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THG Catching Fire $25.25m Thursday Previews

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Might as well get these out of the way:

12 Years a Flop


Flop Hustle

The Flop: Desolation of Flop

Saving Mr. Flop

Flopman: The Flop Continues

Walking with Flops

47 Flops

The Floppy life of Flopper Floppity

The Flop of Flop Street

I, Flopenstein

Flopcules: The Flop Begins


Flop Academy

300: Flop of an Empire of Flops

Mr. Flopbody and Flopman

Need for Speedy Floops


Muppets Most Flopped

Noah's Flop Ark

Captain Flop: The Winter Flopper

The Unamazing Flop-Man 2

Legends of Flop: Dorothy's Return

Untitled Godzilla-sized Flop Project

X-Flops: Days of Flops Past


A Million Ways to Flop in the West

Flop of Tomorrow

22 Flop Street

How to Flop your Dragon 2

Flopformers: Age of Flop

Flop and Flop 7

Flop of the Flop of the Ape Flops

Planes: Flop and Flop

Flopcules, with Dwane "The Flop" Johnson

Flop Ascending

Guardians of the Galaxy's biggest Flops

Floppy Sex Tape

Teenage Flopping Flop Turtules

The Flop Giver

The Expendable Flops 3

Paranormal Flops 5

Flop and Flopper

The Flop Games: Floppingjay, Part 1

Horrible Flop Bosses 2


The Flop: Flop there and Flop Back Again

Night at the Flop Museum 3

Fifty Shades of Grey Flop

Flopbob FlopPants 2

THe Penguins of Flopagascar

Flopvengers: Age of Floptron

Jurassic World of Flops

The Unfantastic Four Flops


Flop Minions

Flopman and Superflop Crossover


The Smurfs 3

Hotel Floylvania 2

The Jungle Book of Fops

Bond 24 Flops

The Flop Games: Floppingjay, Flop 2

The Flop Dinosaurs

Alvin and the Chipmunks 2

Flop Wars: Episode FlopFlopFlopFlopFlopFlopFlop


Kung Flop Panda 3

Mission Flop 5

Untitled Pixar Flop (2016)

Untitled Fox/DWA/Blue Sky Flop (2016)

Untitled Pixar Flop (2017)

Untitled Fox/DWA/Blue Sky Flop (2017)

Untitled Pixar Flop (2018)

Untitled Fox/DWA/Blue Sky Flop (2018)

Untitled Pixar Flop (2019)



Oh go on, I'll give you a like for the effort.

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It does have future mega-star Chris Pratt... and Cobie Smulders! (Dat Avengers effect coming into action two weeks too late)



You mean Chris Pratt and Cobie Smulders?




You, defeated.

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The bad thing is every big opener has a bunch of sellouts. This one needs to sell out pretty much every night show from New York to Los Angeles and everywhere in between if it is going to somehow reach the kind of numbers people are hoping for today (ie $75m opening day). It basically has to double DH1's Friday night gross to reach $50m in day business today. That is a tall order.


It's kind of reminding me of the way MOS was looking friday night. Maybe a little better. I got to see the west coast sell outs and it's still way too early. But the east coast is doing really well.

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Great minds think alike Coolio. Great minds. It's like we're in the drift, minds melded together,...battling kaiju, tackling flops one at a time.

Edited by MrPink
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This was my first post in the under 160 thread.  No idea if it will come true yet, but it looks plausible now.






Summer is in full swing but it's time to start thinking about some winter films now.  I don't really think this is a bold club as (even though there is a small sample size) no film that has made 400 million has ever had the next movie increase.  The best example of this imo is Spider-man.  It set the opening weekend record, everyone loved it and it still dropped 7%.  I think THGCF will follow suit but fall at least 10%. 




The first hit a saturation point.  400 mill for a first film in a series is unheard of

This will lose some of the audience from the first....lots of casual curiosity that should disappear this time.

History suggests it will happen.




OW:  155

Total:  355



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OMG I just read through the last 20 pages of this thread. At first when I saw RTH's post I was slightly depressed, but these meltdowns are hilarious. It reminds me of STID! THG:CF was the best block buster of the year (besides Gravity). I'm happy no matter what it makes. Besides people were over-predicting it anyway. 

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