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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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So Numbers,

think the House Reyne possibility seems stronger now? I'm trying to keep my excitement in check.



Nah, I think it's just D&D totally in love with their version of Littlefinger and wanting him to juggle as many balls as possible.


Meanwhile Varys is still waiting for Tyrion to finish in the Volantene brothel.

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Nah, I think it's just D&D totally in love with their version of Littlefinger and wanting him to juggle as many balls as possible.


Meanwhile Varys is still waiting for Tyrion to finish in the Volantene brothel.

He probably expects it to take a while.  You know Tyrion always says about his cock.


I had a thought.  Varys is waiting with Huell.


Edited by DeeCee
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One other thing I noticed. The High Sparrow says the trials will be conducted by 7 septons, it is supposed to be 4 septons and 3 septas, to reflect the 7 aspects of the 7 (3 male, 1 androgynous, 3 female).

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This is really reminding me a lot of season 2... Its not so much that nothing has happened (or is happening), just that the sheer amount of abridging and streamlining has made each of the storylines feel small and unfocused. For the first time this season, there was a sense of urgency that's been missing.

Will HBO ever sign off a longer season with more episodes? I know the budget is huge already, but I just can't see how they can continue to condense so much plot without losing focus (and quality). Even an extra 2 would give a lot of these plots precious breathing room.

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The problems is that D&D dont have time to make extra episodes, unless you want next season to premiere in July instead of April.


Each episode is time consuming to make. Not to mention really expensive.

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They can always split the 7th season in two parts. 8 episodes each part to make it a full season of 16 episodes. Enough to wrap all the storylines of the show.


Sopranos did it, Breaking Bad did it, Mad Men just did it. I see no reason why Game Of Thrones can`t do it.

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good episode yeah for cersei nothing like seeing cuckoo religious zealot sparrow wipping that smirk of self-contentment and gloat off cersei's face !!!!


seeing Ghost reminded me how little if at all we've seen the direwolves this season , heck i forget they're starks too and all starks draw the short stick !


sam and gilly getting their hero/damsel groove on ! kkk


ok i'm all for jorah coming back somebody has to get rid of that snake whispering in her ears at night in bed smooth-talking non-stop!


but i have to say i'm pretty disappointed with the pit scene come on D&D you can do better than that , where was the crowd , sweaty dirty ex-slaves watching , in the book i got this gladiator feel description wise , they couldnt even muster up enough stand-ins for that scene tsk tsk that was a load of bull, in which case tell me why she's marrying this dude to keep the 5 people and 3 sheeps he owns happy ???!!!


plus that set looked exactly the same as when joffrey was mocking tyrion on his wedding day and there more people present in that scene ! how the heck is

a certain coming scene suppose to occur in that pit and come off with

a smoaky splash ????!!!!


anyhoo sad about john going back into the wilderness ! i swear sometimes i feel sad thinking about eddard stark (r.i.p.) how happy they were and how for him and his family winter has hit the hardest !

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Episodes 9 & 10 titles and synopses. Behind spoilers just in case:

Ep 9: "The Dance of Dragons" Synopsis: Stannis (Stephen Dillane) confronts a troubling decision. Jon (Kit Harington) returns to The Wall. Mace (Roger Ashton-Griffiths) visits the Iron Bank. Arya (Maisie Williams) encounters someone from her past. Dany (Emilia Clarke) reluctantly oversees a traditional celebration of athleticism.

Ep 10: "Mother's Mercy" Synopsis: Stannis marches. Dany is surrounded by strangers. Cersei (Lena Headey) seeks forgiveness. Jon is challenged.

Further book reader SPOILERS:

So the finale has Dany meeting the Khalasar, the Walk of Shame, and the Ides of

Marsh Olly. Possibly LSH too, if the rumors are true.

Edited by House Cozmees of Everdeen
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