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Shawn Robbins

The Dark Knight Rises


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  1. 1. Grade The Dark Knight Rises

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No idea on why he has to wear the mask....they show his face in bloody rags towards the end in the prison flashbacks but nothing else. Sadly while the third world prison had a resident inmate chiropractor it seems like they DIDN'T have a plastic surgeon on staff. :(

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No idea on why he has to wear the mask....they show his face in bloody rags towards the end in the prison flashbacks but nothing else. Sadly while the third world prison had a resident inmate chiropractor it seems like they DIDN'T have a plastic surgeon on staff. :(

Feeds him medicine for the pain.
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There are some really awesome scenes, and the last hour is fantastic. However, the Talia reveal was indeed awful, there were numerous problems, and I can't help but get this feeling that Nolan directs from a formula. On my phone, so I will say more later. Enjoyable, but I wouldn't say the trilogy went out with a bang.

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There are some really awesome scenes, and the last hour is fantastic. However, the Talia reveal was indeed awful, there were numerous problems, and I can't help but get this feeling that Nolan directs from a formula. On my phone, so I will say more later. Enjoyable, but I wouldn't say the trilogy went out with a bang.

But didn't that reveal occur within the last hour? :)
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I thought Talia's actual reveal was awesome, I didn't see it coming at all because I thought it had been established that Cottilard was not Talia. But then she just drove a truck around and died, while Bane was just cast aside and killed as comic relief. It reminds me of BB where Scarecrow is this great villain for most of the movie, then Ra's comes back and he gets tazed, exit Scarecrow.I really need to watch it again to know how much the pros balance out the cons, because the more I think about them the more they bother me.The Prestige is still the best Nolan movie.

Edited by Kevin Bacon
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As much as I wanted to LOVE this, I came out with a deep feeling of disappointment. There were several times where I was in awe at how well some things were done, and felt this was probably the funniest of the series. The film immediately started off feeling strange. The feeling and style are different from BB and TDK for me. This inconsistency took some getting used to, but I rolled with it. The first act was hard for me to follow. I’m by no means a dumb movie watcher. I’m very attentive and usually can string plot points together fairly well, but I was often times confused on the sequence of events. Often felt like I had Part A and Part C, but was missing Part B for things to make sense to me.

I absolutely loved Bane in this, but I’m a huge Tom Hardy fan, so I expected as much. His voice was fine and he was mostly easy to understand, but this film was full of mumblers. The fight between Batman and Bane was soul stirring. Very well done. Anne Hathaway as Catwoman was probably the surprise scene stealer for me. I loved her, but hated what happened to her character in the end (little more on that later).

Which leads me to the negatives.

Several moments completely pulled me out of the experience. For example, the amateur filmmaking mistakes, like the strange progression of time right after the stock market scene. Bane needed less than 10 minutes to trade off all the Wayne stocks from the tablet computer, or whatever it was. So he goes outside, and it's bright, feels like morning (we can even say it was the afternoon) and escapes, runs into Batman later on and it's suddenly pitch black outside, but yet the transfers still don't go through until the end of the chase sequence? So in 10 minutes it goes from being bright outside to completely dark? This sort of thing happened at least twice. Not to mention the wonky camera work with the final chase scene. I could barely see anything!

There were tons of problems I had with this film that I don’t want to spell out here in too much detail, mostly because it’s 5:30am and I’m tired as all hell. But, I really tried to like this movie and after the spectacular Bane vs. Batman fight, I was ready for the film to save itself and for the third act to really blow me away. Unfortunately, it didn’t. I see many people praising the ending, which amazes me because it was probably the weakest point in the film, which is probably where my deep disappointment is coming from!

