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Monday #'s:MU 11.02,WWZ 7.67,MOS 4.54,TITE 1.9, NYSM 1.1

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And you think Iron Man opened to 98 million without a fanbase? 


I was trying to understand this on my morning commute. Gave me a headache  :lol:

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IM lll would have been a debatable disappointment if not for THE AVENGERS. And you think MOS, a reboot you had deemed failure even before it opened, deserves a WWW thread despite the fact that it's going to make more than the first two IRON MAN movies, the two HULK movies, THOR, CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER, both FANTASTIC FOUR movies, and all X-MEN movies? lol


Your fanboyism blinds you.



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if MOS's figure are part of this excellent Monday numbers instead of took another big hit, I guess some people won't even be bothered to mention whether a film that makes 700 WW is a success or not .


Talking about MOS is fine, but to debate whether or not it is a success is really rather pointless. 


It's a reboot coming off a not so liked last film

It opened to 128 million dollars

It's on pace for at least 400 mill internationally

It will make 265-290 in NA

It will do 650-700 WW


How can you debate whether or not this is a success?  At this point, it's not a matter of opinion, it's apodictic.  It's a very big success.


And I didn't even like the film that much.

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And you think Iron Man opened to 98 million without a fanbase?

Iron man was one of the lesser popular marvel heroes, the only reason is opened big is the comeback of rdj, the acting of rdj, the reviews and the first proper marvel superhero movie which has a fanbasehttp://goodcomics.comicbookresources.com/2007/10/01/top-100-dc-and-marvel-characters-master-list/In fact among comic book readers, hawkeye and cyclops are more popular among marvel heroes
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In the US of A :


Superman Returns Attendance = Man of Steel Attendance.


Yes, but the US/Canada is one market.  This film blew up internationally.  And since money is counted everywhere from Poland to Lichtenstein, then it's a very big hit.

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Again, if it's at 245 M by Sunday, you think it'll just make 30 M more after that?


Yea, that's impossible.  That means it has a 20 mill weekend, no way it drops 60% every week after.

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I will find a gross under 300m for MOS disappointing

Realistically on the back of superman 3, superman 4 and returns, all which were derided by audiences, anything above 250 is a success. Its not like tasm which was rebooted after 1 bad movie, superman was rebooted after 3 bad movies and a general consensus that superman as a character is boring and too powerful to be fun. In the face of that, 250+ is a successZack snyder did for superman what jj abrams did for star trek. Make it relevant again Edited by Hasan Ahmad
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IM lll would have been a debatable disappointment if not for THE AVENGERS. And you think MOS, a reboot you had deemed failure even before it opened, deserves a WWW thread despite the fact that it's going to make more than the first two IRON MAN movies, the two HULK movies, THOR, CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER, both FANTASTIC FOUR movies, and all X-MEN movies? lol


Your fanboyism blinds you.


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Iron man was one of the lesser popular marvel heroes, the only reason is opened big is the comeback of rdj, the acting of rdj, the reviews and the first proper marvel superhero movie which has a fanbasehttp://goodcomics.comicbookresources.com/2007/10/01/top-100-dc-and-marvel-characters-master-list/In fact among comic book readers, hawkeye and cyclops are more popular among marvel heroes


RDJ had nothing to do with its opening.  Nothing.  Zilch, Nada.  IM brought him back from the dead.  Before that the only person giving him jobs was Joel Silver.

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I will find a gross under 300m for MOS disappointing


You shouldn't.  Before the summer started, here were the predictions for MOS in the summer game:



24Lost - $361M

Filmovie - $355M

Vanilla - $350M

Mattrek - $340M

kayumanggi - $332M

Druv10 - $325M

junkshop38 - $325M

Jay Salahi - $324M

JackO - $320M

Jessie - $320M

Neo - $312M

CEDAR - $312M

acsc1312 - $310M

Newbie - $309M

grim22 - $305M

chasmmi - $305M

RichWS - $305M

iTz ED - $302M

Tower - $300M

Blankments Into Darkness - $300M

glassfairy - $300M

kitik - $295M

ShawnMR - $290M

iceroll - $289M

Sam - $287M

IronMan89 - $285M

Iron Olive - $281M

Punishment - $280M

narniadis - $280M

DAR - $280M

Simionski - $280M

GoffeSteel - $278M

Jake Gittes - $277.1M

Dexter of Suburbia - $275M

TylerDurden365 - $275M

Schumacher FTW - $275M

baumer - $275M

Michael G Scott - $270M

The Stingray - $270M

ChFloppit - $265M

gizmo - $261M

cmasterclay - $260M

TLK - $260M

Telemachos - $259M

C00k13 - $255M

Fake - $240M

CJohn - $231M

laguy03 - $171M


Only about half of the players figured it would go over 300.

Edited by baumer
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WB might be hesitant to give MOS 2 a big budget after this.  MOS not well-received, and very big drops.  Plus Nolan may be trigger-shy at being heavily involved in the next one.


Why would they be hesitant? It's gonna do $280-$290M here and $700-$800M worldwide.

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Like The Dark Knight right?


Errr what? BB had great legs at the box office, strong home video sales, strong audience reception, and a lot of excitement going into the sequel because everyone knew the villain would be the Joker. Man of Steel didn't have a Joker card moment and it doesn't have BB's WOM.

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