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Shawn Robbins

The Dark Knight Rises


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I saw this movie twice in real IMAX and once in the theaters. The ending is the best part of the movie.Quick Breakdown ReviewBest Actor: Michael CaineActor Performances: 9/10Marion Cotillard's death scene was the worse death scene I have seen in a long time.Best Scene: Talia Reveal sceneBest "WOW"scene: Football field/bridgers explosionStory: 9/10.I thought the ending made the movie otherwise it may have been a bad movie.Audio:10/10 The score is awesome. I liked Bane's theme more than The Joker's theme.Visual Effects: 10/10IMAX did wonders. OVERALL: 9.5/10I think this had a better story to tell than TDK. Batman films rating for me:Batman: 9/10Batman Returns: 8.5/10Batman Forever: 6/10Batman and Robin: -3/10Batman Begins: 8.5/10The Dark Knight: 9.5/10The Dark Knight Rises: 9/10

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Well I liked the movie overall but it definitely had a lot problems

- Batman was barely in this movie. Yeah I know people will say "Bruce Wayne and Batman are the same characters" or some crap like that, but seriously Batman in costume had such little screentime that I forgot I was watching a Batman movie at times. Even my dad, who is a pretty inattentive viewer said to me at the end, "Batman wasn't really in the action in this one as much was he"?

-Why did Joseph Gordon Levitt feel more like the main character than Batman? I mean you might as well call the movie "John Blake Rises".

-Bane's voice. Yeah

-Bane's death. Honestly ridiculously rushed.

-The opening scene. It was cool, but what exactly was that blood transfusion thing about? it wasn't really followed up.

-I like the Talia reveal but honestly they should have given her a bit more to do than just driving a truck around. Also, maybe have more scenes with Miranda and Bruce to build up their relationship.

-Talia's death scene. Yeah, that really needed another take.

Maybe I'll like it more the second time around.

I had some of the same observations (the ones I left in my quote) as you after viewing the movie the first time and most of them just become trivial upon repeat viewings. The only issues that I really have now are the bold points - someone said it better than me in another thread, but Bane lost all importance as soon as Talia stabbed Batman. He went from being the main character to an "extra". :(
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Phil....I know you're just mad and rambling due to disappointing box office and taking it out on me. I'd like to say it will be okay but we know it won't.

Oh dear. In my 1000+ posts i've posted maybe....30 times in the box office forum? While Box Office stats do interest me, I really have no interest in the dick measuring contests people have about their favourite movie performing at the BO. The only time I really care about how a movie actually does is if its a movie with sequel potential and I enjoyed it. As TDKR will have no (direct) sequel, wether it makes $1 or $1 Billion dollars is a matter of BO curiosity to me, nothing more.

Plenty of people (including some professional critics) feel the same way I do about the Scooby Doo ending in TDKR. I just don't think they sell the 'hero's journey' well enough in this final film. Batman is basically a quiter/Gotham doesn't even need him when the movie starts, his broken back and time in prison is portrayed as little more than a bump in the road for him (since he seems to suffer NO after effects from the experience and don't get me started about punching his back into place) and Bruce being with Selina at the end seems a bit forced (I've never had an ex betray me to the extent Selina does when she leads Bruce to Bane but I'm glad I married someone who doesn't seem capable of it). I guess we're supposed to think that he's thinking merely with his privates and she's willing to put that catsuit back on when dinner is over and they go back to the bedroom ('cause I suppose that's enough to base a relationship on). If Bruce was going to end up with the love of his life it would have made more sense if he was having dinner with Rachel's ashes.

As i said in my post, the ending is deserved both from a movie AND trilogy point of view. Are you saying that Bruce Wayne does not deserve the ending after everything that happens to him in 3 films? He is a broken man at the START of the 3rd movie precisely because of the shit he went through in BB and TDK. You just can't throw out those movies when discussing this ending without doing it a diservice. I'm not going to go back over the whole prison scene etc, other to say that if you think its a walk in the park to have a vertebre pushed out of your body, be thrown in some prison in a far distant land with little hope for escape, while knowing that the city you have grown up in is getting destroyed, and then despite all the odds escape and fly a nuclear bomb out of the city limits....then my God man,you make Chuck Norris look like a god-dammed pussy! I salute you.As for Batman and Selina. A couple of points:a) We don't see them kiss or do anything, we don't know if their relationship developed into a platonic or a romantic relationship since we saw them last.b ) Assuming it is a romantic relationship, we don't have a real timeframe on when Alfred spotted them in the cafe. It could had been 6 months later, it could had been years later. Who knows what those two were up to in that timeframe to fall for each other? This is just another case of you needing things spelled out for you, while the rest of us are quite capable of filling in the blanks without adding 20 minutes of unneeded bloat to an already long film.Still, I wonder, did you complain about the 'Scooby Doo' ending in Avengers, a film you apparently loved? You know how Iron Man somehow survived the whole ending....what did he go through to deserve that??? Or is a Scooby Doo ending only a bad thing when you feel like bitching about something minor on a film review thread for a movie that didn't connect with you?

