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The Amazing Spider-Man


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  1. 1. Grade The Amazing Spider-Man

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Of course Sony wanted to keep the property. ASM's existence is entirely cynical- they needed to keep the franchise going regardless of what story they wanted to tell. But that doesn't excuse them from telling a good story. They had the shell of a good movie here- great casting with a director that can handle big action scenes surprisingly well. The screenplay was dogshit though.

while the screenplay wasn't as good as the great superhero movies like The Dark Knight and Avengers, I'd say it was on par with most other pretty good superhero movies. Definitely above what I consider real "dogshit" like the Fantastic Four movies or Wolverine
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What are other pretty good superhero movies? This on the same level of X2 or Hellboy 2? I don't think the words "pretty good" belong anywhere near this thing. Garfield and Stone are cute together? Whoop-de-do. They're boning.

yep I'll gladly say this is on the level of other good superhero movies and there definitely seem to others who share that sentiment. Of course there are people who don't like it but that's fine
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But I wanna know what are some of the other good superhero movies it's comparable to. I'll give you better than Green Lantern. And Daredevil. No, wait! I actually take back Daredevil. Wow, those are words I thought I'd never say. Good Lord, I hate this movie.

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But I wanna know what are some of the other good superhero movies it's comparable to. I'll give you better than Green Lantern. And Daredevil. No, wait! I actually take back Daredevil. Wow, those are words I thought I'd never say. Good Lord, I hate this movie.

in my opinion I like Amazing Spider-Man much more than all of the X-Men films except X2 , Thor, Captain America, the Hulk movies, Spider-Man 3, Iron Man 2, and any of the original Batman movies. Also, I'd say it is a little better than SM1.
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i watched this on dvd the other day and what can i say i was not impressed!the movie lacks the gravitas of the original spiderman,and therein lies the problem, i'm bias there's no helping it, i love maguire/raimy version and i can honestly say it was way too soon to do a reboot, there should be a restraining order against redoing a film if its less than 15yrs since the last oneand yeah what most annoyed me was how peter parker shows his face a lot, he tells the girl his secret, he lets her father and tons of cops see his face, it was like whats the point of the mask? i still remember that kiss in the rain and dunst mary- jane still had no idea who he was but was growing closer to peter at same time! and well truth be told gwen is to peter what lana was to clark fodder until the real deal comes along ...mostly film made me want to rewatch the recent oldies, nothing against the actors per se but mehhh i've seen it i won't be watching it again anytime sooni did like the intro of his father and that him becoming spiderman wasnt so random a fluke, his father work which enable his transformation and agree too bad they didnt explore that as it was the only thing that felt novelps: not a comic reader , only comic i've ever read is archie's digest/veronica and betty digest from america, french wise i've read tintin , largo winch but those aren't superheroes stuff and they're called B.D. as in bandes-dessinées not sure they're seen as same things

Edited by ladyevenstar22
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I said I wouldn't watch this and I did ( well sorta ... I was skipping a lot cause it was awfully boring ) First off I may not be a fan but this ain't Spiderman ... its too dark and serious and at the same time even more outrageous than the previous movies Garfield sucked and Emma Stone wasn't much better too Villain makes the case for one of the weakest one yet in comic book adaptions There are plots completely abandoned ... the first hour or so is a carbon copy of the first SM movie I admit I'm not a fan of those they are fun while you're watching them but nothing to write home about ... however soapish and also dragging they were too Raimi at least managed to capture the look of a SM movie and the train fight in SM2 is easily better than all the action from this one put together There are also a bunch of just bad and uber cheesy scenes like the bridge scene or the crane one Why was thing movie made again ? Oh yeah cuz it HAD to be made But just because it was in that kind of predicament there's no excuse for it absolutely sucking balls And since people are just plain sheep there's a sequel coming 3/10 ... and I'm being totally generous here

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I loved this film, and it's my favorite Spider-Man largely due to Andrew and Emma. Hiring Webb was a great decision, especially since he nailed the human aspect. I lost count at how many times the film made me smile. I don't agree with the detractors of the film at all, as I truly find it far superior to SM1 in almost every way.


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It's like kids hating dad's new girlfriend shortly after a divorce. That new woman could be amazing and better in many ways, but screw that bitch just because.

