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The Top 50 of STAR WARS - A Countdown | countdown is complete #1 on page 8

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#20 Star Wars Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker - 167 Points 


When Will Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Come To Disney+ ? – What's On  Disney Plus


"I Am all the Jedi" - Ray


-8 Rise of Skywalker ranked 12 in 2020 countdown


Star Wars Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker is a film released on Dec 16th 2019. Directed by J J Abrams and released by Disney. it is the 9th and final (so far) film in the main star wars series aka the Skywalker Saga. the film takes place approximately a year after the events of The Last Jedi, and sees Rey continuing her training by General Leia, who is shown to have trained as a Jedi herself.

it is found out that Emperor Palpatine has somehow been resurrectedand is planing the complete destructive of the Resistance and eternal rule with what is known of his now "Final Order" 





The Film was met with divisiveness upon release and received mixed to negative reviews   

The review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reported an approval rating of 52% with an average score of 6.1/10, based on 520 reviews. making it second lowest graded live-action star wars film the 11 films released so far. (the phantom menace (wrongly imo) having a 51% and lowest of all. The website's critical consensus reads, "The Rise of Skywalker suffers from a frustrating lack of imagination, but concludes this beloved saga with fan-focused devotion."



The fans were even more divided upon release. the original director Colin Trevorrow. left the project shortly before filming was supposed to take place, it was not 100 clear why, but many assume he was let go after his film "The Book of Henry" was released to scathing reviews. he was so far into "The Rise of Skywalker" that there was a completed script for his version that was titled "Duel of the Fates" (it has since made it's way online to be read by the public). And after The Last Jedi was met with a decisive response. critics mostly loved it, but the fan-reaction went from some thinking it was the best Star Wars to date. to many believe it was a slap in the face to Star Wars fans for it's more elusive message about the light and dark side of the force. the and probably the biggest complaint among die hard fans the handling of Luke Skywalker's character (which I will go further into upon a write up for that film). it also grossed $300m less domestically and hollywood being the knee jerk reactionaries that that they are went back to JJ Abrams to finish the trilogy. love it or hate it the result was something of a rushed extravaganzas of nostalgia and epic duels that ended up being more ridiculous and over the top that even the prequel era films could never dream of topping. it out-right did a 360 on some of the issues the the Jedi presented, making it a disjointed trilogy with almost a whip-lash feel. and clearly no clear direction was agreed upon for the trilogy as a whole before these films were released. still if you were to ask more causal star wars fans or even some devotees. The Rise of Skywalker is a fun film that sticks true to the ethos of the Star Wars saga of light vs dark, redemption and good ultimately conquering the day.   


More Concept Art Revealed for Colin Trevorrow's Star Wars: Duel of the  Fates - Star Wars News Net


it currently has a not great, but not awful 6.5 out of 10 on IMDB. which is tied with "The Phantom Menace" for lowest ranking star wars live action film. it is a little above "The Clone Wars Movie" though, which has a 5.9 out of 10. however on Letterboxd (a more accurate rating site imo due to having less "trolls") it holds a scathing 2.5/5. the lowest of any star wars film, even the clone wars. 


Box office wise The Rise of Skywalker grossed $515,000,000 domestically and $1,077,000,000 Worldwide. making it the 4th highest grossing in the series domestically and third worldwide (but the lowest of the sequel trilogy) 


The Rise of Skywalker was nominated for 3 Oscars. best original Score, best visual effects and best sound editing.





My rant thoughts: the fact that this is the final product and it is supposed to concluded not just the sequel trilogy but the entire saga is shameful. there is soo many instances of sloppy writing and rushed plotlines and just out-right breaking the rules of star wars lore. Emperor Palpatine using his forces lighting to electrocute an entire Starflight is one one if not the most cringe- worthy moment in star wars history, he is so OP it takes away any feeling of real stakes and him just getting thousands of ships out of nowhere is ridiculous. it was JJ was like well "more is more" and kept say "MORE MORE MORE" for everything. sometimes more is just worse and it shows here. there was clearly no completed script for this film, it's like they rushed a first draft out starting shooting the film and hoped for the best. shame on them. 


