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2011 Best Picture Predicts

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The Bridemaids buzz reminds me of the odd buzz around Star Trek and The Hangover in 2009. It won't go anywhere.

Yep........and even if it snags a nom it has no chance of winning. It falls into the " new cooler, hipper, we just might nominate mainstream sci fic or comedy films" attitude of the Academy.

I think that will backfire as after a few years of this people will catch on to the fact that even if that get one of the final best pic slots, they have no chance of winning.

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I hope it gets nominated. People are especially scrutinizing of it now that it's the end of the year and they consider it "over-rated", but I think it achieved more than being a "crude comedy with women".. I think hit the right emotional tones in addition to being wildly funny. I think i will be great if a movie that was so universally loved by the general public gets recognized by the Academy. I know there's The Help but that fits into typical Academy mold... BM features real, modern people, characters audiences can actually relate to.

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I hope it gets nominated. People are especially scrutinizing of it now that it's the end of the year and they consider it "over-rated", but I think it achieved more than being a "crude comedy with women".. I think hit the right emotional tones in addition to being wildly funny. I think i will be great if a movie that was so universally loved by the general public gets recognized by the Academy. I know there's The Help but that fits into typical Academy mold... BM features real, modern people, characters audiences can actually relate to.

I think it will get a nom, it had positive feedback critically & commercially, but like you said..........there's another female ensemble (that still include female poop jokes) that fits the Academy mode better, Those Bridesmaids will have to settle for a nom at best....(always a bridesmaid.......never the bride)

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This Oscar season is so boring. Last year was so much more exciting. Honestly, there aren't many films on the 'potential' list that really appeal to me like they did last year. And there are no breakouts like last year which makes it even worse. Meh.

And then Potter going by un-noticed as usual. I just hope it can actually win some kind of technical award just so that the series actually gets an oscar. Doubt anything would change now though.


Edited by Heretic
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It's become increasingly likely in my eyes that the only film that could beat The Artist is The Help. Viola Davis is the Best Actress front-runner and Octavia Spencer could very well take Supporting Actress. I think also important to take into account is the perception of box office. Let us not forget The Help made a ton of money. The Artist has done very well in limited release with over $7 million but by this point last year, The King's Speech had already reached $35 million. Of course, I'd say The Artist still has a comfortable lead, but I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes seen as a two-film race by February.

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Okay if there were 5 noms I say these would be the noms:

The Artist

The Decendents

The Help


Either Moneyball or War Horse

Midnight in Paris could of been there with 5 noms. Don't forget about Four Weddings :P
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It's become increasingly likely in my eyes that the only film that could beat The Artist is The Help. Viola Davis is the Best Actress front-runner and Octavia Spencer could very well take Supporting Actress. I think also important to take into account is the perception of box office. Let us not forget The Help made a ton of money. The Artist has done very well in limited release with over $7 million but by this point last year, The King's Speech had already reached $35 million. Of course, I'd say The Artist still has a comfortable lead, but I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes seen as a two-film race by February.

I will run screaming into the hills if The Help wins Best Picture. It would be an absolutely embarrassing, shameful, atrocious, <insert endless negative adjectives> decision on the Academy's part.

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1. The Artist

2. The Descendants

3. The Help

4. Hugo

5. Midnight in Paris

6. War Horse

7. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

8. Moneyball

9. Bridesmaids

10. Ides of March

11. Tree of Life

12. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

13. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (stranger things have happened)

Key difference between Bridesmaids and Hangover/Star Trek is that the guilds are loving the movie. It has PGA, WGA and SGA nods and will likely pick up Original Screenplay and Supporting Actress noms. With a relatively weak field this year, I could see Bridesmaids sneaking in, and it would definitely make the cut with 10 noms.

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2008 was an incredibly weak BP field. I guess I'll be the minority here and say that this is a pretty good crop of candidates in my eyes- I loved Hugo, Descendants and Moneyball, really liked Midnight in Paris, liked The Artist and Dragon Tattoo, and thought The Help was fine. It doesn't measure up to last year, but that was a really special year.

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1. The Artist

2. The Descendants

3. The Help

4. Hugo

5. Midnight in Paris

6. War Horse

7. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

8. Moneyball

9. Bridesmaids

10. Ides of March

11. Tree of Life

12. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

13. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (stranger things have happened)

Key difference between Bridesmaids and Hangover/Star Trek is that the guilds are loving the movie. It has PGA, WGA and SGA nods and will likely pick up Original Screenplay and Supporting Actress noms. With a relatively weak field this year, I could see Bridesmaids sneaking in, and it would definitely make the cut with 10 noms.

100% agree w/ this.
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1. The Artist

2. The Descendants

3. The Help

4. Hugo

5. Midnight in Paris

6. War Horse

7. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

8. Moneyball

9. Bridesmaids

10. Ides of March

11. Tree of Life

12. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

13. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (stranger things have happened)

Key difference between Bridesmaids and Hangover/Star Trek is that the guilds are loving the movie. It has PGA, WGA and SGA nods and will likely pick up Original Screenplay and Supporting Actress noms. With a relatively weak field this year, I could see Bridesmaids sneaking in, and it would definitely make the cut with 10 noms.

Tree of Life is a stronger contender than you think. Remember it have rabid fanbase, which Bridesmaids didn't.

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Tree of Life is a stronger contender than you think. Remember it have rabid fanbase, which Bridesmaids didn't.

I agree 100%. Tree has a much better chance than BM at getting a nom. Anyway, at this point, it all kind of seems pointless. I don't think there is any doubt that The Artist wins BP at this point unless all of sudden backlash happens like it did last year to TSN. But, I don't think there is a film strong enough even if there is backlash. At least, with TSN, TKS was seen as the frontrunner for a while, and had a lot of support behind it. I'm just not feeling it for any of the other films.

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