In closing TDKR is one of the most insanely idiotic movies I have ever seen. At no point in it's rambling, incoherent run time was there close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone who has seen it is now dumber for having watched it. I award TDKR no points, and may God have mercy on its soul.

Transformers 2 called and wants you to put it in your DVD player ASAP.
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I think Talia is probably the weakest thing about this film. I'm not concerned about her death scene, its like 5 seconds of the entire movie, whatever. Nor am I concerned about the impact she had on Bane. In my eyes he was no lapdog to her. After all, even after she ordered him to keep him alive till the bomb exploded, he still was going to kill him. No, the biggest problem with the character is that she is very underdeveloped. Something tells me that their is a lot of footage out there that was cut from the film that fleshes her out. In particular, her and Bruce's relationship. There was really no spark before hand and then all of a sudden they are screwing on the floor? I mean, wtf! And given how pivotal her role is, its a shame that she was so underdeveloped in my eyes.

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I'd give the film about a 7.5 or 8/10. It's highly ambitious, which I felt to be it's strongest suit and it's curse at the same time. The ambition allows it to go deeper in exploring Wayne's mindset and showing that he has to confront his ego to become a better hero along with allowing for the inclusion of subtle nuances (allusions to various points in history, nods to the current economic situation even though any attempt to find a message about those may lead one to conclude that the film has some rather anti-OWS leanings which Nolan says he did not intend to do, etc.) However, I felt that it's ambition also leads to the film struggling to juggle the weight of containing multiple character arcs and subplots, and that the romantic subplots led to lulls in pacing and bogged the film down. I actually felt that with the scale of the story, it could have been quite a bit longer (come on, if it's the final film, you can pull a ROTK and make it 3 hours+) or instead they could of trimmed down or axed some subplots entirely for a leaner, more coherent film.Still, even with the problems I had with it, I was consistently engaged, the performances are almost all terrific (Hathaway and Cotillard were the weakest links for me, but they still did a good job for the most part) and the set pieces were terrifically executed (especially the opening scene.) I felt that it suffered from three-quel fatigue, but not to the extent of many other films, and I hope they do a 4th film that continues the Blake arc instead of another generic reboot (even if there is no Nolan and Bale.)

Edited by JonnyCraig
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Oh dear. In my 1000+ posts i've posted maybe....30 times in the box office forum? While Box Office stats do interest me, I really have no interest in the dick measuring contests people have about their favourite movie performing at the BO. The only time I really care about how a movie actually does is if its a movie with sequel potential and I enjoyed it. As TDKR will have no (direct) sequel, wether it makes $1 or $1 Billion dollars is a matter of BO curiosity to me, nothing more.As i said in my post, the ending is deserved both from a movie AND trilogy point of view. Are you saying that Bruce Wayne does not deserve the ending after everything that happens to him in 3 films? He is a broken man at the START of the 3rd movie precisely because of the shit he went through in BB and TDK. You just can't throw out those movies when discussing this ending without doing it a diservice. I'm not going to go back over the whole prison scene etc, other to say that if you think its a walk in the park to have a vertebre pushed out of your body, be thrown in some prison in a far distant land with little hope for escape, while knowing that the city you have grown up in is getting destroyed, and then despite all the odds escape and fly a nuclear bomb out of the city limits....then my God man,you make Chuck Norris look like a god-dammed pussy! I salute you.As for Batman and Selina. A couple of points:a) We don't see them kiss or do anything, we don't know if their relationship developed into a platonic or a romantic relationship since we saw them last.b ) Assuming it is a romantic relationship, we don't have a real timeframe on when Alfred spotted them in the cafe. It could had been 6 months later, it could had been years later. Who knows what those two were up to in that timeframe to fall for each other? This is just another case of you needing things spelled out for you, while the rest of us are quite capable of filling in the blanks without adding 20 minutes of unneeded bloat to an already long film.Still, I wonder, did you complain about the 'Scooby Doo' ending in Avengers, a film you apparently loved? You know how Iron Man somehow survived the whole ending....what did he go through to deserve that??? Or is a Scooby Doo ending only a bad thing when you feel like bitching about something minor on a film review thread for a movie that didn't connect with you?Transformers 2 called and wants you to put it in your DVD player ASAP.

