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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey


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Shitto wasn't in the film per ce, but Hobbit reminded me a lot of LOTR, which had Shitto in it. Ergo, F.

Fuck no. TH deserves at least C on No Shitto fact alone. Bird shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shitto. Snot >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shitto. Burps and farts >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shitto. Sam Jones career >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shitto
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(Copied (with minor edits) from the TH thread):

I liked it a lot -- but it's very much a theatrical "extended edition", and honestly I felt it's a cut below the three LOTR films. There's lots of little bits and pieces that were not absolutely necessary for the sheer thrust of the story, but were kept for extra detail and/or exploration. In certain spots, it's much more a "Further Adventures in Middle-Earth" than a straight telling of "The Hobbit", and yet, in spots, it's almost verbatim. It also feels basically like the first act of a story -- it's hard to comment fully on some things without seeing if/how they pay off later.

Personally, as a Tolkien fan, I enjoyed all the stuff they put in, even though the pacing suffers a bit occasionally because of their inclusion. I think most people who really liked the LOTR films will likewise enjoy seeing things they otherwise wouldn't have -- like Thorin facing off against Azog outside Moria or Radagast discovering a growing darkness in Mirkwood. And (it seems clear to me) that many things that seem like extraneous bits will pay off later, both in the later Hobbit movies and even in LOTR. We gain a better understanding of why Dwarves dislike and distrust Elves, for example. However, if people didn't like the LOTR movies, they really won't like this either -- it assumes and relies upon some sort of pre-existing connection with the material, whether through the books or movies.

Tonally, there is indeed both a gentler, lighter, goofier touch to many scenes. The trolls are played reasonably close to how they were in the book, for example, as are the Goblin King and his minions in the Misty Mountains (Azog and his Orcs are much closer to the nastier, brutish and scary ones from LOTR). The riddle sequence with Gollum is flat-out amazing -- great, great stuff from all involved.

The action is Jackson-esque, particularly in the later parts of the movie. There's an almost giddy, TEMPLE OF DOOM style to the action inside the Misty Mountains. I loved it -- it's really fun and wild -- but it's not dark or brooding or "realistic".

48fps.... I (surprisingly) loved it. I had been somewhat apprehensive about it given all the negative buzz, but aside from a few shots at the beginning where people's movements seemed odd it felt very natural almost immediately. Vivid, crisp, lush 3D, always clear in action scenes and never eye-straining. It looked tremendous; and honestly, I'm confused that other people felt it looked terrible. Did they seem the same stuff I did? Evidently not -- I guess we all adjust in different ways.

My initial rating is a B+

Edited by Telemachos
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Just saw the film at private showing, extremely tired from driving around all day.

It is a must see in 3D, but I'm kinda undecided on the 48 fps. It did not give me a headache or sicken me. My complaint is it makes sets and areas look fake in a way, while at the same time, the quality is much sharper and everything suddenly stands out. It is a bit distracting at first, but after awhile, you just sit back and watch the movie's beauty.

Music is excellent.

The film seems to have a slightly less serious tone then the last movie. I do feel it had somewhat of a slow pace at times, especialy the beginning of the film which really needs some editing.

Action is excellent and seems well timed.

Performances from everyone was great, especially Freeman and McKellen.


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Just saw the film at private showing, extremely tired from driving around all day.

It is a must see in 3D, but I'm kinda undecided on the 48 fps. It did not give me a headache or sicken me. My complaint is it makes sets and areas look fake in a way, while at the same time, the quality is much sharper and everything suddenly stands out. It is a bit distracting at first, but after awhile, you just sit back and watch the movie's beauty.

Music is excellent.

The film seems to have a slightly less serious tone then the last movie. I do feel it had somewhat of a slow pace at times, especialy the beginning of the film which really needs some editing.

Action is excellent and seems well timed.

Performances from everyone was great, especially Freeman and McKellen.


