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Weekday numbers July 24-27

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1 minute ago, Eric Bainbridge said:

Because that's what this movie needed to exist. I know there's a lot of discourse about "why do movies cost so much????", but the problem is that if you slash movies and their costs down, that causes a lot of cut corners. You lose an important setpiece, you lose certain actors, and so on. So you end up with a cheap-looking product, and cheap doesn't always mean good, or in a worst-case scenario, you're like the new Spider-Verse movie and you overwork and abuse your crew members. And frankly, considering that Hollywood is exposing itself more and more as an awful place where capitalist pigs will happily lay off their workers at a moment's notice, mock people who want livable wages, and are more than fine with crunching and overworking their VFX workers who are forced to deliver crappy CGI because there's no time to get it all done, I think a little extra money to give better production values and more time for the people making your movie is just fine, even if the greedy studio execs have to pay extra.


Plus there's so much stuff that happens from greenlighting to release. A pitch for a reboot of a popular Disneyland ride with a fun ensemble cast and spooky VFX sounds like a good pitch to me. They didn't know in 2020/2021 that audience attendance was going to shrivel up like it has and that Barbie and Oppenheimer would be big news and that the film would only recieve mixed reviews. If studios had a magic 8-ball that told them what would happen, then no movies would bomb. And frankly, at this point, because moviegoing is in the toilet minus one or two breakouts per year, these studios should probably accept that blockbusters will have to exist as loss leaders from now on.


And just for kicks, let it be known that the 2003 Haunted Mansion, when you adjust for inflation, is about $150M. Even if a good chunk of the 2003 film was Eddie Murphy's salary, that's still only a $10 million difference. And while that film is a piece of crap, that film also looks very expensive.

I was thinking about saying something similar, but I was afraid it’d sound too preachy coming from me. I’m glad that I’m not the one doing this wall of text. Agreed.


This Film Twitter craze of playing Studio Mogul fantasy league and complaining about budgets are completely missing the point. This film doesn’t offer absolutely nothing for me, but complaints about budgets are overblown.

We really do not need CEOs to start cutting even more corners than they already do, and even without the theater moviegoing experience being in the toilet, it’s not like it didn’t happen before the rise of streaming and covid. Case in point, the Eddie Murphy’s Haunted Mansion. 

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8 minutes ago, The Dark Alfred said:

lol Ted Lasso is the funniest, most inspirational, heart-warming comedy out there that gives a great insight to one of the most popular sporting leagues on the planet. Suppose if someone isn't a fan of the PL some of the jokes don't sit.

Ah yes, proper insight. Give me a break. The jokes don't sit well cause they're not funny. Truly one of those shows that people will look back on years from now and say "THAT shit was an award-winning show?".

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14 minutes ago, Eric Bainbridge said:

Because that's what this movie needed to exist. I know there's a lot of discourse about "why do movies cost so much????", but the problem is that if you slash movies and their costs down, that causes a lot of cut corners. You lose an important setpiece, you lose certain actors, and so on. So you end up with a cheap-looking product, and cheap doesn't always mean good, or in a worst-case scenario, you're like the new Spider-Verse movie and you overwork and abuse your crew members. And frankly, considering that Hollywood is exposing itself more and more as an awful place where capitalist pigs will happily lay off their workers at a moment's notice, mock people who want livable wages, and are more than fine with crunching and overworking their VFX workers who are forced to deliver crappy CGI because there's no time to get it all done, I think a little extra money to give better production values and more time for the people making your movie is just fine, even if the greedy studio execs have to pay extra.


Plus there's so much stuff that happens from greenlighting to release. A pitch for a reboot of a popular Disneyland ride with a fun ensemble cast and spooky VFX sounds like a good pitch to me. They didn't know in 2020/2021 that audience attendance was going to shrivel up like it has and that Barbie and Oppenheimer would be big news and that the film would only recieve mixed reviews. If studios had a magic 8-ball that told them what would happen, then no movies would bomb. And frankly, at this point, because moviegoing is in the toilet minus one or two breakouts per year, these studios should probably accept that blockbusters will have to exist as loss leaders from now on.


And just for kicks, let it be known that the 2003 Haunted Mansion, when you adjust for inflation, is about $150M. Even if a good chunk of the 2003 film was Eddie Murphy's salary, that's still only a $10 million difference. And while that film is a piece of crap, that film also looks very expensive.