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And they are just riding these space horses on ships... in space at one point, how do they have gravity? I guess they are "defining gravity.  god there is some ridiculously bad stuff in this film. that being said there is some enjoyment to be had watching this movie, it is not really boring. and upon second watch it's serviceable as a pretty poorly written film, with good actors and technical exports doing their best with what they can work with. sprinkles of greatness are shown here and there. the duals are pretty average for Star Wars, but there is some emotional stakes and some pretty great visual shots. Kylo's Ren's storyline and redemption arch is quite rewarding for me him being easily the best character in the entire sequel trilogy and his final is mostly satisfying. considering the limitations hey had with the tragic passing of Carrie Fisher, it was cool to see a flashback of Leia training to be a Jedi. if her reasoning behind it was kind of half-baked story writing. I did like that she completed Rey's Jedi Training although I would have liked to see more of it. also why did give Rey an awesome Yellow lightsaber at the very end of the film??? why not let her use it in the film, such a visual waste. and her whole heritage reveal was dumb it was dumb dumb dumb. and Paply should have never been in this movie, it was a weak EU plot to begin with and it's even worse here. they found out they had a villain problem here and choice the most lazy option imaginable and it did not work. oh the score was great of course again John Williams is a legend and even he found a way to make a great score. 



LAZY that's how I see this movie, it was so rushed and so lazy, but there was some good in it, enough to realize if they had taking their time and actually cared about the script they could have had a pretty awesome movie, actually they didn't have to do that even because they could have just used the Colin Trevorrow script which was way better and gotten a lot better movie, I mean have you seen some of the concept art? Rey uses a freaking double-bladed blue lightsaber. which makes sense since she was swinging around a long staff the whole first movie and would make since story wise and  be awesome visually to see. 

But yeah instead we got Jar Jar Abrams. this isn't the worst movie ever made, and if you liked this movie I'm happy for you. but it just fall short in too many ways of what it could have been, I don't hate the movie, but it's such a letdown especially compared to what it could have been. 


1# Rankings: 0
Top 3 Rankings: 0
Top 5 Rankings: 0
Bottom rankings: 9

The Rise of Skywalker ranks #11 out of 11 Star Wars live action films making it the lowest ranking Star Wars live Action film in the series, it also has the most bottom rankings out of any film in the entire countdown, making it's placement a bit confusing. but it was listed on almost every list 33. and had a few mid-rankings. I guess next time I will stress if you don't like it don't list. still the movies (and to an extent live action tv shows) got the most attention and its film placement is pretty accurate so I guess think of that with a grain of salt when you see films place against less popular content such as video games and books (which are clearly far superior to this)  





Series/author's so far: 


High Republic: 2

Lego Star Wars: 2

James Luceno: 2

Michael A Stackpole: 1

Dark Forces/Jedi Knight: 3

Lucasarts: 7

Timothy Zhan: 5

Dave Feloni: 3

Disney+: 2


Legends novels: 9
Cannon novels: 3



1970s: 1

1980s: 1

1990s: 9

2000s: 12

2010s: 5

2020s: 5


Edited by Kalo
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I think The Rise of Skywalker is the only star wars film I can say that I don't like. I love most star wars things so I do enjoy some parts of it. but yeah it's pretty bad overall.


Also I know that was incredibly long write up, I had strong opinions about the film and had a lot to say, I'll try to keep other write up more reasonable in length but lets be honest, all of the movie write ups are going to be long.  6 of them were some of my most anticipated films ever and the others I wasn't born when they came out. 

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Like I said on my letterboxd review on Episode IX:



So out of the 3 Original Trilogy heroes, 2 kill themselves through force exhaustion, while the other one gets murdered by his own son, who then also proceeds to kill himself through force exhaustion.


The fact that no one important at Lucasfilm realized this was a deplorable way to handle those characters is quite perplexing to me.


