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Eric Prime

DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE WEEKEND THREAD | 211 DOM, 233.1 OS, 444.1 WW | Disney does it again!

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6 minutes ago, OncomingStorm93 said:

Here’s how you start getting peeps back on board: The next film in the franchise stars Jare-





Deep weary sigh 

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11 minutes ago, OncomingStorm93 said:

A lot of vitriol being expunged over the past several pages; all irrelevant to D&W. So I just want to add my 2 cents along those lines: I’m still not over Daft Punk being snubbed for best original score for Tron: Legacy. There, I said it. Fight me.


It's better than Social Network sure but I think 127 hours, Inception or even King's Speech were more deserving than both.



3 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

I think i was extremely respectful in all my interactions with you, and i didn’t deserve this ironic passive agressive tone all over your reply.


I didn’t call theaters managers dumb.

I watch every movie i can in theaters, small, big, from US, from other countries, from my own country. So no, i’m not biased against Marvel, i watched every single MCU movie in a movie theater, why are you painting me as a hater for daring to disagreed with you? 

I could answer all of this, because in my country the theatrical space is very different than on US and it’s literally forged out of imperialism and governamental laws that did harmed our own production to favor Hollywood quota in our screens. But honestly i don’t think i want to spend more time worrying about making a point and be respectful only to get another ironic and bad faith reply.

You've been here for years, when was the last time you complained of a blockbuster other than MCU taking too many screens? Why then now?


BTW the admonitions were not directed at you but towards people who make these nonsensical arguments again and again without providing any rational solutions. But hey if this perceived slight gets you out of posting an actual rebuttal of what I posted, I can understand. Much easier to make accusations and grand statements, much difficult to provide finer details and actual solutions and rebuttals. 

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Just now, ZeeSoh said:


It's better than Social Network sure but I think 127 hours, Inception or even King's Speech were more deserving than both.


Well, I’m also super not over Kings Speech getting Best Picture over Social Network, but I’m trying to fight one battle at a time.

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Hmm, I was just looking for a nice post but it seems to have disappeared, I sure hope it wasn’t deleted for some reason 🤔 


Edit: I can see it fine now, was just having some weird tech issues I think

Edited by Joyous Legion
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1 minute ago, OncomingStorm93 said:

Well, I’m also super not over Kings Speech getting Best Picture over Social Network, but I’m trying to fight one battle at a time.

That is something we can both agree on. :hi5:

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4 minutes ago, ZeeSoh said:

You've been here for years, when was the last time you complained of a blockbuster other than MCU taking too many screens? Why then now?


BTW the admonitions were not directed at you but towards people who make these nonsensical arguments again and again without providing any rational solutions. But hey if this perceived slight gets you out of posting an actual rebuttal of what I posted, I can understand. Much easier to make accusations and grand statements, much difficult to provide finer details and actual solutions and rebuttals. 

I don’t know man, i’m not counting how many times per week i complain in this forum about my local art house theater  not screening anything else. Are you counting? Because this is weird as fuck. 

And i’m not making any grand statements, i just said very clearly that you replied me in a very disrespectful and aggressive tone despite receiving nothing but respect from me, so i’m sorry if i didn’t like it and now i’m not interested anymore in engage this discussion with details and solutions for you.


But if it’s easier for you to say that i can’t provide rebuttals for your genius questions than accepting that maybe i’m being honest about simply disliking the way you talked to me, ok.

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10 minutes ago, OncomingStorm93 said:

Lego Movie best anim nom snub?

oof this is tough one. BH6, Lego movie and HTTYD2 were all deserving of the award imo. Lego movie should have at least been nominated but i think BH6 deserved its award.

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59 minutes ago, ZeeSoh said:


I have seen this argument presented ad nauseum so perhaps you can help clarify a few things since you bring it up too. 


