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Shawn Robbins

The Dark Knight Rises


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  1. 1. Grade The Dark Knight Rises

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That death scene was quite bad, a stark contrast to how incredible her death scene was in Inception. HOWEVER, I thought Cotillard was fine outside of that scene in TDKR.

Yeah, I just assumed Blake would become the new Batman, as some characters said at various points that Batman could be anyone.
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Yeah, I just assumed Blake would become the new Batman, as some characters said at various points that Batman could be anyone.

See, this is why I thought it would have been perfect to end it with Alfred nodding to the audience, as if we were Batman. It would have been great that way. But no, they had to cheese it up with Bruce and Kyle sitting at the table living the perfect life that Alfred wanted for him. It feels extremely final that he's not coming back, but the way I think about: He HAS to come back because there can't be a Robin without a Batman right? haha! I'm glad this is it though. Need a Batman break for another 4 years, then I'll be ready for a new take on it. Still adore Nolan's vision though.
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After it was over my son commented that he thinks they should do a Nightwing movie with JGL. As for TDKR, I thought it was pretty good. I liked it better than TDK except, of coarse, for the fact that Bane doesn't match the Joker. Other than that, I thought I was better over all. Honestly, it didn't feel like it was almost 3 hours long. Everyone did a great job acting wise but I especially liked Hathaway as Kyle. Miranda Tate being Talia Al Gul I saw coming a mile away. I was just waiting for the big reveal. Blake, while not out rite wearing an out fit, basically was Robin. His intent the whole early part of the movie was to get Batman back in the game and help him out any way he could. He just did it without a mask. Caine was his usual good self as Alfred. Though, I didn't like the fact that he completely disappears from the movie about half way through until the very end. Bane was a decent character and I liked his fight with Batman, but there were times when I couldn't understand what he had said. It wasn't a deal breaker though. Music was pretty good. Only problem I had was that there seemed to be times when it was turned up to much during a scene and I couldn't quite make what a character/s were saying, LOL. Action were all very well done but I thought the climactic showdown between all the cops and the bad guys was rushed. They got passed it pretty quickly to get to the chase sequence. I was hopeing for a little more than what we got. Other than that, everything else was pretty cool. On a side note. I believe this is the first Batman movie in which we don't see the actual Batmobile. Yes, there were the other tumblers painted in that camouflage color but we don't see the actual all black Batmobile. Just the bat bike and the bat, as it's simply called. A

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The high points are the highest in the trilogy, the low points are the lowest in the trilogy.I'm still not overly sure what to think, it's completely bloated and nearly collapses under how much it tries to accomplish. The last half an hour is beautiful and I even admit to crying. Bane's demise was terrible and he's made irrelevant once Talia comes into play. Given that he's the main villain I don't think that bodes well for repeat viewings.

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Just saw it. Like most Nolan movies, it'll take a while to process and I'll need to see it a couple more times to give an informed opinion. But I already find myself disagreeing with the consensus.Bale easily carried the movie and his portrayal of Bruce was probably the most human and believable hero I've seen in this genre. He nailed it, and I didn't mind that there was far more of Bruce than Batman. Like the Joker in TDK, when he wasn't onscreen I found myself anxious for him to come back.I also didn't find the last 20 minutes 'far better' than the rest of the movie. In fact I found the whole ticking bomb plot boderline tiresome. It was saved only by round 2 of Batman vs Bane which, along with their first brawl, must be my favourite onscreen comic book fights. So brutal and anti-balletic. Batman's desperation was palpable. But the aerial scenes did little for me, the tone became too fantastic too quickly.I already find myself wanting to see it again, but I get why many see flaws. It's absolutely a worthy closer to the trilogy though. It really did feel different to the first two, and that's what I hoped for the most.

Edited by Hatebox
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It has become clear to me that Nolan is far more interested in Batman's villains than he is in Batman. How much screen time did Batman actually get in this movie?

Batman himself didn't have much, but Bale had easily the most. This was absolutely a Bruce Wayne film, and I'm ok with that. Kind of surprised anyone could think Nolan cares more about the villains having seen the same film. Edited by Hatebox
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I absolutely loved this one. To me its all about nolan. What a great journey he took through in the trilogy. I thought this was way more emotional than TDK or BB. Bale was at its best. So many great scenes with Bane, Selina, Ras, Fox, Blake and the last scene with Gordon. Even though there was no performance matching ledger's joker, I thought everyone aced their roles. Anne was fantastic and carried the movie with Bane in the 1st half(Bruce IMO took over the 2nd half).Technically this was great. Regarding action Nolan is getting better with every film.Also this has the greatest climax I have ever seen.I cant wait to see it again. So does my wife.

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Batman himself didn't have much, but Bale had easily the most. This was absolutely a Bruce Wayne film, and I'm ok with that. Kind of surprised anyone could think Nolan cares more about the villains having seen the same film.

I agree. Even Bane did not have much screen time in the 2nd half.One scene with talia. Otherwise it was all about Bruce, Blake and Gordon.
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I agree. Even Bane did not have much screen time in the 2nd half.One scene with talia. Otherwise it was all about Bruce, Blake and Gordon.

That's one of my biggest problems with the film. Characters are the focus then they completely disappear for like 20 minute intervals.
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That's one of my biggest problems with the film. Characters are the focus then they completely disappear for like 20 minute intervals.

I wouldn't say I had a problem with Gordon or Blake not being around, but Bruce's absense was felt during Bane's takeover of Gotham. I suppose it could be argued that it made his return all the sweeter, but it could simply be a pacing issue. I'd have to watch it again to know. I would have liked more Catwoman though. Hathaway's dynamic with Bale was surprisingly strong. Edited by Hatebox
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I dunno. I thought the focus of the film of all over the place. There are times when I thought, "Oh right, yeah Bane/Selina/Gordon is actually in this movie".The film went all out and I admire that, but my second viewing confirmed that I'm not overly satisfied. Even the amazing ending is spoiled by the very last shot.

Edited by ddddeeee
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Funnily enough I had been 'spoiled' that Batman died but didn't know what followed afterwards. So it was kind of a nice surprise anyway, one that made me think 'yeah, he earned that happy ending'. The execution may have been a bit rushed though, I'd have liked more time devoted to the prospect that Bruce actually had died before the reveal.The Blake aspect of it didn't bother me because it tied into why Bruce became Batman in the first place. But that's on the proviso they don't actually make any future movies with JGL. No interest in that whatsoever.

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Did you want it to be like Inception with the top? That would just be stupid.

I wanted the last shot to be related to Bruce. If they swapped the scenes with he and Selina at the table with the final shot I would have been pleased.
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I wanted the last shot to be related to Bruce. If they swapped the scenes with he and Selina at the table with the final shot I would have been pleased.

Then maybe I forgot what the final shot was already xD What was it?I thought you were suggesting the movie end on Alfred's face as he looks around :P
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The ending was very good. In the comic, The Dark Knight Returns, Batman fakes his death. This film does a great job of borrowing from the Knightfall stories, The Dark Knight Returns, and No Mans Land. Overall, I feel Nolan did a great job borrowing from the source material. Also, had JGL's name been Dick Grayson, everyone would know he became Robin. I was very happy at the end when we find out he's Robin. I don't see how anyone can be upset with that. JGL comes off as charming, and that was a great reveal.

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