If this was supposed to be a happy ending to the saga (because it's clearly trying to be)... near miss?



Dreadful writing in this movie.

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Don't see it. First of, the death of Carrie Fisher kind of prevented them from doing anything else with her character. Secondly, the old heroes were not the main protagonist of the ST, they were mentors who passed on the torch. You know what happened to those kind of characters in the OT and PT? They died!


Obi-Wan and Yoda died in the OT, and you can kind of add Anakin to that as well. Yet, ROTJ was most definately a happy ending.


It's not like their deaths were somehow surprising. People were surprised that Harrison Ford returned at all, and then assumed that it would just a one off to get his character killed. The death of his character was essential to the story and character development of the antagonist. Luke was supposed to die in Episode VIII even in the story Lucas had written, which was also what happened to all Jedi masters we had seen before. Luke basically went out in the biggest blaze of glory of any character in the saga, sacrificing himself to save others, the epitome of what it means to be a Jedi. Maybe some people thought along the lines of "I love my old heroes, I don't want them to die", and that is fine, I didn't "need" to see them die either. But it certainly would be a sorry excuse of writing if they survived just because of that.


IX had many issues, the fate of the big three was not one of them.

Edited by George Parr
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TROS was one of the worst blockbusters I have ever sat through.


You couldn't pay me a thousand dollars to sit through that rhinoceros dung again.


I can tolerate TLJ, no problem. It is dumb in some parts but entertaining in others. I was looking at my watch the entire length of TROS.


F'n torture.

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The Star Wars sequels are fascinating because its so obvious nobody really had any idea wtf they were doing after TFA.  TLJ is a bizarre and unfocused mess of C-plots and tone that doesn't really go anywhere and TROS might be the dumbest movie ever made.  I was a few years late to getting around to seeing TROS but I almost fell out of my chair in the first 5 minutes when its revealed Palpatine(don't get me started that) has a bunch of Snokes in jars thats he's been manufacturing.  It feels like they didn't even try after the reaction to TLJ.

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Episode 9 is the only Star Wars film I have not given a positive grade to (I do not count the Clone Wars mashup of tv episodes as a "movie". Even the "bad" prequels (Episode 1 and 2) I am at least lukewarm positive on for the whole.



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On 2/6/2023 at 7:37 PM, Kalo said:

#22 Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords - 154 Points 


STAR WARS™: Knights of the Old Republic™ II: The Sith Lords for Nintendo  Switch - Nintendo Official Site


-7 Knights of the Old Republic II ranked 15 in the 2020 countdown  


"If you seek to aid everyone that suffers in the galaxy, you will only weaken yourself and weaken them. It is the internal struggles, when fought and won on their own, that yield the strongest rewards. - Kreia 


Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords is a role-play based video game released on Dec 6th 2004, Developed by  Obsidian Entertainment and published by LucasArts. it is the sequel to the original Knights of the Old Republic, and continues the story set of the first KOTOR, set 5 years after the events of the first game. However, this time you play as the Jedi Exile in stead of Revan. who is also customizable between male or female and with several different ethic groups and races, (although all human). the cannon version of the character is female and named Meetra Surik. the game play is very similar to KOTOR, but there were some modifications made for the sequel, such as new force powers and how your light side and dark side choices can now effect your whole party and that through conversation and getting to know your companions you can unlike a "force ability path" for almost every character in your group. 


Note: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic had an entire soundtrack composed Mark Griskey, it's a pretty great soundtrack.



Knights of the Old Republic II was met with positive reception upon its release; on Metacritic, it has an aggregate score of 85/100 and 86/100 on the PC and Xbox versions respectively, indicating "generally favorable reviews" according to the site.[66][67] IGN said that there is a bulk of pressure involved with developing the sequel to a game from a different developer which won several "Game of the Year" awards.


It was also a best seller By early 2006, Knights of the Old Republic II had sold almost 1.5 million copies.[55] Its sales in the United States alone reached 1.275 million by 2008.