So the ending was absolute shite to me. Hearing John Blake’s name as Robin really irritated me, because it felt so damned corny and went against what I believe the Nolan Batman films should feel like. But perhaps that’s just me. The film was already tacky/cheesy enough without the Boy Wonder showing up in the end. Moreover, Chris Nolan managed to ruin what could have been a beautiful ending scene with Alfred. Physically seeing Bruce and Catwoman across the room made it feel ridiculously hollywood. It would have been a great and emotional ending if Alfred just nodded to us, the audience, and smiled, because duh, we know who he’s looking at, and that would have been enough to know that Bruce is still alive. But physically seeing Bruce show up in the scene could have still worked if it wasn’t for the appearance of Catwoman. I really felt like it cheapened her as a character, and gave us a weaker ending. Bruce Wayne has a hot piece now and doesn’t need to be Batman anymore because John Blake will handle that supposedly as Robin.

It was all just a hot mess! One last thing I will complain about: Why was Bane’s death so anti-climatic? I thought he might even still be alive for a moment there! There was no moment afforded to even consider that he was dead. It was weird and cheap. But I still loved certain parts of the film, mostly the scenes focusing on Bane and Catwoman. Some things were done beautifully, but the script felt bloated, slow and unclear, three things TDK COULD have been, but avoided by being purely entertaining. TDKR felt more like a chore than a natural progression from TDK.

It really kills me to say these things because I absolutely adored BB and TDK. I really did. But TDKR just simply didn’t make the mark for me.

I give it a C+

I pretty much felt the same way, TDKR was really disappointing. There was some good. I thought I wouldn't enjoy Catwoman, but she was definitely one of the highlights. Bruce/Batman, Alfred, Gordon, and Fox were as good or even better than they were in the previous movies. The Bane/Batman fight scenes were awesome. Seeing Batman take a real beating was great.

However, I think Bane was done terribly. Even though you could understand him, I think I only got about 80% of what he was saying. The people who I talked to said they only got about half. I didn't care for the John Blake character either. It felt like he had more scenes than everyone else.

I hated the opening plane sequence. It was just so loud and unnecessary. I didn't make sense, just large scale action. That's how I felt about most of the scenes in TDKR, loud and unnecessary. I also didn't like the ending. I hate the whole fake death nonsense.

So much more which I didn't enjoy, but I won't go into it. This was my most anticipated movie ever. So much potential, but it's nowhere as good as BB or TDK. Maybe a second viewing will change my mind, but for now it was too convoluted, too pointless.

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I thought Talia's actual reveal was awesome, I didn't see it coming at all because I thought it had been established that Cottilard was not Talia. But then she just drove a truck around and died, while Bane was just cast aside and killed as comic relief. It reminds me of BB where Scarecrow is this great villain for most of the movie, then Ra's comes back and he gets tazed, exit Scarecrow.I really need to watch it again to know how much the pros balance out the cons, because the more I think about them the more they bother me.The Prestige is still the best Nolan movie.

I find it interesting that you like The Prestige the most out of all Nolan films because I felt that TDKR was most like that film in some ways. Anway, I feel that TDKR is more like a traditional non-Bat Nolan film than it is a Batman film.
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I pretty much felt the same way, TDKR was really disappointing. There was some good. I thought I wouldn't enjoy Catwoman, but she was definitely one of the highlights. Bruce/Batman, Alfred, Gordon, and Fox were as good or even better than they were in the previous movies. The Bane/Batman fight scenes were awesome. Seeing Batman take a real beating was great.However, I think Bane was done terribly. Even though you could understand him, I think I only got about 80% of what he was saying. The people who I talked to said they only got about half. I didn't care for the John Blake character either. It felt like he had more scenes than everyone else.I hated the opening plane sequence. It was just so loud and unnecessary. I didn't make sense, just large scale action. That's how I felt about most of the scenes in TDKR, loud and unnecessary. I also didn't like the ending. I hate the whole fake death nonsense. So much more which I didn't enjoy, but I won't go into it. This was my most anticipated movie ever. So much potential, but it's nowhere as good as BB or TDK. Maybe a second viewing will change my mind, but for now it was too convoluted, too pointless.