I'd say it's more like this. Mum and dad are together for three years. For two years things are great and fun, everyone is happy. The third year, however, is bumpy. People tell your dad it's just a slip up and ask him to remember the better times, but he's set in his ways and the marriage is off.In no time at all, your dad is with another woman. You can't believe it at first because this new woman is so unbelievably similar to your mum, it's uncanny. Furthermore the state of their relationship isn't that much better than the third year of his previous marriage. In spite of this, you're expected to accept this new woman and move on.
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There's something I don't get about the, er, "analysis" of the negative opinions on this movie. Most of the reasoning seems to be that people who didn't like this movie were just too hung up on the Sam Raimi movies to see that this one was actually much, much better.What I ask is this: Why is it hard to accept that maybe some viewers didn't like the movie because they just thought it wasn't a very good movie?Speaking for myself, yes, I enjoy the Raimi movies. The first one is easily one of my favorite superhero origin stories on film, the second one is easily one of my favorites of the superhero sub-genre, and the third one is a good enough 100-minute movie that then faceplants in its final 40 minutes. Yes, I did think rebooting so soon sounded like a bad idea, but I was always willing to give the filmmakers the benefit of the doubt, especially with each new addition to the cast that I liked. The movie has a great cast, and it also has a director whose first film is a highly clever gem. With all the talent involved, and with my established appreciation of the character, I was rooting for it to do well, and more importantly, I was rooting for it to be a really good movie. It just didn't deliver. And yes, when the story is so similar to that of the Raimi film, the comparison is inevitable. But even without the comparisons, the origin story still feels perfunctory and the movie as a whole is frustratingly incomplete. It ultimately felt more like a super-sized TV pilot than a self-contained movie.

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I think people are cynical because it's a blatant 'get something out to keep the rights' cash grab that shouldn't have recreated the origin story and many probably don't think that Spidey needed to be 'Dark Knighted' either. The new film takes itself way too seriously IMO.Even beyond all of that it's just boring. The battle sequences might as well be in phone booth and lack the energy of the web swinging antics in the previous films. And the crane sequence feels contrived.

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It's a competent movie that didn't need to be made for anything other than for a studio to keep the rights to a franchise. The original spiderman is the slightly better movie over, and the decade in visual effects improvements really doesn't add anything unique to this one.