My thoughts: This is probably my favorite video game of all time, and for all those of you who placed the original KOTOR so high and neglected this, shame on you. This is just iconic star wars at it's finest, the roleplay based game play is just as good as the original and actually improves it in quite a few ways. there is more force powers and more interaction and influence between characters. and imo this game has one of the most interesting complex characters in all of Star Wars in Kreia, she acts as a mentor to you as you have to re-learn your powers, but gives all this morally grey advice that is actually quite thought provoking and you think about it long after playing the game, the game is super immersive just staying on the main quests will take days upon days to complete and the side quests are so interesting why would you want to just run through the game, you have to gain influence with your party and by doing so you unlock different interactions with the characters that actually changes the entire outcome of the game, for example there is one character (minor Spoiler), Atton Rand he seems like a total Han Solo copy in many ways but he has this dark past and history and I played through this game the first time without even realizing this. he is force sensitive and can be trained to be a eh not jedi really but use force powers. but if you don't dig into his back story you will never unlock this ability for him, it's just brilliant (end of spoiler).  there are two different characters you can only have join your party if you are male or female. this game is just so freakin in depth, there is speeder bike races, Pazaak games. you can upgreade all of your characters and have 100s (maybe 1,000s?) of weapons and outfits to choose from). and I have always been fascinated by the sith and this dives deeper into thier lore than the original Kotor. I LOVE this game, please do yourself a favor and play it. it is one of the best video games ever made and an essential role-play game.



Note: there were some criticism that this game was rushed and not given a complete ending, and that is kind of true. it only came out a little over a year after the original KOTOR, and the story doesn't really tie everything up and there is still a lot of questions by the end of it, and it is really sad that there was never a KOTOR III,( Old Republic online game does not count) I honestly don't know why as these games were incredibly successful, ( I think one of the developers went under?? ). But there is such a rich story that I would love to see an HBO style show made adapting  both games and completing the story with a third. this is such a rich world and it kind of keep star wars alive when the prequels were met with lukewarm reception. there is KOTOR remake in the works, but I think it is kind of on hold atm. I really hope they don't screw it up.


while this was a "Legends" game, they have been vague about that and there have been alot of "Old Republic" references in more recent star wars cannon, namely Star Wars Andor: which directly references several things from "Knights of the Old Republic" so I feel it's just a matter of time before at least some version of it is canonized.  


#1 Rankings: 0
Top 3 Rankings: 1
Top 5 Rankings: 2
Bottom Rankings: 0

Knights of the Old Republic II is the 3rd highest ranking game to make the top 50 and it wins the blue milk award for being the third highest ranking game!



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Now I admit that the game on release was hacked up and very unfinished, so I would not recommend playing it without the Content Restoration mod that actually finishes about 80% of what Obsidian was forced to drop halfway through production, but the game is very thought-provoking by challenging the general pop culture interpretation of the Jedi and actually makes an effort to interrogate whether they're worth saving and bringing back to the galaxy.


It does it a good bit better than Episode 8 though like Episode 8 it reaches the same conclusion IMO [depending on how you play it of course] (that the Jedi being fuckups in the past doesn't preclude a better vision of the Jedi from taking root in the future)

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On 2/9/2023 at 8:09 PM, CaptNathanBrittles said:

I can't blame Abrams, he had a ridiculously short amount of time to complete a film of that size. Blame Disney and their release dates.


At least ROS didn't have a malicious soul like TLJ, it was just incredibly dumb.


There is nothing malicious whatsoever in TLJ, such a claim is just nonsense.

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I head cannoned a movie/storyline that fits nicely between TLJ and TROS which lessens the blow of each and ties more in with TFA. It involves saving a bunch of First Order children while spending time with voices in Kylo's head and him trying to find out the source of the voices he is hearing. It also involves Finn and Poe being sent on a mission by a radical resistance leader to unlock the code for the First Order plans to recruit. However, the radical leader secretly wants to find out these plans so he can destroy those worlds before the First Order gets there, using the War Hammer (the plotline abandoned from TFA). They learn that Leia had sanctioned it years ago secretly but then aborted from it due to moral reasons. So the story gets into the idea of whether the resistance should resort to the same tactics as the First Order. The answer is NO and Finn and Poe end up disabling the War Hammer. With help from Rey, they rescue a LOT of children (including Force sensitive children the FO want) and bringing them to the safe haven of Batuu.