I think your posts in the 'The Avengers vs. Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Dark Knight Rises (OFFICIAL SHOWDOWN DISCUSSION)' thread pretty much prove that you were predisposed to like TDKR no matter how it turned out, and debate BO often enough. But anyways...Yes....I'm saying he doesn't deserve the mega happy Scooby Doo ending despite what he has accomplished in all three films. I think you could say that in TDK his 'dramatic sacrifice' is losing Rachel and his taking the fall for Dent and becoming 'the hunted'. But yet when we get to TDKR we find that he never was hunted and that thoughts of Rachel are pretty far from his mind (he hooks up with one woman and retires with another). Sure if he was a real person he'd deserve a medal for all he has been through. But I believe good drama requires a higher standard. We should be shown how their sacrifices affect a character, and Bruce Wayne seems to suffer no ill effects from his adventures. His physical issues are gone at the end of the movie (he manages to defeat Bane easily enough). His money is gone but he still gets the girl (who he hardly knows) and manages to vacation in Europe. And if the ending is 6 months to a year later it's just another example of how poorly the film handles time in general. Basically instead of becoming Batman he could have gone to therapy to get over his parents death and a fear of bats for all it mattered. His Batman experience had no lasting effect on him.The ending of Avengers fits the tone of the film. The TDKR ending does not.And as far as my last comment and your TF2 suggestion....sorry if you're so pompous that a Billy Madison reference went over your head. I was amused by it. :) Edited by Adm56
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I think your posts in the 'The Avengers vs. Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Dark Knight Rises (OFFICIAL SHOWDOWN DISCUSSION)' thread pretty much prove that you were predisposed to like TDKR no matter how it turned out, and debate BO often enough. But anyways...Yes....I'm saying he doesn't deserve the mega happy Scooby Doo ending despite what he has accomplished in all three films. I think you could say that in TDK his 'dramatic sacrifice' is losing Rachel and his taking the fall for Dent and becoming 'the hunted'. But yet when we get to TDKR we find that he never was hunted and that thoughts of Rachel are pretty far from his mind (he hooks up with one woman and retires with another). Sure if he was a real person he'd deserve a medal for all he has been through. But I believe good drama requires a higher standard. We should be shown how their sacrifices affect a character, and Bruce Wayne seems to suffer no ill effects from his adventures. His physical issues are gone at the end of the movie (he manages to defeat Bane easily enough). His money is gone but he still gets the girl (who he hardly knows) and manages to vacation in Europe. And if the ending is 6 months to a year later it's just another example of how poorly the film handles time in general. Basically instead of becoming Batman he could have gone to therapy to get over his parents death and a fear of bats for all it mattered. His Batman experience had no lasting effect on him.The ending of Avengers fits the tone of the film. The TDKR ending does not.And as far as my last comment and your TF2 suggestion....sorry if you're so pompous that a Billy Madison reference went over your head. I was amused by it. :)

It was 8 years since Rachel death. In the begging of the film he is haunted. It only Alfred tells him the truth and leaves Bruce decide to get back out. Why can't Bruce can't be done with Batman? Bruce moved on from the character he no longer need to be batman and decide that the fake death is what the city need.Avengers had horrible cheesy ending. the last 5 minutes of the film sucked. It should ended better then what and it far more scobby doo ending and it did not fit the movie at all. Edited by Dexter of Suburbia
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It was 8 years since Rachel death. In the begging of the film he is haunted. It only Alfred tells him the truth and leaves Bruce decide to get back out. Why can't Bruce can't be done with Batman? Bruce moved on from the character he no longer need to be batman and decide that the fake death is what the city need.Avengers had horrible cheesy ending. the last 5 minutes of the film sucked. It should ended better then what and it far more scobby doo ending and it did not fit the movie at all.

Please edit this a bit so I can understand you and I'll be happy to respond.
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Where was it filmed? Philly?