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I just finished watching this movie again and all I have to say is am stunned on how this great this movie is. This is a true cinematic classic like Raiders of Lost Ark, Wizard of Oz, King Kong, Jaws, E.T. and Star wars, This film will be looked at my future generation on wow to make a truly great film. Everything about this film works so well this film reminds me of being at the beach drinking some rum and having hamburg and watching the sunset and looking a girls asses. This film has the best romantic relationship of any film right up there with Avatar and Titanic. I cried like a baby when Peter told Gwen he could not with her. Both of them should have been nominated for best actor. I think is the best comic book film ever made. It should received so many Oscars best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor (Martin Sheen and Rhy Ifans) Best supporting actress (Sally Fields), Best adapted screenplay, Best Director,Best Editing, Best Cinematography, Best Art Direction, Best Makeup, Best Sound Mixing, Best Sound Editing, Best Visual Effects, Best Score ( I listen to the Score every day I never heard a score so great is was so amazing, I mean I loved it so much, in fact I am listening to it right now, Best  and Costume (I mean Emma Stone clothing was amazing and same with new spidey suit. I am the suit was so amazing it was beautiful. I cried the first time he put it on).  So a total of 16 nominations. This will be regraded as the Gone With The Wind movie. This film is known as the most epic film of all time. I loved to so much. I just got a tattoo with the Amazing Spider Man logo because the movie was so good. Webb is going to be known as one best directors of all time.  Web knows peter parker I mean peter parker is such an ass hole he captured just right, I love how peter would  be a douce to flash and car thief. I am like that is my man. In fact I started being more like this peter parker. I just bought a skateboard.  Now I skateboard every where. I liked how they made him a nerd still.  I mean he seems liek the typical nerd at school. He had no friends what so ever in the movie until gwen. Ooooohhhhh at the end him in Flash became friends at the end of the movie. I loved how they built on the relationship with flash. They seem like the best of friends. This movie also let up the box office. I am who thought a reboot would done with well. The only way to explain sis the GA loved this movie liked they loved the Avengers. I see people tweeting all the time about how great the amazing spider man is.  Tweets are like this "Amazing Spider-man was so perfect. Andrew plays peter parker perfectly." "The amazing spider man is the best movie of all time"  The only people who hate this move are nolanites. They are the only ones. They are just pissed on how perfect a movie can be. This is how you make a comic book movie. Not like that shit batman film. Marvel fans are so nice to each other it is like we all are one happy family. I mean BKB is a nolanite no marvel fanboy can be rude. It goes agaisnt the marvel code of being a superhero and fan. Serously everything about this film is so amazing. I mean just freaking look at it and listen to the beautifully written dialog. I have seen this movei 50 times already. I saw it 15 times in theaters alone. This is great date movie. girls love spider man. He is the ladies man. They love this movie. Every girl I have met online talks about how amazing this movie is. Why would someone lie over the internet. The only people who lie on the internet are nolanites. By the way did anyone else notice how great the camera work on this film is. The final fight in school, we spider man is swing to Oscar corp are done so well. I am so impressed this movie is more impressive then Ben Hur chariot race. People will be talking about the fight scene with the lizard. The lizard is up there with Hulk. I would give a slight edge to the Hulk but The Lizard looks so believable. I could not tell it was cgi  I am so impressed on how sony did that. This movie is the origin movie that spider man need. Kids need this movie because every generation needs to have a spider man triligoy. I hope they do six films there so much room to explore with these movie. The credit scene sets it up perfecly for the sequel. Electro cameo is brilliant, it was flash of lighting. The whole audience is going knew the nod. The audience is already talking about the new spider man film coming out next year. This film will do so well at the box office. It going to be shocking fun to see how piss all the nolan fans will be when this beats the the dark knight at the box office and in terms of being a better movie. In fact most peole I talk to say they hate the dark knight now after watching Avengers and the Amazing Spider man since they took it the next level. The amazing spider man does everything right in terms of film making. This is my problem with Warner Brothers they do not know how to make a good movie.  Green Lantern, Super man returns, nolan's batman. I'll get right to the point. We should stop playing by Warner Brothers's rules of engagement and instead force Warner Brothers to play by ours. Let's get down to business: Warner Brothers's expostulations are more than fastidious. They fill me with a sense of despair. More than anything else, they make me realize that Warner Brothers's stories about feudalism are particularly ridden with errors and distortions, even leaving aside the concept's initial implausibility. I don't know when Lysenkoism became chic, but Warner Brothers asserts that we should all bear the brunt of its actions. Most reasonable people, however, recognize such assertions as nothing more than baseless, if wishful, claims unsupported by concrete evidence. Consider the following, which I'll address in greater detail later: Warner Brothers exhibits a shocking dearth of empathy. What's my problem, then? Allow me to present it in the form of a question: In view of Warner Brothers's headstrong orations, what does it make sense for us to do now? To turn that question around, how much is the axis of evil paying Warner Brothers to create catchy, new terms for boring, old issues? I'm sure you already know the answer so I won't bother repeating it. I'd like to emphasize, however, that we have to consider all of our options. That represents yet more evidence—as if we needed more—that its belief is that it should be free to take control of a nation and suck it dry. Hey, Warner Brothers! Satan just called; he wants his worldview back. The vast majority of people would probably be willing to help me spread the