All the while, Finn finds a way to communicate to stormtroopers about their past in hopes of turning them against the FO. He does not think it works until (add one scene) TROS where a bunch of white stormtroopers help Finn and Janna bombard the red troopers.


In my opinion, three things would have helped TROS be a little better. One-have a stormtrooper revolt like above. Two-something like the fan edit of the ending where Force ghosts show up to help Rey. Three-an epilogue (speech by Poe with unveiling of statue of Leia on Coruscant, Force sensitive children including Broom boy ready to start training, and Chewie returning to his family on Kashyyyk.)


The movie really isn't as bad as many have been led to think. It just needed a little more.

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#19 - Star Wars: Visions - 167 Points (wins tie-breaker with RoS by having higher average)


Watch Star Wars: Visions | Disney+


New Star Wars visons was unranked in 2020 (because it didn't exist!)


Star Wars Visions is an animated Anthology series released on Disney+ on Sep 22nd 2021, it is the first non-canon Star Wars content released by Disney. and consists of 9 episodes made by various anime artists.


Star Wars Visions received critical acclaim with websites such as  Rotten Tomatoes giving the show a 96% approval rating with an average rating of 8.20/10, based on 50 reviews for the first season. The site's critical consensus reads, "Gorgeously animated and wildly creative, Visions is an eclectic, but wholly enjoyable collection of Star Wars stories that breathe new life into the galaxy.


Star Wars Visions Review: A Stunning Anime Reinterpretation of the Saga |  Den of Geek


The show also received an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Short Form Animated Program.


Visions was also a hit with audiences According to Whip Media's viewership tracking app TV Time, Star Wars: Visions was the 3rd most anticipated new television series of September 2021. According to Whip Media, Star Wars: Visions was the 5th most streamed original television series in the United States, during the week of September 26, 2021.


The show has been renewed for a second season set to be released on May 4th 2023. 


My thoughts: This show was pretty great, the animation styles are mostly gorgeous, and while the story quality varies per episode the highs are very high, "the Ninth Jedi" an episode taking place hundreds of years after ROTJ being my favorite, which is ironically a similar timeline of a role-play website I used to be a part of and where my screen name "Kalo" came from (a new jedi order Jedi Knight named Kalo Visor). I don't think I really disliked any episode, but Tatooine Rhapsody was probably the weakest. I am a bit skeptical about the second season, which I thought at first would continue some of the storylines from the first season, but is now said to use artists from all over the world and not Japanese, after reading the names I found out none of the are the same, so a continuation seems unlikely, kind of a bummer, but I am still curiously optimistic. 





#1 Rankings: 0
Top 3 Rankings: 0
Top 5 Rankings: 0
Bottom Rankings: 1

Star Wars Visions is the 7th highest ranking Star Wars TV show and 4th highest animated show to make the top 50th. 



Series/author's so far: 


High Republic: 2

Lego Star Wars: 2

James Luceno: 2

Michael A Stackpole: 1

Dark Forces/Jedi Knight: 3

Lucasarts: 7

Timothy Zhan: 5

Dave Feloni: 3

Disney+: 3


Legends novels: 9
Cannon novels: 3



1970s: 1

1980s: 1

1990s: 9

2000s: 12

2010s: 5

2020s: 6


Edited by Kalo
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#18 Star Wars: The Bad Batch - 180 Points 


Star Wars: The Bad Batch - Rotten Tomatoes


New! The Bad Batch was unranked in 2020 countdown (it wasn't out yet)