what kind of word of mouth do you see this getting
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Not even going to dignify this blatant cashgrab with a full review. I laughed when after the near three hours it seems like they went a total of 20 feet.I fell asleep. Twice. I honestly can't remember the last time I fell asleep during a movie. It is just so god awfully boring. The wors tpart is that I didn't even miss anything! Just some tracking shots. This film break the number one rule of filmmaking: Show, don't tell. But oh they are gonna tell ya on multiple occasions. I was extremely tempted to walk out during the prologue thing thinking the rest of 3 hours were going to be like that. Every time they went into storytelling mode I rolled my eyes and felt a little more drowsy.Oh the Shitto screams! I couldn't watch the screams by dwarves and orcs alike without laughing.The way it was cut with the 2nd dwarves song almost had me cracking up. One second, they are all joyful, cut too everybody with super serial faces and singing a sad song.I honestly couldn't even tell the difference in the 3D in this movie. Save the money, go 2D. This movie seems like it was stuck 10 years ago. The visual comedy bits beats are amateurish at best, lazy at worst.I think the most disappointing thing about the movie is that other then some cameos from former LOTR people, nothing really happens. Lots of introductions to people but despite flying on birds, riding horses, and running for their lives , it doesn't even feel like they went anywhere. It's like someone turning the page of the book and they got tot he end of the first chapter and they filled it with nothing.I was trying to like it but that prologue just completely turned me off.Oh yeah, i give it a C- for it's somewhat decent finish.

Edited by JackO
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Not even going to dignify this blatant cashgrab with a full review. I laughed when after the near three hours it seems like they went a total of 20 feet.I fell asleep. Twice. I honestly can't remember the last time I fell asleep during a movie. It is just so god awfully boring. The wors tpart is that I didn't even miss anything! Just some tracking shots. This film break the number one rule of filmmaking: Show, don't tell. But oh they are gonna tell ya on multiple occasions. I was extremely tempted to walk out during the prologue thing thinking the rest of 3 hours were going to be like that. Every time they went into storytelling mode I rolled my eyes and felt a little more drowsy.Oh the Shitto screams! I couldn't watch the screams by dwarves and orcs alike without laughing.The way it was cut with the 2nd dwarves song almost had me cracking up. One second, they are all joyful, cut too everybody with super serial faces and singing a sad song.I honestly couldn't even tell the difference in the 3D in this movie. Save the money, go 2D. This movie seems like it was stuck 10 years ago. The visual comedy bits beats are amateurish at best, lazy at worst.I think the most disappointing thing about the movie is that other then some cameos from former LOTR people, nothing really happens. Lots of introductions to people but despite flying on birds, riding horses, and running for their lives , it doesn't even feel like they went anywhere. It's like someone turning the page of the book and they got tot he end of the first chapter and they filled it with nothing.I was trying to like it but that prologue just completely turned me off.Oh yeah, i give it a C- for it's somewhat decent finish.

So, in other words, they should have kept it two movies or trimmed 40 minutes from it and just used it in the extended version. Either way, I look forward to seeing this Friday even if it is a 3 hour long first chapter of a book. lol
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Fuck no. TH deserves at least C on No Shitto fact alone. Bird shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shitto. Snot >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shitto. Burps and farts >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shitto. Sam Jones career >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shitto

Just tell us is there anything < shitto.
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Not even going to dignify this blatant cashgrab with a full review. I laughed when after the near three hours it seems like they went a total of 20 feet.

That`s what basically happens in the book as well. In that part of the book, lots of random things happen but nothing essencially happens. It should have been 2 movies and first one cut after the barrell escape. Well, 1 movie would`ve been the best but since that was never an option 2 would have been sufficient.

Just tell us is there anything < shitto.

No. She`s the worst. She abuses sheep now:

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Edited by fishnets
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Not even going to dignify this blatant cashgrab with a full review. I laughed when after the near three hours it seems like they went a total of 20 feet.I fell asleep. Twice. I honestly can't remember the last time I fell asleep during a movie. It is just so god awfully boring. The wors tpart is that I didn't even miss anything! Just some tracking shots. This film break the number one rule of filmmaking: Show, don't tell. But oh they are gonna tell ya on multiple occasions. I was extremely tempted to walk out during the prologue thing thinking the rest of 3 hours were going to be like that. Every time they went into storytelling mode I rolled my eyes and felt a little more drowsy.Oh the Shitto screams! I couldn't watch the screams by dwarves and orcs alike without laughing.The way it was cut with the 2nd dwarves song almost had me cracking up. One second, they are all joyful, cut too everybody with super serial faces and singing a sad song.I honestly couldn't even tell the difference in the 3D in this movie. Save the money, go 2D. This movie seems like it was stuck 10 years ago. The visual comedy bits beats are amateurish at best, lazy at worst.I think the most disappointing thing about the movie is that other then some cameos from former LOTR people, nothing really happens. Lots of introductions to people but despite flying on birds, riding horses, and running for their lives , it doesn't even feel like they went anywhere. It's like someone turning the page of the book and they got tot he end of the first chapter and they filled it with nothing.I was trying to like it but that prologue just completely turned me off.Oh yeah, i give it a C- for it's somewhat decent finish.

