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Phase 3 (CA3 - 5/6/2016) Marvel Dates 5 Mystery Movies

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Both will do well at the boxoffice but I think Amazing-Spiderman will outgross Captain America: Winter Soldier so  I expect Cap will move since they will have proven the early April timeslot does work.

Catching up on threads I've not looked at in some time. These little gems abound across the site. 


With Feige saying a Black Widow film isn't imminent for ______ reasons(s) could a leading factor be she'll be taking time off to be a mom for at minimum 4-6 months? She's clearly the most set up and recognizable female superhero with audiences that they debatably would turn out for. Lucy happened, that can't be ignored. 


With Ant-Man filming Phase 3 is officially off and running.

Dr.Strange has a director and they are actively casting the lead so it's plain that it's an early P3 film on the slate...but when?

Cap 3 has an official date.

Thor 3 has it's script in development despite not being officially green lighted.

GotG2 is a lock.

Avengers 3 is a given.

They've expanded to more films for P3 so which characters are they??? Black Panther, Inhumans, Hulk2, Black Widow, Nova ???

It's time to release the whole slate of films like they've done in the past. 

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Catching up on threads I've not looked at in some time. These little gems abound across the site. 


With Feige saying a Black Widow film isn't imminent for ______ reasons(s) could a leading factor be she'll be taking time off to be a mom for at minimum 4-6 months? She's clearly the most set up and recognizable female superhero with audiences that they debatably would turn out for. Lucy happened, that can't be ignored. 


With Ant-Man filming Phase 3 is officially off and running.

Dr.Strange has a director and they are actively casting the lead so it's plain that it's an early P3 film on the slate...but when?

Cap 3 has an official date.

Thor 3 has it's script in development despite not being officially green lighted.

GotG2 is a lock.

Avengers 3 is a given.

They've expanded to more films for P3 so which characters are they??? Black Panther, Inhumans, Hulk2, Black Widow, Nova ???

It's time to release the whole slate of films like they've done in the past. 



LOL...thanks for digging up that bad projection.  :)  


I did kinda surmise back in 2012 that Howard the Duck could be in GOTG.  I'm even.   :)

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