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Bob Train

Steve Rogers Birthday Bash Weekend Thread | 5-Day #s: Indy 83.4, Elemental 18, Spidey 17.65, Sound of Freedom 14.2, No Hard Feelings 11.3

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This is going to be my only post about Disney star wars. We went through this at nauseam starting in 2015 and then continuing on with the last Jedi and so on. This is going to sound like me being an asshole but the last Jedi unequivocally without question destroyed everything that the force awakens was building. JJ had so many great ideas and when he who shall not be named was allowed to direct The last Jedi he took everything that was started in the force awakens and he used it as toilet paper. I don't know how anybody can deny that. Pretty much every intriguing nugget that was teased to us was completely ignored in the next film. There's only one Star wars movie that I can't stand and it's the last jedi. In fact I kind of despise it.


As for the force awakens being at the beginning of the end, no it was actually the start of something beautiful and if they would have kept it going the way it was written the next two films would have done much much better.


I know we've all got our different opinions and that's fine but I just had to get this out. The force awakens was pretty damn awesome. Rey and Finn and  Poe were great protagonists and kylo ren of course was a fantastic antagonist. I do wish the Legacy characters could have had one scene together in that film including Luke and Leia of course. But in my opinion the force awakens is a fantastic film and it's the most I've seen a movie at a theater in the last 20 years.


Anyway that's my rant, that's how I feel and I'll leave it at that.

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10 minutes ago, Joel M said:

After reading the last few pages, I gotta say I'm glad TLJ ruined so many peoples childhoods. Kinda deserved.

I know right! And most of these people were prequel trilogy children! Talk about rose-tinted glasses when it comes to Star Wars. 

I sort of love twenty somethings hating on the new ones whilst believing the PT to be sacred. 

Anyway….Dial of Destiny. Good Indiana Jones movie. 


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2 hours ago, scytheavatar said:


She did have a plan. What we saw was the plan in action, the first film was supposed to reset everything to what it once was. Second film was supposed to go off the rails and third film was supposed to end in an epic if not nonsensical manner. The directors were chosen to execute that plan. Of course stuff like the death of Fisher was unfortunate and threw a spanner to the works, but let's not pretend Kennedy and her team didn't know what they wanted. It's just a question of whether that plan made sense.


I don't believe for one second that they had a story across all three movies mapped out. Not for a single second.


"Somehow, Palpatine returned."


Come on now.

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I'm not a fan of the argument about TFA & TLJ. IMO the whole sequel trilogy is garbage like Jurassic World trilogy and many many (like those in this June). They only know copying their first movies and forgot the moral tales that made these movies great. Only good part of sequel trilogy is I knew Daisy. But I have no expectations of upcoming SW films or most Hollywood blockbusters.


recommend you to watch this video and see what modern Hollywood movies are doing.



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Lucasfilm not having a plan for the trilogy when they gave Johnson the reigns is completely insane and as a non SW fan I’m glad he exposed their poor management in the most hilarious way. “Fuck your Chosen One obsession, the Force can touch anyone, etc…”



Edited by Hatebox
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4 hours ago, JustLurking said:

I agree with this but the thing is TLJ already did the same thing to TFA. They allowed RJ to get rid of everything JJ wanted to setup, then allowed JJ to get rid of everything RJ wanted to setup. It's hilarious really, they should've just let them do two separate trilogies lmao.

What RJ wanted to setup through TLJ & what JJ wanted to setup through TFA? Can you elaborate?

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9 minutes ago, Hatebox said:

Lucasfilm not having a plan for the trilogy when they gave Johnson the reigns is completely insane and as a non SW fan I’m glad he exposed their poor management in the most hilarious way. “Fuck your Chosen One obsession, the Force can touch anyone, etc…”



Wait poeple have a problem with force touching anyone!!!


This movie Definitely undermines the force but that's not one of the ways.


"Put that one under the dumb criticisms section Imo.

