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Iron Man 3 (2013)  

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When I say: "The Manderin=The Joker" I simply mean in as importance to the central character.  In the Iron Man world The Manderin is his nemesis.  They hinted at his appearance in "IM1", he didn't come in "IM2" so now here comes "IM3" and all the advertisement has everyone getting hyped for Tony to finally face his arch rival only for it to blow up in our faces. If Manderin is "C-List" then Killien is "F-list", he's even more irrelevent to Iron Man Mythology historically.  Like I said, most fans let the Race thing go which I find funny cause the excuse was they didn't want to do a Chinese stereotype but it was ok to do a fake Muslim Bin Laden terrorist stereotype though.  


So here I was watching the film and I actually went with the whole Kingsley Bin Laden thing cause the videos were cool and the commentary was interesting.  So Tony can't get over the supernatural things he experienced.  They give him headaches and anxiety.  So why did Shane and the other writer feel that The Maderin should be irreverent and focus on Killen as if he's a major Villian in Iron Man Mythology when he's not?  Killen should of been a secondary villain at best.


The Maderin should of used his supernatural rings on Tony in a final battle which would make sense for all the suits to come.  The whole "Extremis" storyline just wasn't that interesting.  Again there were parts to the movie that I did like but The Manderin twist ruined the character on the screen.  Warmachine was completely underused.  And the movie went from Iron Man to James Bond/Lethal Weapon/Bourne Status with RDJ barely being the in suit and being a detective.  When I say "It lacked Action" I mean Suit Action.  When people got to see Iron Man they want Suit Action as well as RDJ.

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Look at what each ring does.  That would of been Badass to see Tony fighting Ben Kingsley using each ring with supernatural powers.  We can have fire breathing superhuman extremis characters but Supernatural Rings is a no no?.  Please.  They should of went with the rings cause it plays into Tony's fears of seeing the unknown from his experiences in The Avengers.  So in the climax he would be facing The Manderin with the Rings and he would have had to face of fears of the Supernatural.  Shane and the other screenwriter dropped the ball.  

Edited by filmscholar
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One thing that bothered  me was that the Iron man suits were soooo underpowered in this movie. In Avengers he thought with what one ot two suits. In IM3 one punch and they were completely broken.

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If you're bitter about the Mandarin then I can't help you. I simply don't give a damn about what they did with the character. Would you rather have seen the same story we got with Bane in TDKR and find out at the last minute he was just protecting Killian? It's been DONE, man.  

Edited by Gopher
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Saw this a 2nd time, and I loved it more.

My MCU rating:

The Avengers - 9.5/10

Iron Man  - 9/10

Iron Man 3 - 8.5/10

Thor - 7.5/10

Cap America - 7.5/10

Iron Man 2 - 6/10

The Incredible Hulk - 6/10

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How exactly did the one Extremis woman subdue Iron Patriot? Its like they allocated 10 seconds of screen time to get it done and couldn't come up with anything that made sense that would be quick enough.


This was ridiculous, I still don't get it. She only held his arm, right? Did I miss something?

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Yes, you missed that it was unimportant. They got their point across- she got the suit, a fight scene between her and the Iron Patriot serves no purpose in the overall narrative of the film

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Man creates Iron Man suit - Dope, Im down

Man creates Portable suitcase version of suit - Cool idea, practical for Iron Man Im down. 

Man creates a suit that can fly 800 miles in 5 minutes in pieces? how does it fly? Not down..


Also in Avengers 2 is Tony gonna be sipping on wine and screwing Pepper in LA while controlling a Iron Man suit with his head set, while the others fight Thanos?  WTF

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Pretty entertaining and a fun time at the theater, some great visual effects, Robert Downey Jr. was excellent as usual but the villain once again was kind of lame, although better than IM2. I don't know, it was pretty good but not sure if I have any desire to see it again until the Blu-ray release.


***¾/*****, (B+, 7.5/10, 3/4)

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I really enjoyed how Black subverts in his own special way. He could use a little more directorial flair, but he knows how to put a spin on familiar material. 95% of my interest in these films is Downey as Stark so I'm glad we got plenty of him outside of the suit. I'm also glad they found a child actor who wasn't even annoying! Nice to see Don Cheadle getting a check. Plus, the Christmas setting!


Complaints? Anything involving the....plot. Fire-breathing, exploding lava people who can regenerate limbs, walk through fire and become really good-looking top-notch athlete/fighter? Look, I buy it. I'm not whining about it being not realistic. I just thought it was all pretty dumb. Guy Pearce gives a fun performance, but I didn't really know (or care to know) why his character was doing all these crazy things. He wants to make a lot of money by causing mayhem, I guess? I just went with that. Also, Rebecca Hall was wasted.


As for The Mandarin? My favorite part of the movie. You could feel Black's fingerprints all over that. From genuinely scary to genuinely hilarious, Kingsley KILLS it. I was cracking up. If you have a problem with it, that's fine. Nothing I can do to convince you otherwise, and I'm not interested in doing so. I liked it.


Going with the number grading, I'll say 7 out of 10. 

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I really enjoyed how Black subverts in his own special way. He could use a little more directorial flair, but he knows how to put a spin on familiar material. 95% of my interest in these films is Downey as Stark so I'm glad we got plenty of him outside of the suit. I'm also glad they found a child actor who wasn't even annoying! Nice to see Don Cheadle getting a check. Plus, the Christmas setting! Complaints? Anything involving the....plot. Fire-breathing, exploding lava people who can regenerate limbs, walk through fire and become really good-looking top-notch athlete/fighter? Look, I buy it. I'm not whining about it being not realistic. I just thought it was all pretty dumb. Guy Pearce gives a fun performance, but I didn't really know (or care to know) why his character was doing all these crazy things. He wants to make a lot of money by causing mayhem, I guess? I just went with that. Also, Rebecca Hall was wasted. As for The Mandarin? My favorite part of the movie. You could feel Black's fingerprints all over that. From genuinely scary to genuinely hilarious, Kingsley KILLS it. I was cracking up. If you have a problem with it, that's fine. Nothing I can do to convince you otherwise, and I'm not interested in doing so. I liked it. Going with the number grading, I'll say 7 out of 10.

Pretty much agreed on everything This not really a complaint but why was never explained why Shield did not help out? They suppose to protect America yet they ignore these threats against the president and attacks domestically.
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Yes, you missed that it was unimportant. They got their point across- she got the suit, a fight scene between her and the Iron Patriot serves no purpose in the overall narrative of the film


Is it unimportant to make sense? :P

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Pretty much agreed on everythingThis not really a complaint but why was never explained why Shield did not help out? They suppose to protect America yet they ignore these threats against the president and attacks domestically.

That was a big worry for me. I was at least hoping for a scene where a random Shield agent comes in and explains that Nick Fury and Captain America have something more important to worry about or were on some mission half-way across the world and Iron Man needed to step up to the plate. That could have worked. Would it have been so awful to have put a scene like that into the film.

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Pretty much in agreement with RichWS, except I liked it a little more- I think the plot works just fine for what it is. Ridiculous fire breathing people are ridiculous fire breathing people. Ridiculous B-movie villain is ridiculous B-movie villain. For the most part, this is Stark's story and Black nails it. 

Edited by Gopher
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