"Poor Moochy, looks scared" - Omega


Star Wars: The Bad Batch is a prequel era star wars show created by Jennifer Corbett & Dave Filoni, it follows the events immediately after the fall of the Republic, and shows the rise of the empire, and how it dealt with the Clone Troopers, and began phasing them out for which will eventually be replaced with the "Storm Trooper" it follows a group of genetically altered Troopers who refused to follow order 66,  and shows how they navigate on the fringes of space to avoid the oppression of the newly formed Empire. The Bad Batch  were introduced in the final season of "Clone Wars" making this a continuation of that series, as well as a sequel to that show and prequel of sorts to "Star Wars Rebels". The show introduces a new character a female clone named Omega, who ends up joining the bad batch and plays the role of their little "sister" 


Omega Bad Batch GIF - Omega Bad Batch - Discover & Share GIFs


The Bad Batch received positive reviews from critics with critic website Rotten Tomatoes reported an 86% approval rating with an average rating of 7.20/10, based on 90 reviews for the first season. The website's critics consensus reads, "The Bad Batch's beautifully animated adventure may be too lore heavy for casual viewers, but fans will enjoy diving deeper into this dastardly cast of characters.



The show has been successful enough for a renewal of a second season, which is  began airing on Jan 4th of this year currently airing on "Disney+ as writing this.


My thoughts: This show is kind of a mixed bag to me, when it is good, its really good, having some episodes nearly as good as the original "Clone Wars show. the 90 minute opening episode being a standout in the series. but it meanders way too much into to filer territory, and while clone wars did this some, it also got back on track quickly and this show can have 4 or so "filler" episodes in a role where virtually nothing happens to move the plot and focuses on more childish things, but just when I am about to give up on the show it releases an incredible, dark episodes that hooks me again, I think the biggest problem this show has is the title, dealing with the aftermath of the clone wars and the steady rise of the empire and dealing with what happened to the clones, and the republic is incredibly interesting and keeps me engaged when it focuses on these things, but the main characters are just not very interesting and honestly I find them a little cheesy and Omega is just plain annoying. and most of the good episodes don't even have them in it, I think reshaping this as a "Clone Wars aftermath and focusing on characters were cared about from clone wars more, such as Rex and Cody (which this show does some) would have made for a much better focused show. I would recommend it, but probably only to die-hard star wars fans who are willing to put up with lots of filler to get to the good parts. it's decent, but not as good as "Rebels" and certainly not as good as "The Clone Wars" show. 




#1 Rankings: 0
Top 3 Rankings: 0
Top 5 Rankings: 0
Bottom Rankings: 0

Star Wars The Bad batch is the 6th highest ranking Star Wars TV show and 3rd highest animated show to make the top 50th. 


The Bad Batch wins the blue milk award for being the third highest ranking animated show on the countdown 


Végre kiderült a kék tej titka! Most már te is megcsinálhatod otthon Luke  kedvenc itókáját!



Series/author's so far: 


High Republic: 2

Lego Star Wars: 2

James Luceno: 2

Michael A Stackpole: 1

Dark Forces/Jedi Knight: 3

Lucasarts: 7

Timothy Zhan: 5

Dave Feloni: 4

Disney+: 4


Legends novels: 9
Cannon novels: 3



1970s: 1

1980s: 1

1990s: 9

2000s: 12

2010s: 5

2020s: 7




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On 2/7/2023 at 7:20 PM, Kalo said:

it also has the most bottom rankings out of any film in the entire countdown, making it's placement a bit confusing. but it was listed on almost every list 33. and had a few mid-rankings. I guess next time I will stress if you don't like it don't list.


You seem to have some personal vendetta against this movie. I guess next time I shall vote it number 1 just to spite you.

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18 hours ago, shachi86 said:


You seem to have some personal vendetta against this movie. I guess next time I shall vote it number 1 just to spite you.


I was stating a fact, a statistic. it really did have more bottom rankings than any film in the top 50. I don't have a vendetta against the film. but it is clearly a letdown to a lot of people or it wouldn't rank so low. ranking a film #1 to spite someone is pretty childish. If you don't really think it's #1 I'll gladly exclude your list. I only accept honest rankings.  ;)

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