What is a movie theatre manager/owner to do? Not show a movie in a screen that will bring butts to the seat and that sweet sweet concessions money, or screen a movie that will barely get a dozen or so viewers? Would you advise a struggling theatre manager to not add another Endgame screening when all previous screenings were houseful but instead to add a screening of some indie movie which barely anyone will come to watch?


And this idea that people don't have a choice because SH movies take up a lot of screens is perplexing to me. We are 30 weeks into the year so far and SH movies have dominated 2-3 weeks at most. That's less than 10%. So presumably loads and loads of time for people to come out and watch other movies right? Well don't look at the BO figures for the year so far because you are not going to like the numbers. Heck even last year MCU movies dominated at most 7-9 weeks out of 52 and even then 2 out of 3 of those flopped. Yet that did not spur people to go watch other movies and did not help the BO to recover to pre pandemic levels. 


Of course these arguments about cultural dominance and taking too many screens never show up when it is a non MCU movie doing the dominance. Never seen you or others decrying and glooming and dooming during Barbie, or Mario brothers, or Top Gun or Avatar or any other similar blockbusters. It is only during a MCU movie that people suddenly get the itch and the desire to watch other movies.


People who use these arguments forget that a movie theatre is a business that needs to make money to stay afloat. It is not a museum run on charity that displays art pieces for the sake of art. Thank god that these business are not run by those with such views otherwise most would have gone bankrupt by now. 


So what is your grand solution to this? Should theatres run near empty screenings to satisfy a small minority of people who want to watch other movies that same weekend and go bankrupt in the process? Should these SH movies, enjoyed by millions, be banned in favour of smaller movies? Should SH movies willingly forgo revenue and only screen for a few days? 

So many people always bring up these arguments and never offer logical and tangible solutions, so here is your chance, your stage to present your ideas to those dumb theatre managers. Let's hear them!!

Sometimes my mind veers off into weird crazy conspiracy shit like all this non sense against mainstream popular ‘traditional media’ that get parroted ad nauseam by film bros only gotta be some psyop by tech companies that would love to see the death of movie theaters so we could get AI curated ‘content’ on their streaming platforms. I mean, I know that social media is making everyone stupid and shit is bleak by the hour, but maybe social media just giving everyone a voice was a mistake even before the voices were shock full of bots.


My point is, and I imagined Tomas would argue that he lives in Brazil so things are quite different here than in the US and the truth that he isn’t willing to admit is that it is not. Movie theaters need blockbuster films that make money, it’s excellent that the current Brazil’s president fosters culture and Brazilian cinema has certainly given us and the world some brilliant gems, but there isn’t such thing as a demand for arthouse movie theaters let alone a demand for type of films I’m certain Tomas would love to see it getting more promoted here just as much as there isn’t in the US.


Cold hard data show us what the US, Brazil’s and worldwide’s moviegoing public are interested in for more than a decade around here on this very message board. He is coming from a good and an idealistic place when he says that Hollywood’s imperialism got the best out of film scene, but the truth is a tad bit more complicated than that and they don’t have a solution, really.


Going to the movies isn’t cheap. And here is where I’ll get controversial: it’s currently at the right price, really. Asking film studios or movie theaters to charge less only favors a different industry that is happily burning money competing for our time via streaming, social media apps and etc.. People go to the movie theaters for the events like Deadpool and Wolverine because well, going out to a movie theater for a lot of people it is an event. 

Like @Joyous Legion just pointed out, blockbuster films are if anything under allocated. The opinion of film nerds online never really reflected those that actually care about the survival of the movie theater experience because for most of them, it’s a romanticized idealistic idea more than an actual plan rooted in reality, and I include among those Scorsese himself.

It’s easy to play the absolute cinema card with Apple money. Look how that is working out for them now. It’s easy to play the absolute cinema card if you don’t really have a tangible stake other than "I worry about the sanctity of cinema would the corporations think of the children" type of platitude schlock they pass as arguments. I want a future of populist and wild movie theater experiences, give me Avengers: Endgame on steroids with Avengers: Doomsday and Avengers: Secret Wars. Give me women screaming and squealing at those scenes in Wolverine and Deadpool. I want movie theater experiences that look like Brazil winning the World Cup when the Avengers assemble once again, I want the populist spectacle.


