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Monday Box office Est. TASM 7.5 TED 4.5 BRAVE 2.5

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I'll say it again: the performance of TASM's sequel will tell us whether it was a successful reboot. Many assume there'll be a massive increase, but that's debatable.

if it has mediocre legs, it would be extremely tough for the sequel to have a big increase. Unless they add Rock :)
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if it has mediocre legs, it would be extremely tough for the sequel to have a big increase. Unless they add Rock :)

The Rock is going to be in the sequel? Awesome!
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Movie was pretty goqd, despite excluding Jonah. I like that they got rid of the organic webs! Nice start, with a sequel introducing Mary Jane, Norman, Harry, and Jonah and the Bugle staff. with the Green Goblin and Gwen Stacey death stories as the focus. The sequel will make a fortune in line with the first 2. Andrew Garfield isn't quite as good as Maguire, but he does just fine. Spider-Man's future is okay.

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The Rock is going to be in the sequel? Awesome!

I guess you have not got the memo. Rock will be added to any sequel that requires a boost.

The Rock should play Doc Ock. Just for the rhyming.

LOL. DOCK OCK ROCK. Anyway its hilarious to think of Rock playing a scientist role. With Rock ASM2 will beat Avatar for sure. Edited by keysersoze123
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Here were 54 people's ASM predictions on May 4th. As you will see, most will probably come within 20 mill of the actual number:The Amazing Spider-Man (54)Neo - $348MTylerDurden365 - $325MAccursed Arachnid - $320MKayumanggi - $318MJunkshop36 - $310MJajang - $308.5MSixteen16 - $308.4MInFamous - $307.7MKDS - $302Macsc1312 - $295MHallowed Prince - $295MFake - $285Mphillip - $284.8MChewy - $281MThe Dark Zombie Rises - $280M24Lost - $280MNarniadis - $277MCEDAR - $275MMichael G Scott - $275MBK007 - $273MCrusader - $270MEmpireStrikesBack - $265MXenoZodiac - $260MTower - $260MGizmo - $258MJohnnY - $257MGopher - $255MTownzy89 - $250MDav - $250MVanilla - $250Mlaguy03 - $249MJake Gittes - $244.3MTawasal - $241.8MTotem - $240MSims - $240MJamesFord92 - $239MBed005 - $236MThe Dark Alfred - $231MDar - $225MSpaghetti - $225MCJohn - $225MAriadne - $225MDexter of Suburbia - $225MBrand New Rises - $220MLilmac - $215MThe Iceroll Games - $210MKatyperry - $210MGoffe - $208MShawnMR - $205MImpact - $200MMovieMan89 - $198MBaumer - $194.9MGoffe Rises - $180.5MrockNrollaDIM - $170M

So FAKE's predict was 200M six day and 285 total? Woah, dude has zero faith in Spidey or too much faith in TDKR.
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And we're in the heart of summer, mid July. Kids are out of school.
It would be alright if it's Sunday drop wasn't as bas as it was.

Plus, we have to start factoring that more and more school systems are going to a year around calendar. Our entire county(Nashville schools are the whole county) is implementing it for the first time, shaving 3 weeks off of summer, thus box office weekdays. School here now starts August 1 for grades K-12.

Ergo, TASM and everything that opens closer to the end of July in our area will see lower weekdays. Even TDKR.

At some point mid/end of July will not be a favorable locale for opening a tentpole film. We may not be there yet but it's coming.

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the monday number for brave is not bad! las weekend was inflated due to 4th of july numbers, it will rebound to near $3 on thrusday and had a $11 weekend at least (agains IA4) or better, it will make $230 wich is a great number for an original animated movie. it's not finding nemo ok but it's not cars 2

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We've always said that Spidey needs to get as much money as possible before July 20th, but according to this Monday hold it won't be much of a weekday movie, which is problematic.

At least it's already made 140m.

And when i think we are talking about a SPIDER-MAN movie...

How the Mighty have fallen.

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Needs about a 40% second weekend drop to hit $200m by Sunday... so that's not happening.

And that is the sad thing at it's core. That a Spider-man film can't hit $200m in 13 days. It'll take two full weeks to hit it. A total Avengers passed in 3 days. A total The Hunger Games passed in 9 days. So if the film was as interesting as the "pro" group claims then people would've seen it, that simple.
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