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charlie Jatinder

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I finished Triangle of Sadness this afternoon. I get why it's so divisive, but I also laughed my ass off at quite a few parts. It's kinda wild to think that one of the most memorable traits of a Best Picture nominee and a Palme d'Or winner is a sequence showcasing extreme gross-out humor.

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Movies I watched yesterday


Hard Eight - Very good debut from PTA with great performances from the whole cast. Not his best but a very impressive and confident debut from one of the best


Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent - I thought from the trailers this might be overly referential and reliant on "Nicolas Cage is crazy" meme humor, and there's definitely some of that, but overall it's just a pretty funny hangout comedy between Nicolas Cage and Pedro Pascal. The meta stuff is pretty funny and clever, and while the action elements aren't as effective as the comedy, it's still pretty fun. Pleasantly surprised, I'd recommend.


The Sadness - This movie is fucked up and evil and it kinda rules. That is all.

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On Sunday night, I finally saw Strange Days, now that it's streaming on HBO Max. I had high expectations given the Bigelow and Cameron involvement, but still ended up blown away by how much I enjoyed it. Definitely deserves a bigger following, which I feel like it would get if it wasn't on a True Lies/Abyss level of difficulty to find.


Also, in continuing to follow along with the Blank Check podcast as it works through the filmography of Danny Boyle, I watched his first American studio film, A Life Less Ordinary. I'm not sure I'll ever understand what I saw, but I know I sure had fun taking down notes on all the bizarre developments. It's a shame that so much talent and so many cute outfits went into such a dud of a film.


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3 hours ago, Webslinger said:

I finally saw Strange Days, now that it's streaming on HBO Max. I had high expectations given the Bigelow and Cameron involvement, but still ended up blown away by how much I enjoyed it. Definitely deserves a bigger following, which I feel like it would get if it wasn't on a True Lies/Abyss level of difficulty to find.

Yeah I saw it for the first time a few weeks ago and it became an instant fave. CRIMINAL how hard to watch it's been for decades. The Abyss is going 4k this spring apparently so...hopefully the other Lightstorm titles follow suit

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Aftersun blew me away. It’s an exquisite film that just washes over you and packs each scene with grander, unspoken meaning. I’m glad that Paul Mescal broke into Best Actor, but this definitely should have been up for several other Oscars as well.

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Rewatched How I Met Your Mother for the first time since the finale aired.


Totally remembered why I liked this show. I used to always rewatch it during its initial run. Then that Finale hit and this shit went to hell. A creepy, unpleasant, and regressive smack to the face. 

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4 minutes ago, AJG said:

Rewatched How I Met Your Mother for the first time since the finale aired.


Totally remembered why I liked this show. I used to always rewatch it during its initial run. Then that Finale hit and this shit went to hell. A creepy, unpleasant, and regressive smack to the face. 

Haha, this is literally me.


This was my favorite sitcom of all time! I still enjoy it, but it is a bittersweet feeling catching episodes of it knowing where it all leads now.

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watched  empire of light. not sure what the point of all that was. weird mish mash of stuff. don't know why sam mendes writes his movies now i suppose there's cred in being a "writer/director" but he should probably stop.


also been watching slow horses on Apple TV. it's great. bunch of loser spies, Gary Oldman being a dick to everyone. fun watch.

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Watching Looking on HBO. I remember watching the first 3 episode back when it came out and not getting hooked. Now that I am that age as the characters I find it pretty relatable. It is very binge friendly Season 1 (8 episode) Season 2 (10 episodes) and a 80 minute finale movie to end the series. The episodes are only like 30 minutes long and the pacing is very well done. The episodes do not drag. Highly recommend regardless if you LGBT or not. 



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The Batman doesn't hold up quite as well on rewatch but I still like it. The technical aspects and craftsmanship are what really elevate it. The cinematography, lighting and production design are all gorgeous and I still think it has the best score of any movie I saw in 2022. It's a great reminder of how beautiful big budget movies can be when the money is spent well. Still, the mystery is pretty weak and I'm not crazy about Robert Pattinson's performance. He's usually good but he whisper talks the entire fucking movie. Are you really that tortured inside you can't raise your voice above a whisper? Also I don't mind the length, it's well paced and never becomes a slog.