I don't have many objections about the film but Banes voice and the plane scene are two of them. But for me, I felt the plane scene was executed poorly. I didn't like how the guy supposedly shot the crook in the head, even though you don't see him shot the guy and then supposedly throw him out the plane. Very sloppy there. They should have just thrown the crook out the plane. And, the blood transfusion thing is lame, and even though I get it, I think most audience members won't. However, I don't have many problems with the film, but the opening is one of them.
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I don't have many objections about the film but Banes voice and the plane scene are two of them. But for me, I felt the plane scene was executed poorly. I didn't like how the guy supposedly shot the crook in the head, even though you don't see him shot the guy and then supposedly throw him out the plane. Very sloppy there. They should have just thrown the crook out the plane. And, the blood transfusion thing is lame, and even though I get it, I think most audience members won't. However, I don't have many problems with the film, but the opening is one of them.

He didn't really shoot the crook. He was just trying to intimidate the others into talking. Oh yeah, I completely forgot about the blood transfusion. Who was the guy in the body bag and who was he receiving the blood from and why? I barely remember that part.
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This is the first movie in the trilogy i'd seen but tonight I watched Batman Begins on tv and things made more sense to me so maybe on a second viewing i'll give it a better rating.

My biggest problem with the movie was that I felt it was too long. I could have really done with half an hour being trimmed. I'm not sure I particularly cared for the direction either. The acting was fine, nothing to write home about, nothing to criticise.

The Talia reveal I was ok with but that Robin reveal irked me. My cousin whispered to me early on that he was going to be Robin and I rolled my eyes. MFW they went there:

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But tbh my mood was rotten from the get go. Regal needs to get their shit together. If they were going to have one person working the register at the concession stand on that floor they might as well have just had the one on the ground floor open. By the time my group entered the only seats available for us to sit together were in the first row so I had to break my neck to watch the movie with the added bonus of being right near the exit which I glanced at no less than two dozen times throughout the movie and especially during scenes with shooting.

Also, someone needs to have child free showings of movies. Boy, do I hate children. :sick:

Editing to say I had to stop myself from busting out laughing anytime Batman and Bane spoke. Their voices by themselves were too much but together was ridiculous to the extreme.

Edited by glassfairy
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I don't have many objections about the film but Banes voice and the plane scene are two of them. But for me, I felt the plane scene was executed poorly. I didn't like how the guy supposedly shot the crook in the head, even though you don't see him shot the guy and then supposedly throw him out the plane. Very sloppy there. They should have just thrown the crook out the plane. And, the blood transfusion thing is lame, and even though I get it, I think most audience members won't. However, I don't have many problems with the film, but the opening is one of them.

Wait, I'm confused by what you're trying to say. Do you think he actually shot the guy? Because he didn't. He pretended to shoot him to try and intimidate the other two guys into talking. I do agree that the scene kind of goes by quickly. Definitely not as good as the opening scene in TDK. The only cons I had was:- not being able to understand everything Bane was saying. I got most of it but there were a few lines that I couldn't catch- I also thought the music swelled up a bit too much in a couple of scenes and couldn't hear what someone said. - Bane's death was a little too abrupt. I was thinking he would go out in a blaze of glory!! :)Someone else mentioned it about the end when Alfred sits down at the table and is looking around. I thought the movie was going to end with him staring at someone directly into the camera and the screen would go black just as cracks a smile and starts to get up. I think that would have been a slightly better ending instead of the oh, look at the happy couple, ending that we got.
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I thought this post on IMDB was funny:

"Hey Batman, there is only 4 hours to go until the bomb goes off.. where the hell have you been!"

"errr, sorry, I was up on the bridge marking out a huge bat in fuel.. it looks *awesome*!"

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I haven`t see the movie yet but I guess that Inception death scene was great because it was the key moment to understand where Dom Cobb is coming from. Mal didn`t have much screen time but presence was felt and she was pivotal for understanding her husband`s motivation. In TDKR, Talia seems like a throwaway reference based on what people are saying. So I guess death scene didn`t get too much attention from scribes because other stuff was deemed more imprortant.

Fish fish fish. Why do you read spoilers and judge movie before you see it? I'll never understand. Not just this but all movies. Wouldn't you prefer to be surprised?
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