Arthouse movie theaters will always exist. Same for arthouse films that by the way, the vast majority of them aren’t produced anywhere near Hollywood to begin with. The future of movie theaters should be popular and cheap for the masses, I don’t want and I don’t think it would do the general audience’s any favors that public demand stopped dictating what is popular. Have Netflix, Apple or Amazon funding that or something. Let the general audiences that love the shit of Wolverine and Deadpool just like they loved the shit of Star Wars back in 1977 dictate what is popular and have that. We don’t need and don’t want movie theaters to follow the way of live theatres.

Edited by ZattMurdock
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6 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

I don’t know man, i’m not counting how many times per week i complain in this forum about my local art house theater  not screening anything else. Are you counting? Because this is weird as fuck. 

And i’m not making any grand statements, i just said very clearly that you replied me in a very disrespectful and aggressive tone despite receiving nothing but respect from me, so i’m sorry if i didn’t like it and now i’m not interested anymore in engage this discussion with details and solutions for you.


But if it’s easier for you to say that i can’t provide rebuttals for your genius questions than accepting that maybe i’m being honest about simply disliking the way you talked to me, ok.

You can type multiple paragraphs of engagement telling me you won't engage with me lol but won't actually answer any of my points. How convenient but OK.

Also in your original post you talked about screens in USA first but now you shift to your country and your local theatre. Great dodging there btw.

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6 hours ago, ThomasNicole said:

in US the movie is getting maybe half of the screens (which is already too much imo but ok), but where i live it gets 90%, making it impossible for the audience to even have the choice of watching something else

I don’t know @ZeeSoh, i think your rage maybe are get it on your reading skills, because my complains was mostly about my country even in my original post. I give the US example and said it’s ok, because my actual complain was about my reality in Brazil.

So again, why do you want me to answer your points that are completely US centric if you clearly can’t even read what i actually said and is just blatantly lying that i shifted now to an argument that is right here, 6 hours ago. 

Just leave me alone, you are wrong.

Edited by ThomasNicole
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42 minutes ago, OncomingStorm93 said:

Lego Movie best anim nom snub?

WTF? Lego wasn't even nominated it was easily the second best animated film of the year (behind Dragon)

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5 minutes ago, ZattMurdock said:

My point is, and I imagined Tomas would argue that he lives in Brazil so things are quite different here than in the US and the truth that he isn’t willing to admit is that it is not. Movie theaters need blockbuster films that make money, it’s excellent that the current Brazil’s president fosters culture and Brazilian cinema has certainly given us and the world some brilliant gems, but there isn’t such thing as a demand for arthouse movie theaters let alone a demand for type of films I’m certain Tomas would love to see it getting more promoted here just as much as there isn’t in the US.

Look, i’m not really arguing, i’m affirming things are very different here in Brazil. But at this point i’m just tired, i’m basically being harassed by a moderator so i won’t keep going in this.


If you’re interest in the huge differences and how our production is damaged gradually in the past decades, i think the link below have a pretty good summary.


Now i’m probably going to sleep, good night to all. 

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6 hours ago, ZattMurdock said:

I don’t read clickbait drivel. I read the actual Vanity Fair interview. That’s not what she said.

And what did she say?


6 hours ago, ZattMurdock said:

You may dislike DaCosta’s The Marvels or Raimi’s Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, but those are their films, through and through. 

DaCosta herself would probably disagree with that statement and I have a hard time believing cameo fest section inside sterile gray dull rooms is "Raimi through and through", but ok...

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The Marvels being "DaCosta's film through and thorough" when the film was clearly hacked together in the editing room and she couldn't even be there for the last part of that process due to other commitments sure is a fucking take


Even without getting into the larger argument that no movie the director can't claim final cut on is going to be "their film through and thorough"

Edited by JustLurking
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27 minutes ago, ZeeSoh said:

.Also in your original post you talked about screens in USA first but now you shift to your country and your local theatre. Great dodging there btw.


