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94th Academy Awards Discussion Thread | WHAT JUST HAPPENED

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14 minutes ago, Eric Says Trans Rights said:

Because it's the truth. :)


hearing white liberals try to defend this stupidty from a racial point of view when the two men involved are some of the most previlieged people in america...




I die of cringe as a minority myself 

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9 hours ago, AndyLL said:


Give me a break.


He wasn't talking shit about Jada and defiantly wasn't being abusive.  This wasn't some bar in the real world where Rock was making fun a Smith's wife. He was roasting a celebrity audience  member like every other comedian host is paid to do at award shows.  It's part of the entertainment and what he was paid to do.  He might not have even wrote the joke.


I'm sure Will and Jada laughed at all the other jokes the hosts made.  He also seemed seemed to find that joke pretty funny at first until he decide to go off the rails.  








8 hours ago, Noctis said:

Will Smith, you go and slap the fuck out of Chris Rock for making a lame GI Jane joke about Jada and defending her as if that woman did not humiliate the fuck out of you for years? I guess his wife being called GI Jane is worse than her airing out her extramarrital affairs for the world to see when it was evident Will was in pain.


Will, you are a massive cuck. 




I’m out of likes. Looks like I need to get a paid account!


Will Smith is such a pathetic excuse for a man. Maybe he was worried his wife was gonna go see her lover if he didn’t do anything.



Edited by eddyxx
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Just now, Torontofan said:


hearing white liberals try to defend this stupidty from a racial point of view when the two men involved are some of the most previlieged people in america...




I die of cringe 

Claire's actually Latino, but go off I guess.

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34 minutes ago, Krissykins said:

Will Smith has completely overshadowed his own win, that’s what he deserves.


He overshadowed all wins. No one is talking about anything but The Slap. Look at the headlines and trending. It's one or the other variaton of The Slap. Winners Who? 


25 minutes ago, Brainbug said:

I for one think that the quality of this show is transparent for everyone when a slap is the only thing everyone talks about.


This. tells you all you need to know about the relevance of this award, the quality of the show and the quality of the winners. Without The Slap no one would talk about the ceremony or even watch.

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4 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

If you find him funny, good for you. I just find him insufferable, like when he used to brag about being an atheist. 

Thats the thing, I dont find all of his jokes funny, I'm willing to laugh at the ones I like and cringe at the ones I dont. There seems to be a pattern these days where people hear 1 joke they dont like so decide they are crap comedians. That's like me saying Christian Bale isn't that good of an actor because his performance in Terminator Salvation was bad.

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1 minute ago, Torontofan said:


So its okay to slap comedians based on whether you like them or not?



When did I say that? I said that in a hypothetical scenario where Ricky Gervais got slapped, his fans would be extremely obnoxious about it. How is that me advocating for him to be slapped? 

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2 minutes ago, Tarintino said:

Thats the thing, I dont find all of his jokes funny, I'm willing to laugh at the ones I like and cringe at the ones I dont. There seems to be a pattern these days where people hear 1 joke they dont like so decide they are crap comedians. That's like me saying Christian Bale isn't that good of an actor because his performance in Terminator Salvation was bad.

I’ve heard plenty of his jokes, and I simply don’t find him funny. That’s my opinion. 

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44 minutes ago, Blaze Heatnix said:

Will Smith doesn't care about his wife. Who was he defending ? 





The whole situtation is very disturbing. I guess comedians can't make memes or jokes about bald people because some of them might be losing their hair because of a disease. Is that the world people wnt to live?


If you don't like something or think it "crossed the line" ( whatever that means ), there are other means to do so other than hitting someone.


🥴Ironically, Smith's case reminds me of these two in Encanto,



I think some couples are just that weird, the husband put his wife's feelings above all else and he will react negatively after he sees his wife's reaction. I think Disney didn't over exaggerate about this.

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27 minutes ago, MrPink said:

Honestly a GI Jane joke in 2022 feels insanely out of date, regardless of whether it's offensive or not.


Having said that it was also on BBC America last night at midnight and I popped it on for the first time in 25 years.

I'm wondering if digital sales of GI Jane go up today.

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16 minutes ago, RobrtmanAStarWarsReference said:

So many weirdos pearl clutching lol

if comedians don't want to get slapped, they should be writing better jokes


So should all comedians across America start to get slapped for telling dumb jokes?


cause even the most well respected comedians have told dumb jokes before. 

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1 hour ago, brothernero said:

Is it true that Rock did that joke in rehearsal with Will Smith in the room and there was no issue?


If people really are going to excuse Smith's assault, then there has to be the same lenience given to anyone who wants to punch someone due to a joke they don't like.  Or even a political shot.  Can't wait for some conservative to walk up to Stephen Colbert or Jimmy Kimmel, and roundhouse him and see if they're cheered by the same people who now champion Will Smith.


The difference is here is that it was personal.  But many idiots take things personally that are not, yes.  It's not a good role model moment, even though Hollywood has arguably perpetuated "violence solves the problem" in its movies for generations now.  


I'm kind of astounded that, if it's true that the Oscars' writing staff came up with that one, that it even went through being approved, considering the sensitivity of current Hollywood/American culture!  And of course Rock saying the joke is one thing, Rock saying while Will/Jada are ten feet away is *super-brave.*  But Rock has never been afraid of being edgy.  

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So… understanding on why a celebrity especially a comedian, who makes more money than anyone here will ever make in a lifetime slapped another comedian/celebrity and empathizing with it is equivalent to advocating “Hey, let’s beat all comedians” and comedians are the most prosecuted people on the planet.



Some people may say comedy is dead now but looking at some peoples’ posts, I’d say it’s thriving.

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