If you look at Elemental, that to me looked like the money was on the screen which is the idea that Pixar needs to slash their budget to Illumination levels is not going to happen because that means losing a lot of work in the USA to abroad.


I do think there's this obsession with budgets that they need to lower and in some cases it's justified but they are multiple reasons why a film goes over budget and it's not even a recent thing. Cleopatra went way over budget as did Superman the Movie and Titanic. 


Something like Haunted Mansion much like Jungle Cruise is a way to essentially promote the rides at the parks and given Pirates of the Caribbean made so much money, it's a no brainer for Disney to look at certain attractions and think 'can this work as a movie' although I'm not sure how you can turn Space Mountain or Big Thunder Mountain into films.



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16 minutes ago, reddevil19 said:

Ah yes, proper insight. Give me a break. The jokes don't sit well cause they're not funny. Truly one of those shows that people will look back on years from now and say "THAT shit was an award-winning show?".

Dude, you are so uneducated in the matter. You can dislike it, of course and find it unfunny, but can't ignore simple facts. Yes, it gives great insight. Actual managers from the PL praising the show. All football/soccer fans love the show. It was made for them. But the true beauty of it that it managed to find an audience beyond that. You can't do that unless the show offers something unique.

Edited by The Dark Alfred
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1 minute ago, The Dark Alfred said:

Dude, you are so uneductated in the matter. You can dislike it, of course and find it unfunny, but can't ignore simple facts. Yes, it gives great insight. Actual managers from the PL praising the show. All football/soccer fans love the show. It was made for them. But the true beauty of it that it managed to find an audience beyond that. You can't do that unless the show offers something unique.

Hardcore football fan here. Didn’t connected with it. But I respect it, it’s just not for me. Something about how UK sees football feels so disconnected about how I see football as a Brazilian. Especially because I was around torcidas organizadas far too much during the 00s. 

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11 minutes ago, ZattMurdock said:

Hardcore football fan here. Didn’t connected with it. But I respect it, it’s just not for me. Something about how UK sees football feels so disconnected about how I see football as a Brazilian. Especially because I was around torcidas organizadas far too much during the 00s. 

I’m Brazilian but I actually love Ted Lasso! I really appreciate its insight into the UKfootball culture and just generally appreciate its very positive outlook on life. It wears its heart on its sleeve and I love that.


It seems that you stepped away from the Brazilian ultras culture(our torcidas organizada) and I’m happy for you if that’s true because fuck that shit honestly, they ruin a lot of the Brazilian football culture.

Edited by Arlborn
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10 minutes ago, The Dark Alfred said:

Dude, you are so uneducated in the matter. You can dislike it, of course and find it unfunny, but can't ignore simple facts. Yes, it gives great insight. Actual managers from the PL praising the show. All football/soccer fans love the show. It was made for them. But the true beauty of it that it managed to find an audience beyond that. You can't do that unless the show offers something unique.

Oh, actual managers that haven't watched it praising it? That changes my mind. The fact that it skims the surface of what football actually is doesn't mean it offers any fucking insight. It's the equivalent of a school production but with less talent and no coherent vision.

Absolute piss of the worst kind, truly one of the most terrible abominations to plague TV screens ever. It came out at a perfect time for it, when people felt vulnerable and decided schmaltzy, terribly written shit is ok because it fulfills the need for comfort. It will go down in the annals of TV history as one of those "wtf were people on, thinking this was good?"

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I only watched the first season of Ted Lasso and I thought it was OK. that modern vibe of comedy that's more just pleasant and nice rather than actually funny. like I had a good enough time but i'm not sure it actually made me laugh?

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Just now, Arlborn said:

I’m Brazilian but I actually love Ted Lasso! I really appreciate its insight into the IK football culture and just generally appreciate its very positive outlook on life. It wears its heart on its sleeve and I love that.


It seems that you stepped away from the Brazilian ultras culture(our torcidas organizada) and I’m happy for you if that’s true because fuck that shit honestly, they ruin a lot of the Brazilian football culture.

Yeah I was around Internacional’s Guarda Popular for a good while, especially during 2006-2010, when Inter won two Libertadores and the Clubs World Cup. College days and all. It’s not exactly like the ultras, and thank god it isn’t formed by racist scumbag chants like our home rivals, but it was not without some horrid flaws either: homophobic chants, etc. It’s just too different than how I see football, the good, the bad and the ugly. With what has been happening with torcidas organizadas here, it’s about time for tougher laws on it. What happened with that Palmereinse kid was a fucking tragedy. 

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