The majority of the establishing shots are shots of NYC. One shot clearly shows Lower Manhattan from the Battery with the under-construction Freedom Tower (which is replacing the WTC) front and center.
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It was 8 years since Rachel death. In the begging of the film he is haunted. It only Alfred tells him the truth and leaves Bruce decide to get back out. Why can't Bruce can't be done with Batman? Bruce moved on from the character he no longer need to be batman and decide that the fake death is what the city need.Avengers had horrible cheesy ending. the last 5 minutes of the film sucked. It should ended better then what and it far more scobby doo ending and it did not fit the movie at all.

I guess that's the best I'm going to get.I don't really have anything to add to what I've already said about TDKR. But please tell me what was so bad about the ending of Avengers? It's pretty much your standard 'tune in next time for further adventures'. This certainly doesn't make it the best ending ever, but I fail to see how it's horrible either. Don't get it twisted...all our heroes survive because heroes always survive is a far cry from Bruce Wayne's My Little Pony ending.
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Phil....I know you're just mad and rambling due to disappointing box office and taking it out on me. I'd like to say it will be okay but we know it won't.Plenty of people (including some professional critics) feel the same way I do about the Scooby Doo ending in TDKR. I just don't think they sell the 'hero's journey' well enough in this final film. Batman is basically a quiter/Gotham doesn't even need him when the movie starts, his broken back and time in prison is portrayed as little more than a bump in the road for him (since he seems to suffer NO after effects from the experience and don't get me started about punching his back into place) and Bruce being with Selina at the end seems a bit forced (I've never had an ex betray me to the extent Selina does when she leads Bruce to Bane but I'm glad I married someone who doesn't seem capable of it). I guess we're supposed to think that he's thinking merely with his privates and she's willing to put that catsuit back on when dinner is over and they go back to the bedroom ('cause I suppose that's enough to base a relationship on). If Bruce was going to end up with the love of his life it would have made more sense if he was having dinner with Rachel's ashes.Dark Knight despite a few flaws was a damn near perfect film. And I think BB was an excellent reboot. But Nolan dropped the ball with this one. It's easily the worst of the trilogy and it didn't exactly lose by a nose.In closing TDKR is one of the most insanely idiotic movies I have ever seen. At no point in it's rambling, incoherent run time was there close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone who has seen it is now dumber for having watched it. I award TDKR no points, and may God have mercy on its soul.

1. Get your facts straight and throw away your gimmick Avengers glasses you're wearing. TDKR's box office run is great so far, it will hit 1 billion WW.2. The ending is perfect. just PERFECT. You can't finish this trilogy in any other way.3. Batman's back is not broken.4. It's Bruce Wayne's journey, hence that's why we see more of Bruce than Batman.4. Your last sentence confirms that you're either an idiot or you seek to provoke people with your childish comments.

