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This was a faithful adaptation of the book that was elevated by the two leads, Palmer and Hoult.  Obviously the relationship between Julie and R had more depth in the novel but I thought the pacing was about as good as it could have been for the runtime and the humor was in all the right places.  I think it could have expounded a little more from the source material in terms of humor and scope but this was just a small qualm I had that really didn't detract from the film, it just didn't make it quite what it could have been.  Excellent soundtrack and overall just a fun time.  Think this will play well over the next few weeks, even with some pretty heavy competition.


Recommend reading the book over the film but still a solid B.

Edited by RyneOh1040
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This is, like, the story of a girl, Julie (Theresa Palmer), who like, lives in apocalyptic times and like, there are zombies. She is running this mission for her dad Grigio (John Malkovitch), to find like medicine because life is, like, hard. She goes with like her friends and ex boyfriend, Perry (Dave Franco) who get like, attacked. But OMG! A zombie, R, (Nicholas Hoult) like saves her! True love! Rainbows! Butterflies! Chocolate pudding!


Honestly, this 'high concept' "comedy" runs out of tricks after the first 20 minutes. I felt the same way after seeing Drive. First 20 minutes are thrilling with a boatload of potential and possibilities only to be thrown away because the film can't stand under it's own weight.


First, I would not have such a problem with the film if chose not to follow it's own rules, but it takes itself so damned super seriously that it has to be punished. You can't go through the whole rigmarole of telling how zombies can't talk and then not even follow the rule you just made up to cover the other rule you just broke. You can't tell me that you can only learn to talk by eating brains and then magically your best friend learns to looking at a goddamned picture.

And then this super seriousness of everything. Every thing is spoken in hoarse whispers. And I am not just talking about the zombies. Like the direction for every scene for this chick must have been "Kristen Stewart was too expensive so we need you to act just like her."


And just when you thought it cold not get worse then looking at pictures to magically heal zombies. In the most predictable scene of all time, R turns into a real boy by jumping into some water. Like MAGIC!

Oh wait, don't forget that they established in the beginning that there are these super bad guys called Bonies that would only be scary to toddlers. They set up this huge fight with human,s and zombies, and these bonies and they don't even show it!

And you know that comedy you are looking for? It resurfaces for a couple of minutes after nearly an hour of oppressive super seriousness. Rob Corrdy (the best friend) is rallying the magically healed zombies to prepare for the later unseen battle with some quips. But uh, yeah, that's about it.


There are very little, if any redeemable qualities to this waste of an hour and half.



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Wow, I can't lie, I absolutely loved this movie. Levine's 50/50 is one of my favorite films of the decade, and while it's not that good, he really has hit me emotionally in both that film AND this film. What a deft brand of comedy, romance, and action this was. Hoult, who I wasn't sold on as the next big star, sold me.  He's pretty damn great, I can't lie. And Palmer was awesome, as was the supporting cast. Rob Corrody absolutely stole the film with his "bitches, man" line. That killed me. On a side note, this movie and SLP have me feel like one lonely man recently.



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Very enjoyable movie. Funny, and like said before, great soundtrack.It was also funny how all the kids/teenagers thought they were so smart when they realized it was Romeo and Juliet. You think they just realized the sky was blue :PAs for the movie, I give it a B+

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I'm somewhere between Jack and ewveryone else. I didn't dislike it but I didn't really connect with it either. I'll get this out of the way first. Theresa Palmer is stunning. Her beauty is hypnotic. I couldn't take my eyes off her for the entire film. When she's on screen, the film is that much better.


As is stands, the humour, as Jack pointed out, was very very sporadic and the reason and logic for the zombies to become human again is very silly.  John Malkovich's character seems to be in a different movie as he is about as serious as it gets.


Without getting into it too much, it's a fine way to kill a couple hours, but like Gopher said, there isn't much you'll remember either. 



But damn!  Theresa Palmer!!




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Warm Bodies is a clever and cute mashup of genres, even if it doesn't do as much as it could with the concept at hand. It's not as fresh or funny as other zombie comedies (namely, Shaun of the Dead or Zombieland), but it works a sort of quirky charm that keeps it afloat throughout its 98 minutes. Nicholas Hoult turns in another solid performance as the zombified protagonist, as he does a good job communicating his character's emotions primarily through his body language; his wry voiceover commentary is also fun to listen to. Teresa Palmer doesn't fare quite as well as the still-alive love interest, due mostly to the fact that her accent slips so frequently that it becomes distracting. However, the two do have reasonable chemistry with one another, and their love story works because of how cutely it comes across despite being so unconventional. Fortunately, it also doesn't neuter the mythology of its traditionally violent creatures the way Twilight did, although it's still a little awkward to see PG-13 level violence in a genre as inherently R-rated as the zombie film. Warm Bodies doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it's a good diversion while it lasts.



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It's funny you mention her accent...I didn't hear it at all. Maybe I was too busy in a trance like state staring at her to notice what she was saying.

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Saw this yesterday and even though I didn't love it, I really liked it. Teresa Palmer and Nicholas Hoult were both really good and they did a good job convincing me this relationship is real. The true heart of this movie is Rob Corddy who is just great here. Now one of the problems I had here is Teresa Palmer's character keeps complaining about her dad but if she thought for one second she might realize he was busy actually protecting people and trying to save the human race. The concept is really good, execution is great, and something I will probably come back too.



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Never read the book. I had modest expectations at best for this zombie rom/com and it surpassed those.


I did like the new addition to zombie lore that there is a rank now below just being a zombie. Turning the state of zombie into an inbetween state.


A renter overall but fun. 

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Well, isn't this a good movie. I had the greatest time. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that this is the cuddliest zombie movie yet, and in a good way. I can understand serious gorehounds being really mad at this movie, calling it "pussified Twilight zombie crap for tweens" but Warm Bodies has big crowdpleasing laughs, a clever script and a terrific soundtrack. Yes, to maintain a PG-13 rating gore is nonexistent, but since the movie was already going for a more lighthearted tone it didn't bother me. There are also some interesting zombie related concepts I havent seen before that Warm Bodies shows, like how eating braaaaaaaaaiins makes you relive the memories of the victim. 


Nicholas Hoult is really good. One of the films funniest realizations is that zombies aren't that different from your average grunting, inarticulate teenager, and Hoult really embodies that well. I dont think Teresa Palmer (who looks like a mix between Amy Adams and Kristen Stewart) isn't as good, but she's decent. I never found her false or annoying. 


I dont think this is one that I'll watch over and over again, but its still immensely enjoyable, and imo best 2013 movie so far. 




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