo's siblings Judy Greer, Bill Hader and NPH who were supposed to be comic relief characters. John Lithgow was also supposed to be Arlo's dad, and was recast surprisingly late in the process. (Lithgow talked about the status of the movie not too long ago)


The current rumor is that the Pixar and Disney execs felt really uncomfortable with the Amish parody and tone issues, which got Bob Peterson kicked off the project because he was unwilling to let that be taken out of the film.

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It's not uncommon for Pixar films to go through a director change -- Ratatouille, Brave, etc. It's the Pixar process, the braintrust. Trust in it!

And really, I love that Pixar trailers don't reveal plot. It use to be that they didn't put in actual material from the films in their early trailers. I get really annoyed when the trailer is basically the entire movie. 

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The animation is simply and absolutely stunning, gorgeous, all the positive adjectives in the dictionary to describe something such as this can be utilized at this very moment.  The music was an additive, bringing in a sense of adventure yet... a feeling of loneliness; a soupy mix, I guess.  The story seems interesting yet overly used in Hollywood but with Pixar, you can most definitely count on them to add in creative and appealing nuances to make it "original" and entertaining.  The trailer has me sold; this film looks and behaves like how a Pixar return to form second film should look and behave like.  Simply and utterly GORGEOUS! 

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