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The main thing TLJ sets up is Kylo being the actual villain/final boss and not someone to be redeemed and saved from the influence of an even evil-er dude like Snoke or the Emperor. That would have been interesting to see. How that storyline would go I have no idea but I'm not paid millions to write a Star Wars movie. I bet my house whatever version of that would be way better than pulling Palpy's corpse out of your ass to be the big bad. 

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I think the prequels are liked more now as even though 2 out of 3 films are not good at all they have iconic elements unlike the sequels and its obvious ROTS was and is still very well liked by the fanbase.


I think ROTS does well it takes a deeply flawed set up from the first two films and gives a very fun entertaining end while TROS did the worst of both worlds. Ignored the film before it and make a new storyline that makes no sense.




Edited by Torontofan
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10 minutes ago, Joel M said:

The main thing TLJ sets up is Kylo being the actual villain/final boss and not someone to be redeemed and saved from the influence of an even evil-er dude like Snoke or the Emperor. That would have been interesting to see. How that storyline would go I have no idea but I'm not paid millions to write a Star Wars movie. I bet my house whatever version of that would be way better than pulling Palpy's corpse out of your ass to be the big bad. 

I think they did a mistake by not teasing Palpatine at the end of TLJ, if they had no one would have said that TLJ didn't setup TRoS.

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3 minutes ago, Joel M said:

The main thing TLJ sets up is Kylo being the actual villain/final boss and not someone to be redeemed and saved from the influence of an even evil-er dude like Snoke or the Emperor. That would have been interesting to see. How that storyline would go I have no idea but I'm not paid millions to write a Star Wars movie. I bet my house whatever version of that would be way better than pulling Palpy's corpse out of your ass to be the big bad. 

Don't like his arc in TLJ was excuted  but for the love of me can't comprehend why they brought back palpatine.


At the end of TLJ Kylo is the head of first order and rebellion has no allies , that there is your plot for ROS.


Ros should have  been about  Kylo establishing  his foot hold in the first order and the rebellion searching for allies which would boost world building which the triolgy was sorely lacking.


Then have big battle in the end . Easy.


Don't know what they were thinking with that nonsense we got.

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TBH SW was doomed the moment Disney took over. TFA was surprisingly good (even though it was basically a remake), still it was fun and had potential. Then we know what happened. Just watching INDY shortly. Expectations lowered, but still hoping to enjoy the ride.

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7 billion dollar films in 2019 was so unreal. Honestly that year no matter how groundbreaking was kind of scary for the industry Imo. Disney had acquired fox and it sort of felt like it had monopolized the market Abit and basically was on top of the world.


Just shocked how things changed so fast. 

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So, I leave and wake up to relitigating the Star Wars fights...which is actually on point this weekend b/c we are in a weekend with another Lucasfilm opener.  I applaud those who held off all summer to get to this weekend for the Star Wars sequel discussion, just so we could also expand the pages of a slow thread.  But I appreciate the Mod wanting to move it back to the overall state of Lucasfilm and Disney vs the minutiae of the ruining of Luke (TLJ) - as someone said, a good movie was hiding in there, but starting the movie with a character assassination of Luke and a trilogy assassination of the previous movie's whole Rey plot - not great, Bob, not great)...but we've got pages of that from before, so we should really talk whose heads might roll this week since Disney is going division by division and only Pixar has been hit so far in the movies division...



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9 minutes ago, Liiviig 1998 said:

7 billion dollar films in 2019 was so unreal. Honestly that year no matter how groundbreaking was kind of scary for the industry Imo. Disney had acquired fox and it sort of felt like it had monopolized the market Abit and basically was on top of the world.


Just shocked how things changed so fast. 

They would still do $6B WW in this financial year(Oct 2022-sep 2023). Their next big financial year will be 2026.

Frozen 3 Nov 2025

Avatar 3 Dec 2025

Avengers 5 May 2026

Star Wars Rey movie May 2026

Atleast 3 out of these 4 will do billion at box office.

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Admin Post:


Mornin’ All. Please disregard @Eric Jones previous moderation posts. As long as everyone is behaving, and not calling each other names, please proceed however, you see fit.


If you don’t wanna have this conversation again, I suggest putting the people on mute, or just scrolling by.

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