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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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LOL anyone laugh when Batman said "where is the device!!!!"Reminded me of the WHARE AR THEY!!! From tdk...

Didn't notice it too much the first time, but I did notice that this time around. Other than that though, the Bat voice sounded alright in this film
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The Polytechnique was merely the first that came to mind, there have been others more recently (off the top of my head):

Eaton Centre Shootings (2012)

Scarborough Shootings (2012)

Dawson College (2005)

Michael Moore's inaccurate depiction of guns and safety in Canada has led to an incredible amount of ignorance among Americans (on top of how much they already have in general). Yes, shootings like this are more prevalent in America, but they still happen here.

:lol: :lol:

Ok, my superior Canadian brother, I bow to you and all your open minded knowledge of the world! Canada is hardcore might as well be the New Bronx.

:worthy: :worthy: :worthy:

I gotta go eat sum cheetoz now, peace.

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Ignore that AFP article.

Yeah, it's a wild guess, and nothing more than that. There are still lots of early evening shows on the west coast, plus later showings too.And considering the numerous reprts of stronger than average holds on Sunday, that guess is likely well below where it will end up.
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Guys, why are you questioning Rth. He has provided estimates and they were backed by actuals so I trust him way more than any of these sites. He said, Nikke's low balling it so if Sunday stays true then we're at least looking at 163M+.

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Huh, I didn't think it was that funny. Thought it was intended to be a sincere yet unsettling hint at Bane's humanity.

its gotten big laughs at 2 i mean 3 i mean 4 ok all 5 showings ive been too.
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Ok, my superior Canadian brother, I bow to you and all your open minded knowledge of the world! Canada is hardcore might as well be the New Bronx.

Who are you to talk about open minded knowledge of the world? Coming from the guy who thinks that there are no shootings in Canada and that no one locks their doors (I don't know anyone who doesn't lock their doors, Michael Moore is an idiot). I am in no way trying to make Canada sound "hardcore", I'm merely pointing out your obvious ignorance. Trust me, I'm glad Canada isn't "hardcore".

I gotta go eat sum cheetoz now, peace.

I'm now going to go drink some maple syrup, while I play hockey near a beaver dam. I'll make sure my door isn't locked on the way out and I'll ride a polar bear to the rink.Sounds good, eh?
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Who are you to talk about open minded knowledge of the world? Coming from the guy who thinks that there are no shootings in Canada and that no one locks their doors (I don't know anyone who doesn't lock their doors, Michael Moore is an idiot). I am in no way trying to make Canada sound "hardcore", I'm merely pointing out your obvious ignorance. Trust me, I'm glad Canada isn't "hardcore".I'm now going to go drink some maple syrup, while I play hockey near a beaver dam. I'll make sure my door isn't locked on the way out and I'll ride a polar bear to the rink.Sounds good, eh?

That last part cracked me up. Good on ya, mate!! (That's a Canadian thing, right?)
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