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Shawn Robbins

The Official TASM Weekly Thread (6 Day EST-140m) (Warning: Whiten Out Spoilers/Spoiler Tags)

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Yes, it only doubled it's predecessor's total. That's a decent effort after the toxic WoM of B&R, it did very well considering that it was also facing tough competition that summer. TASM on the other hand is a domestic failure, losing third of the audience from SM3.

Spin, spin, SPIN, Alfie... it's about the only thing you're good at. :P;) You'll ALWAYS find only positive things to focus on where Nolan/Batman are concerned, while at the same time, eXclusively harping on the negative aspects of TASM. It's your modus operandi & the very definition of bias, you're nothing if not predictable. Stay classy, and don't worry, you're not alone... you have plenty of company 'round here. ;):D
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Same here, and one thing's for certain, it'll pass Batman Begins' total gross of $205,343,366m... maybe even its adjusted of $253,716,000m! The Batties seem to forget that their precious Nolan's first outing didn't eXactly light up the BO either, with crazy, boffo business. In fact, despite the great WOM it supposedly had, it never quite achieved a 3x multiplier(from its 5/6-day take). But people tend to recall things more fondly when they lose their objectivity, so it's to be eXpected. :)

Don't forget 3D. It needs $280-285m to beat BB's ticket sales.
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Spin, spin, SPIN, Alfie... it's about the only thing you're good at. :P;) You'll ALWAYS find only positive things to focus on where Nolan/Batman are concerned, while at the same time, eXclusively harping on the negative aspects of TASM. It's your modus operandi & the very definition of bias, you're nothing if not predictable. Stay classy, and don't worry, you're not alone... you have plenty of company 'round here. ;):D

I posted FACTS not spinned numbers. If they haven't taught you how to read it's not my problem. BB gained a lot on B&R, whereas TASM is losing a lot from SM3. These are the cold facts, buddy. Also TASM will less less tickets than BB as it stands.
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Not even close brother.. I'm a very handsome indivudual for turning 46 tomorrow.. I'm in great shape for my age and you need to be in great shape to Troll..

You admit again you are trolling. And mods do nothing. Oh wait they do, they suspended Noctis. Mods, you guys are disappointing me.

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Edited by CJohn
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I posted FACTS not spinned numbers. If they haven't taught you how to read it's not my problem. BB gained a lot on B&R, whereas TASM is losing a lot from SM3. These are the cold facts, buddy. Also TASM will less less tickets than BB as it stands.

Uh-oh, someone's getting testy... AND personal. Careful, Alfalfa, you're thin-skin is showing. :lol: Was the lingering stink of B&R the only thing BB had going against it? 'Cause if so, it could be argued that TASM had MORE obstacles to overcome... SM3's bad aftertaste, a reboot/reset that's too soon, an unproven director for this type of film, miXed reactions to the casting of AG, etc. You do remember all these arguments BEFORE its release... don't you? Or perhaps you're just applying a selective memory, once again.
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Uh-oh, someone's getting testy... AND personal. Careful, Alfalfa, you're thin-skin is showing. :lol: Was the lingering stink of B&R the only thing BB had going against it? 'Cause if so, it could be argued that TASM had MORE obstacles to overcome... SM3's bad aftertaste, a reboot/reset that's too soon, an unproven director for this type of film, miXed reactions to the casting of AG, etc. You do remember all these arguments BEFORE its release... don't you? Or perhaps you're just applying a selective memory, once again.

The "Webb is inexperienced argument" is moot since Nolan was considered inexperienced when he did BB.
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What a sad sad thread this has become. First Sony fudging numbers and going back in time to "adjust" numbers, now loonies are getting super personal and are losing their minds. :huh::wacko:

Oh and by the way, I'm a multi ;)

Hey genius, I'm sure they will find all your multi accounts.

Uh-oh, someone's getting testy... AND personal. Careful, Alfalfa, you're thin-skin is showing. :lol: Was the lingering stink of B&R the only thing BB had going against it? 'Cause if so, it could be argued that TASM had MORE obstacles to overcome... SM3's bad aftertaste, a reboot/reset that's too soon, an unproven director for this type of film, miXed reactions to the casting of AG, etc. You do remember all these arguments BEFORE its release... don't you? Or perhaps you're just applying a selective memory, once again.

As already stated, TASM needs 280-285 just to sell the same amount of tickets as BB. If legs are weak, it may finish with only 250 or lower. That would mean less tickets sold than not just BB, but Superman Returns. That would make it a BIG drop compared to SM3, while comparatively BB was a big increase over B&R.BB also was a big hit on home video. Will TASM be the same? Time will tell. Edited by ACCA
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I posted FACTS not spinned numbers. ...

BTW, I wasn't referring to what you posted, Simple Simon... but the way you perceive it. ;) And it's more than obvious you can't/won't afford the same courtesy to TASM, which is sad, but pathetically laughable. :rolleyes: Whatev tho, it's too nice a day outside to fruitlessly spend it indoors trying to reason w/you irrational Nolanite Bat-Mites. The pool & sun are calling me, and they're much more inviting! :D
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And SM3 wasn't hated as B&R, not at the same level

Correct. Plus I feel Spidey had better marketing than BB. Those stupid Nickelback commercials for BB were cringe-inducing. I felt Spidey had/has a very effective campaign. Good footage and nicely edited commercials.
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Uh-oh, someone's getting testy... AND personal. Careful, Alfalfa, you're thin-skin is showing. :lol: Was the lingering stink of B&R the only thing BB had going against it? 'Cause if so, it could be argued that TASM had MORE obstacles to overcome... SM3's bad aftertaste, a reboot/reset that's too soon, an unproven director for this type of film, miXed reactions to the casting of AG, etc. You do remember all these arguments BEFORE its release... don't you? Or perhaps you're just applying a selective memory, once again.

Again, can you read or you pretend not to? There's 225m gap between B&R and SM3. Again, this is a fact. That's all I'm talking about. So TASM not selling more tickets than BB is a major disappointment, no two words about it. Sequel could be in good shape however. Edited by The Dark Alfred
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