Well I liked the movie overall but it definitely had a lot problems- Batman was barely in this movie. Yeah I know people will say "Bruce Wayne and Batman are the same characters" or some crap like that, but seriously Batman in costume had such little screentime that I forgot I was watching a Batman movie at times. Even my dad, who is a pretty inattentive viewer said to me at the end, "Batman wasn't really in the action in this one as much was he"?-Why did Joseph Gordon Levitt feel more like the main character than Batman? I mean you might as well call the movie "John Blake Rises".- How exactly did Blake know Bruce Wayne was Batman?: I mean something to do with a fake smile or something? What?-Catwoman honestly felt like she didn't really need to be here. Also, her relationship with Wayne/Batman felt rushed. Catwoman stole from Batman, betrayed him, handed him over to Bane and when Batman comes back he decides the one person he can trust is Catwoman?-Batman quitting for eight years. Seriously, this is ridiculous. No better than Superman abandoning Earth for five years in Superman Returns. I assumed at the end of TDK Batman would continue to fight crime but would have to do it alone and on the run. Not just fucking quit. Seriously. They should have made it one year or two years not fucking eight years. And why did Bruce Wayne suddenly turn into a cripple? Batman honestly seems like such a pansy in this movie, but more on that later.-Bane's voice. Yeah-Bane's death. Honestly ridiculously rushed. I didn't even realize he was supposed to be dead at that point. I assumed he would be shot by Catwoman while he was fighting Batman one last time.-The opening scene. It was cool, but what exactly was that blood transfusion thing about? it wasn't really followed up.-Batman escapes from prison and he is suddenly in Gotham saving people left and right...how did he get back? Don't give me that he had training in Batman Begins. We are led to believe that this prison is hellhole, thousands of miles from Gotham...and Bruce not only returns to Gotham that is cut off from the rest of the world, surrounded by ice, he is ready to fight, finds all the necessary people in trouble with ease (Gordon, Blake, Catwoman), manages to write MASSIVE bat sign in gasoline (which seems to be in shortage, but Batman had enough to write that sign). I mean usually I don't care about things like this but I actually felt jarred by it during the movie.-Also a bomb with a 5 month timer? Kind of convenient is it. Coincidentally it is JUST the right amount of time Bruce needs to escape from prison and get back to Gotham. This is just ridiculous.The moment Batman comes back to Gotham and lights up that GIANT bat sign Talia should have set off the nuke, but I guess not.-I like the Talia reveal but honestly they should have given her a bit more to do than just driving a truck around. Also, maybe have more scenes with Miranda and Bruce to build up their relationship.-Talia's death scene. Yeah, that really needed another take.-Alfred leaving. Was this really necessary?-Also, for some reason, Alfred seems to know every secret in the world, he seems to know more than Bruce or the government...isn't he supposed to be Bruce's butler? Alfred knows more about Bane/ League of Shadows than Bruce who was trained by them in Batman Begins. I believe that Alfred tells Bruce that Bane was born in prison, something which we later learn is not true...where does Alfred get this information from?-The ending. OK a lot of people say they love this ending, but I hated it. Batman somehow survives a nuclear explosion, then decides to quit being Batman and then run off to Italy with Selina Kyle? WHAT? Batman is just going to quit like that? Bruce Wayne is just going to go and live a happy life now? This is just ridiculous. I mean think about he becomes Batman, few months later Dark Knight happens, then he quits for eight years, then he returns for a few days then quits for good? Bruce Wayne's career as Batman was probably a year at best. Seriously Bruce Wayne was such a whiny bitch in this movie I can't stand it. Give me the Avengers ending anyday over this, at least the heroes at the end still decided to remain heroic. Despite all they went through.Still despite all of that. I still liked the movie overall and will definitely see it again. Maybe I'll like it more the second time around. But I have to admit it's a little disappointing after all the hype

1. It's Bruce Wayne's film, that's why it's so great, it's more human and realistic, that's why lot of people can relate to it more. Lot of people think that it;s the best film of the trilogy. I'm not among them.2-3. Blake was a great character and he needed screen time to be believable for the new role, how could someone become Batman with 10 minutes screen time? JGL had a great monolugue explaining how he knows Bruce's true identity.4. Bruce saw something more in her and they had good chemistry during the ball scene, and he was right, she came back.5. It has been explained above.6. He wasn't needed, it has been explained in the film, watch more closely.7. Bane's voice. Yeah, it was great.8. Yep, I agree, I was disappointed with his death.9. The opening was breathtaking in IMAX.10. Why did Hulk get back to NY? He spent years in BB in situations like this. He had 23 days to make the journey., Use your imagination, it's not that difficult.11. Bane wanted to torture Gotham, not just simply nuke them.12. It was enough, there was no need for more.13. Yep, her death scene wasn't great. It was just ok.14. It's been explained clearly. Seriously how many times did you go to toilet during the film.15. Alfred is more than just a butler, everyone knows that. he did the same things in BB an d TDK.16. The ending is perfect. Give you the Avengers ending, they offer drink and joke with the villain. The great villain, who pretty much got beaten by every single Avenger. And it was predictable. In TDKR you don't know what's gonna happen, in TA you know for sure that IM will survive, here Bruce could have been dead. In fact as character he is dead and him as Batman also. Edited by The Dark Alfred
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I'm just showing light to the hating nutcases. It's okay to dislike the film, but some of the idiotic comments are making me laugh. Adm56 leads the pack.

I wish some had the same energy to defend Avatar when the idiotic comments rose. Even up to today some people are still making those stupid comments. :lol: Edited by vc2002
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I wish some had the same energy to defend Avatar when the idiotic comments rose. Even up to today some people are still making those stupid comments. :lol:

I liked Avatar in the theater but it doesn't stand up on blu-ray at home. Once you get used to the visuals there isn't all that much there.And yeah I'm just here showing light to the Batloonie nutcases. It's okay to like the film, but some of the idiotic comments are making me laugh. Dark Alfred leads the pack.
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