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Watched a bunch of stuff this week


Deadstream - Fun, Evil Dead-esque found footage horror, I'd recommend it


The Innocents - This is a really brutal, fucked up movie about kids with superpowers that makes Chronicle look like Sesame Street. I'd recommend it but it's not an easy watch, had a pit in my stomach pretty much the whole movie. Only criticism is kind of a meh ending


Incantation - Pretty lame, couple creepy scenes but overall not really worth watching


Watcher - decent, well-made thriller. Honestly got kinda bored but it's fine


EO - THIS MOVIE IS BULLSHIT DON'T WATCH IT. The donkey is cute, there's plenty of cute donkey but there's all these stupid ass digressions that don't have anything to do with the donkey, and it has one of the worst endings I've ever seen. I'm not gonna spoil anything, but it's an animal movie so you can draw your own conclusions.


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Chinatown - First time watch, I get the hype now. Really fantastic script from Towne.


John Wick 4 - Great shit but felt a little long in the middle. Sawayama was unbelievably hot


Pathaan - best SRK in so long. Feels like the first legitimately solid action film he's done too, really fun set-pieces, stunts and camerawork. 

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I've been making the most of a week off from work with a smattering of new viewings and rewatches. Here we go...


- Game Night (rewatch): Revisited this one ahead of Dungeons & Dragons, and it remains lots of fun on yet another repeat viewing. I'm still surprised this wasn't a bigger hit in its theatrical run.

- Avatar: The Way of Water (rewatch): Streamed the digital version at home; if the quality here is any indication, the 4K disc is going to rule.

- 127 Hours (rewatch): Caught it for the first time since seeing it theatrically, and perhaps I was just thinking that the troubling info that had come out about James Franco (and the guy he plays in the film) in the intervening years would dampen my enjoyment of the film, but I was kinda amazed at how well it held up. Danny Boyle really directs the hell out of it.

- Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves - Lots and lots of fun. I really dug the main ensemble's easygoing chemistry and the cleverness in Goldstein & Daley's directing style.

- Point Break: Yeah, I don't know how it took me so long to get around to this one. Bigelow's direction of action rules, and the vibes are off the charts.

- Copycat: I'm all about junky thrillers when they're done well, and this one is done really well.

- The Aviator (rewatch): Hadn't seen it since 2010 or thereabouts. It's as impressive as I remember from my teenage years, but with an added bonus from now being able to more fully appreciate how it shows off many of Scorsese's gifts and passions as a filmmaker. It's also kinda wild to note how many parallels there are between this and fellow Scorsese/DiCaprio collab The Wolf of Wall Street - in one way or another, both are essentially three-ish-hour biopics about the meteoric rise of ambitious but troubled men who womanize and don't give a damn about the rules.

- Gone Baby Gone (rewatch): I still think Ben Affleck's first film from the director's chair is his best, and I'd love to see him go back to something this gritty, stripped-down, and character-driven.

- Fargo (rewatch): Still my favorite Coen Brothers film.

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3 hours ago, CoolioD1 said:

finally got to Tokyo Vice this week i'm five episodes deep and it's pretty good. there are so many scenes where ansel elgort is speaking japanese to a Japanese actor who's speaking english.


good show but this is my favorite part. Both japanese and western characters often switch language even mid-conversation and for whatever reason I love it. I remember there's a scene where Rinko Kikuchi interviews a Korean lady in Korean, then talks with elgort about it in Japanese and then they start speaking english when the lady goes to the other room. true bliss.



 Watched during the last month:


Creed III: Much better than 2, obv not as good as 1.

Scream VI: I saw that one twice and it's just really really fun. I haven't rewatched the Craven sequels since forever to properly place VI in my rankings, but I think it's gonna end up high.

John Wick 4: It was very good, didn't mind the runtime but at the same time I watched it 5 days ago and have already kinda forgot what happened in it.

Cocaine Bear: Not in a theatre and thank god because it's both bad and boring. The much maligned Charlie's Angels reboot was much better than this.


I also am slowly rewatching Justified for the first time since it ended. I'm midway through season 4 and loving it even more.  A true unsung masterpiece.


Also binged White Lotus season 2. Still don't get the breathless hype for this show, but I liked it more than season 1.

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