word about Warner Brothers's intemperate tirades to our friends, our neighbors, our relatives, our co-workers—even to strangers. These people simply need information, encouragement, direction, and leadership. Warner Brothers is simply incapable of entertaining an unorthodox idea, and that's one reason why I'm writing this letter. There is more at play here than Warner Brothers's purely political game of flushing all my hopes and dreams down the toilet. There are ideologies at work, hidden agendas to violate Warner Brothers's pledge not to ridicule, parody, censor, and downgrade opposing ideas. When one examines the ramifications of letting Warner Brothers institutionalize sex discrimination by requiring different standards of protection and behavior for men and women, one finds a preponderance of evidence leading to the conclusion that deception, flattering, lying, deluding, talking behind the back, putting up a false front, living in borrowed splendor, wearing a mask, hiding behind convention, playing a role for others and for oneself—in short, a continuous fluttering around the solitary flame of vanity—is so much the rule and the law among its crotchety confreres that I can draw but one conclusion. As you can probably guess, my conclusion is that we have a choice. Either we let ourselves be led like lambs to the slaughter by Warner Brothers and its assistants or we encourage open, civic engagement. While I don't expect you to have much trouble making up your mind you should nevertheless consider that I don't need to tell you that when workable solutions to a problem elude you, sometimes it helps to lend support to the thesis that in times of economic, social, or political crisis, small groups that equip stinking, hubristic spouters with flame throwers, hand grenades, and heat-seeking missiles suddenly gain a mass following. That should be self-evident. What is less evident is that Warner Brothers loves getting up in front of people and telling them that it's a tribune of the oppressed. It then boasts about how it'll create division in the name of diversity in the coming days. It's all part of the media spectacle that is Warner Brothers. Of course, it soaks it up and wallows in it like a pig in mud. Speaking of pigs and mud, I want to expose injustice and puncture prejudice. But first, let me pose an abstract question. Why does Warner Brothers always have to be such a party pooper? My best guess, for what it may be worth, is based on two key observations. The first observation is that I find it most unfortunate that this letter had to be written. The second, more telling, observation is that I'm not writing this letter for your entertainment. I'm not even writing it for your education. I'm writing it for our very survival. While Warner Brothers has a right to its opinion, its hatchet men have the gall to accuse me of giving voice, in a totally emotional and non-rational way, to its deep-rooted love of conspiracism. Were these selfish Luddites born without a self-awareness gene? We must certainly ask ourselves questions like that before it's too late, before Warner Brothers gets the opportunity to call evil good and good evil. When surveyed, only two percent of Warner Brothers's vicegerents agreed with the statement, "The intent of this letter is certainly not hatred but a probing look into an obviously significant issue." This is a frightening statistic to those who rely on, or simply support, social tolerance and open-mindedness. If Warner Brothers were to deface property with racially and sexually derogatory epithets and offensive symbols, social upheaval and violence would follow. It is therefore clear that Warner Brothers's conclusions are more than just pathological. They're a revolt against nature. Whatever your age, you now have only one choice. That choice is between a democratic, peace-loving regime that, you hope, may catalogue Warner Brothers's swindles and perversions and, as the alternative, the sententious and flagitious dirigisme currently being forced upon us by Warner Brothers. Choose carefully because Warner Brothers is a diversivolent liar. Let's list some of Warner Brothers's more self-centered lies: First, it claims that it can ignore rules, laws, and protocol without repercussion. Second, it insists that truth is whatever your grievance group says it is. And third, it wants us to believe that it's renowned for its racial and cultural sensitivity. I presented that list to get you to see that too many drossy geeks out there are looking for the quick and easy fix, for a great savior who will make it all right again so they can go back to sleep. They gather at the foot of the mount to herald the coming of Warner Brothers and neglect to notice that Warner Brothers is a hateful palooka. I use that label only when it's true. If you don't believe it is, then consider that Nature is a wonderful teacher. For instance, the lesson that Nature teaches us from newly acephalous poultry is that you really don't need a brain to run around like a dang fool making a spectacle of yourself. Nature also teaches us that Warner Brothers's reports would have more impact if they were more concise and organized. Instead of trying to be as clear as possible to get its point across, Warner Brothers seems to like bandying about all sorts of fancy terms that no one's ever heard and that completely diminish its point. Let me end this letter by pointing out that the battle to dole out acerbic criticism of Warner Brothers and its phalanx of amateurish helpers is now joined on many fronts. We will not waver; we will not tire; we will not falter; and we will not fail.Back on topic sorry about the rant there but I really think Spider Man will be in the Avengers 2. It going to be so much fun to see it happen. I am expecting the credit scene in Amazing Spider Man 2 to be something like Tony Stark showing up and telling peter "I seen what you have done and there is a team that could use your help if you are interested in helping. We could use someone as youthful as you." This film will go done in the history book as a perfect example on how to make a film perfect with great characters, good chemistry,  cgi, perfect villain better then health ledger may I add, and great score.  I know kids today are playing spider man on the school parking lot. Pretending to be spiderman. That is how you know a film is great when it inspired children. 30 years all the film makers will be saying amazing spider man was there best experience in theaters. This is my all time favorite movie.  A++++++++ so perfect. I need to watch this again!!!!!!

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