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Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)


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Okay, so I finally saw it. Overall, I liked it, though not as much as ST09. Let's see:


What is good:


- The actions. There are very good action scenes, beautifully executed, definitely a step up from ST09.


- The crew. What drawn me to ST09 was the great interactions and chemistry between the Enterprise crew members. They maintain that here. In STiD, everyone has their moments to shine. I especially love the bantering Kirk-Bones as well as the contrasting yet magnetic chemistry between Kirk and Spock. Uhura and Sulu are badasses. Chekov is endearing in his earnestness. Scotty is funny.


- The acting are solid all around, with Quinto's Spock as the stand out for me. Cumberbatch is quite mesmerizing, he has his good moments, but I agree with a few here, definitely let down by the script, I'll elaborate more on that later.


- Abrams directions. Just like with ST09, I think JJ manage to build on what is a weak script, making the movie quite engaging regardless of the thinly written plot.



What doesn't work for me:


- The character of Carol Marcus. I feel that her inclusion is unnecessary. Apart from the eye-candy (not for me) I see no purpose in her character.


- Benedict Cumberbatch's Khan. Like I said, I think Cumberbatch is a good actor, and he's mesmerizing in some instances, but the way his character is written, not so much. By recommendations of members on this forum, I watched WOK just 2 days ago. I know that it's not totally fair to compare the two versions of the character, especially in Trek, when things are not of the same time line, but I gotta say, Montalban's Khan is a greater character and definitely better written: more intelligent, enchanting, charismatic in a batshit crazy way.

The way Khan is written in this, he seemed almost...robotic, for lack of a better word. His motivations are not quite compelling enough for his actions. This is weird, but when I watched Khan here, for some reasons, I feel like I'm watching an angrier, more worked up version of Severus Snape.

Overall though, Benedict Cumberbatch still worked wonders with what little he's given. The acting is good, but the character of Khan just doesn't wow me the way Montalban's Khan did.


- I agree with some of Gopher's points in his review about the script. It's quite weak. And the plot is messy in some parts too. 


Quick note: Kirk's death scene is good and emotional, his friendship's growth with Spock is shown. I don't have a problem with what some refers to as "cop-out" ending but I understand why it felt flat for some, and I think the reason is because of the well-executed death scene preceding it.




All in all, despite the weak script and some grips I had as described above, I think the movie is good, technically well-made, with good characters moments, chemistry, and interactions.


If I was to rate it as a sequel, in comparison with ST09, I'd given it a B. However, if I was to rate it base on my enjoyment of the movie (I guess this is the part where bias and/or emotional attachment comes into play) I'd given it an B+/A-

Edited by Sam
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I'm not a huge Trek fan. But I enjoyed ST09 well enough other than the ridiculous amount of lens flare.


STID was a huge disappointment. It seemed to borrow way too much from much better films (the opening sequence of Raiders right out of the gate and of course all the 'we'll just flip Spock and Kirk's roles from Wrath of Khan' silliness that was the opposite of clever).


And while I understand that some people think taking themes from today's headlines and placing them into movies is somehow deep can I go to a FREAKIN' SPACE OPERA AND HAVE A LITTLE ESCAPISM without being beaten over the head with the whole 'terrorism' thing AGAIN? For fucks sake. I get it...drone strikes are bad...we don't want to become the evil we're fighting. Blah Blah blah. Maybe I'll go watch Zero Dark Thirty again and hope someone hasn't Lucas'd it by adding phaser battles.


And while I don't like to get into minor 'this and that was a plot hole' arguments anymore a few things stand out...the idea of a transporter has always had the potential to let all the air out of the drama balloon (which is why script writers have to constantly break it) but transporting across galactic distances takes the cake (as do intergalactic phone calls from the bridge of a starship... but I digress) and of course the whole magic blood thing that I don't need to elaborate on. I just assumed he was able to raise the dead because his Midi-chlorian count is high...


And while I get it...sometimes you have to hamfist your way through something to get things moving ('How much dark energy did father have to conjure to get you here?' to explain how Thor escaped from Asgard at the beginning of Avengers for example) but at least pretend like you give a shit. It's a very MINOR issue, but the writers of STID couldn't even be bothered to get their technobabble right. When threatening to kill the crew of the Enterprise Khan suggests that he could target the life support systems 'behind the aft nacelle' of the Enterprise. Unless I'm missing something those are the warp pods that are on the port and starboard side of the ship and I've never seen one to 'aft'. Like I said VERY minor nitpick, but being so easily fixed it only proves that the writers have no fucks to give. They might as well make it sound like Charlie Brown's teacher each time a technical discussion occurs if it's just going to be total nonsense. And don't get me started on 'cold fusion'.