If you fell asleep twice then you didn't watch the whole movie therefore this review won't be taken seriously. Also the fact you've been hating in this for a while now, I wouldn't be suprised if you didn't actually watch it at all...
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Very disappointing. It looks like LOTR, it sounds like LOTR, but there's none of the magic that made the original trilogy timeless.

There are several problems, but the biggest one is pretty fundamental: the stakes are too low. In LOTR the stakes couldn't have been higher - it was a fight for Middle Earth against a primal evil. This time it's about reclaiming some dwarf city from a dragon. Since I couldn't give a toss about the dwarf city or the dragon the whole movie becomes a complete bore.

Beyond the lack of stakes, there are other core issues. There are four antagonists, who come in and out of the narrative (did I mention the script is crap?). Two of them are barely in it at all (Smaug and the necromancer)... this in itself isn't a bad thing - look at FOTR, where Sauron's shadow hangs heavily over the whole movie, despite barely being glimpsed in three hours. But the dragon and necromancer are no Sauron. Their shadows don't hang over anything. The other two villains, the leader of the orcs and the goblin king, are just dull and by-the-numbers. After LOTR they're both too been-there-done-that. Going from Sauron and Saruman to some orc dude... it's a major step down in villainy.

Also, I could have done withot the goblin king's giant ballsack chin.

The whole thing just feels so flat, as if Jackson knew the material didn't cut it this time. I'm rewatching FOTR extended edition now as I type this. From the first moment it has a wit and energy to it. Yeah it's long, but it doesn't feel long. An Unexpected Journey feels every minute.

The script is fatally flawed. Not only are the stakes too low, but there isn't a strong throughline. Nothing to really keep an audience engaged. Frankly, the filmmakers should have asked themselves: will an audience be happy to sit through 170 minutes - with the promise of another 340 minutes - about these dwarves trying to reclaim their city? And when they got their answer they should have rethought the whole project.

It's nice to be back in that world, but this story is downright weak. And by being so episodic, and without that compelling throughline, it really, really tests your patience.

All this is compounded by the asthmatically slow pacing. If it had raced by in 2 hours it still wouldn't be a great film, but it wouldn't give us so much time to consider how misguided this movie is. It's as if Jackson had forgotten why we loved the original films. It wasn't because they were slow, ambling guided walks through Middle Earth. It was because they were well scripted stories that were worth telling.


Freeman is good. He's not given enough to do, but he copes well. Obviously the other returning cast all shine, but Elrond, Saruman and Galadriel don't add anything to the narrative. It's more about the thrill of seeing familiar faces from the other, much better movies.

I'll give it a C. Just because I liked Freeman and McKellan.

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I won't do a full review as this is only act 1 of a much longer film (I don't review Fellowship or Two Towers either). Just some random thoughts after my first viewing:

- First and foremost, this is a work of love more than a work of art. For me it shares this quality with "Dark Crystal". And i love them for it - but can understand how someone who doesn't love this material may be underwhelmed.

- Acting: Very good to passable. I saw the dubed version today; will see the original only on Tuesday so take this with a grain of salt, but everyone performed at least competently. Concerning character development, I expect the EE to include a bit more about Bilbo before he joins the expedition so we can place him in a social context.

- Sets: From intimate to roller coaster - most sets were beautiful and enjoyable. I didn't like the Rivendell set very much, maybe the weakest one. We were seeing very little of the shire - I expect that's where the EE will have more room.

- Costumes: Fitting - no one stood out. The costumes in LotR were better though.

- Music: Beautiful, but maybe too much relying on LotR themes. Come on, we get this is Rivendell. But I guess (or hope) other themes will appear as we approach Erebor.

- Camera, light ...: I saw it in 48fps 3D and it looked stunning. While not everything worked equally well, in most cases H1 looked better than other 3D films (Avatar included). My one quibble: Often there's too much light. I understand they wanted to make every scene easy on the eyes, but subterran scenes are supposed to be darker - much darker. (The same applied to LotR, Shelob's Lair is a good example of over-lighting). That aside, for 3D 48fps is clearly the future, and for action scenes as well. Even in the rollercoaster-turmoil in Goblin Town, you could keep up with the action. It looks different - but better. The outdoor scenes were simply without equal when you have a moving camera.

- Running time: Didn't bother me at all, I was never bored. Now don't take my word for it, but my ladyfriend, who has never read The Hobbit nor LotR, was caught by surprise when the credits came up: "That can never have been 3 hours."

So, a good start - the worst thing about H1 is that we have to wait a whole year for H2.

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