6 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

I don’t know @ZeeSoh, i think your rage maybe are get it on your reading skills, because my complains was mostly about my country even in my original post. I give the US example and said it’s ok, because my actual complain was about my reality in Brazil.

So again, why do you want me to answer your points that are completely US centric if you clearly can’t even read what i actually said and is just blatantly lying that i shifted now to an argument that is right here, 6 hours ago. 

Just leave me alone, you are wrong.

Because we are in a US centric forum, in the domestic section of the forum (not the Brazilian section) and because you literally mentioned screens in USA first. But hey again I can understand your apprehensions in providing a response to my actual questions. They are tough and even theatre managers and studio CEO’s have grappled with them. 

Btw I love that you have dropped the “don’t think i want to spend more time worrying about making a point and be respectful”  schtick and are resorting to ad hominem attacks. I am so glad. 

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10 minutes ago, Immortal said:

WTF? Lego wasn't even nominated it was easily the second best animated film of the year (behind Dragon)

The best animated feature that year is the tale of the Princess kaguya, it is so great that it wasn’t even a close race. But too bad, most people can’t endure a non-English movie set in ancient Japan, with Buddhist/hindu mythology. 

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29 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

I don’t know @ZeeSoh, i think your rage maybe are get it on your reading skills, because my complains was mostly about my country even in my original post. 

So again, why do you want me to answer yours points that are completely US centric if you clearly can’t even read what i actually said and is just blatantly lying that that i shifted now to an argument that is right here, 6 hours ago. 

Just leave me alone, you are wrong.

What films in our country do you think that people would go out for? Do you even know any actual brick and mortar movie theater owners besides the art house one you frequent? Because just like every other year, the patrons I know that I talked this weekend are very pleased with Deadpool and Wolverine’s performance because gets this, it brought them a shit load of people to their movie theaters. 

You did talk about Twisters before and the reasoning why it didn’t blow up here claiming it looked "too country". I will give you another: it looks boring. It looks made to watch on streaming. It doesn’t look like something we should bother at all watching at a movie theater, it doesn’t look like an event film where people are excited to bring their friends to have a good time with. It looks like something you’d watch while scrolling your phone at home and that’s even maybe, likely there is probably even a podcast out there that people would be more interested in watching as background noise other than Twisters. 

It’s not just about being culturally irrelevant to us. It’s about being boring and uneventful in an world where we have too many options. It doesn’t matter if there is 90% or 99% of Deadpool and Wolverine screens if the allocation is warranted by public demand and people want to see Deadpool and Wolverine. There is no mythological "going to the movies but oh I couldn’t watch anything else because of Deadpool and Wolverine taking over all the screens". If anything else people have too many options other than going to the movies and those who want to watch Deadpool and Wolverine need flexibility because free hours will vary.


Our country does have a small but prolific film scene of mostly dumb silly comedies that do well enough at movie theaters, but just like anything else most of the Brazilian productions are heavily focused on streaming because that’s where they might find some success if anything as an addition to the streaming platform catalogues. Public demand for Deadpool and Wolverine here in Brazil is as true as it is in the U.S. and worldwide. You wishing it was different not withstanding.



23 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

Look, i’m not really arguing, i’m affirming things are very different here in Brazil. But at this point i’m just tired, i’m basically being harassed by a moderator so i won’t keep going in this.


If you’re interest in the huge differences and how our production is damaged gradually in the past decades, i think the link below have a pretty good summary.


Now i’m probably going to sleep, good night to all. 

Homie, I work and study around this subject for way more than a decade. I’m as progressive as you can get. I’m very aware of the bad influence of the U.S. to our country throughout the years, not only when it comes to our film production but especially so. 

That’s besides the point. You are being idealistic. I’m being practical. Have a good night.

Edited by ZattMurdock
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