A 'D' at best.

Edited by Adm56
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I just got back from seeing this and unfortunately my original take on the this movie from the trailers was dead on..


Almost none of the movie worked for me.  Yes, it looked great visually, and some of the action was ok, but after that, there really wasn't anything.


I didn't read any spoilers and I knew the "bad guy" was Khan.  Cumberbatch was good and I didn't mind him as much as some did.  However, I agree, the character was pretty dully written.


As soon as they showed the first Khan blood scene, I knew where that was going so there was zero tension after that.  The inclusion of the original Spock was ok, but it was used as a complete cop out of everything.  I mean think about it, basically he is a spoiler magazine so they can just read it and fix everything.


I am probably too lenient on my grade, but at this point, the summer has been pretty disappointing to me.  If FF6 and MoS fail me, my fears of this year will come completely true.



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What IM3 should have been, IMO.Fun, exciting, at times funny, and most importantly a real sense of danger...good flick.


A real sense of danger...negated by magic blood!


Just kidding, I really enjoyed it a lot too, though the film's tendencies to negate major plot points is undoubtedly the film's biggest issue.

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Quick initial thoughts: A rather entertaining ride. You can chalk that up to the cast, as their chemistry totally carries the script. The winner has to be Cumberbatch. Unfortunately, there's more to his performance than to his character. As written, Khan is the biggest fumble. I liked the reverse at the end, although Spock's Khan scream should have been left out. Not to mention, Kirk is back to life in no time. Lame.


I'd probably give it a 7/7.5

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Did everyone catch all the homages?:


*The opening with them running being chased by indigenous people was clearly from Raiders of the Lost Ark.

*Spock in the Volcano was clearly from Revenge of the Sith.

*The Ship chase on that Vulcan planet was clearly taking from scenes in Empire and Jedi with the Millienum Falcon.

*Kirk dying of radiation and Spock saying "Khan" was clearly a reverse from scenes of "Wrath of Khan".

Edited by filmscholar
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off topic but this piece is fucking amazing 


The one good element of the score this time around. Everything else felt generic and the Enterprise theme was overused and far too loud when utilized.


Compare its music in the fight/battle scenes against that Mega Ship with Horner's work in Wrath of Khan in the final battle:




Tremendous work at blending together Horner's Enterprise theme with his Khan theme as a twirling music duel to ratchet up the tension before it goes into eerie sounds giving the impression of an old WW2 U-boat hunt.

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Yeah it seems everything involving Cumberbatch was great while the rest ... not so much  :lol:


I mean I enjoyed the film and thought the actual acting/characters were pretty strong, but the film could have been so much better in so many ways.


My alternative from before of having the Klingons having been the one to find the Botany Bay and awaken Khan and use him as a tool to design weapons against the Federation would have been a better touch since that way Khan would appear to be a reluctant villain/antihero and would make him teaming up with Kirk & Crew more believeable to stop the Klingons/save his people and would then give the film more options for the final act when Khan shows his true colors.

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Once again, Abrams and the whole cast elevated some weak sauce material.


I mean the whole revenge part and Admiral Marcus mischievous deed were really uneven, their motivations were not properly fleshed out, I didn't really care and feel for Khan's vendetta but Cumberbatch does a great job with so little with his magnetic presence and acting. Writers tried to add some depth to his badass Terminator-like character but magical blood, really?!


Although, the whole scene on Kronos when he is obliterating Klingons with Giacchino's Ode To Harisson theme blaring, that was thrilling. In a same way, the transition from the drawing to the real Enterprise revealing the opening title, the suicide bomb in London with the camera pulling back on the sick daughter's picture focusing in the frame. But that were just little sparks in a movie that goes through the motion most of the time trying to revisit WoK. (Original Spock's cameo again?! Like the scriptwriters were really running dry on fresh ideas, blame Lindelof!!!!).


Basically, the movie begins full throttle and loses steam the moment Harisson reveals that he is Khan. Then, the whole movie comes at a stop (Marcus with useless shenanigan with his daughter) and then falls apart like the Enterprise in Earth atmosphere trying to revive it with drama (Kirk's death and resuscitation riffing on WoK) but damage was already done, the movie didn't recover and felt in "dragging territory". It's just the remarkable chemistry between actors that holds the thing together till the end because it would be a bit boring otherwise suffering of that deflated script. It lacks that surprise effect ST09 benefited and we're just left hanging with something that lacks scale and sense of momentum in its structure despite a boost on action scenes. The movie just stalls and seems like ST09 1.5 and not a proper ST13.


A- at the beginning/B from the middle to the end so



Edited by dashrendar44
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