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The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)


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By the end of the movie you will end up hating Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio), an absolutely vial individual. Its great watching him build his illegal empire before it comes crashing down. I became so invested every time he made a stupid decision I would curse at him. Overall this movie is great although a little depraved


Grade: B+

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You liked Jordan until he went back into the game when he had an easy out.


That just shows Jordan real character as it was all about himself. A lot of people who did similar crimes like him did it for family and such and got out before things got to heated.



About the film, its a good ride but I found a lot of antics so over the top that it is like your not watching a real movie.


However there is no doubt Leo carries the film and he does so in every film.


Without Leo this film would be a 3 hour mess, however he keeps it all together and keep its entertaining.


Leo Speeches were great, I remember his speech when he was suppose to retire and he goes berserk. 



Edited by Lordmandeep
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I know they are real, but this also a movie so it gets taken to the more absurd. 


I think the best part of the film is the speeches especially the one where he had a clean out but did not.


Just shows what a despicable person he was.


Leo Played it perfectly. 

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One thing this film shows well is how crazy office environments were compared to today..


I talked to some of the old timers, and drinking on the job happened, co-workers would just go the strip club after work. However there was a lot more bullying and such. 


Now its very cold and calculated the office work space. 

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Really enjoyed it. Perhaps not quite as much as some on here - the script felt a bit by-the-numbers and some of the more comedic parts didn't entirely work - but it must have been the shortest 3 hour movie I've ever seen. Scorcese and DiCaprio have absolutely hit the sweet spot of their creative relationship.


No idea why there was such controversy about the nudity and drugs, I wouldn't have thought twice about it had no-one had said anything.


As far as the criticism of the movie being too beguiled with its protagonist, the final shot of the movie says it all. We're the real problem, because no matter how much we portray these guys as the evil of our society, we tacitly condone it by continually giving into the idea that money = success.

Edited by Hatebox
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Really enjoyed it. Perhaps not quite as much as some on here - the script felt a bit by-the-numbers and some of the more comedic parts didn't entirely work - but it must have been the shortest 3 hour movie I've ever seen. Scorcese and DiCaprio have absolutely hit the sweet spot of their creative relationship.


No idea why there was such controversy about the nudity and drugs, I wouldn't have thought twice about it had no-one had said anything.


As far as the criticism of the movie being too beguiled with its protagonist, the final shot of the movie says it all. We're the real problem, because no matter how much we portray these guys as the evil of our society, we tacitly condone it by continually giving into the idea that money = success.



Because there is some truth to it.


Money does not buy happyiness, but it makes life easier. 

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this is an A+ movie 




i feel like i went on a spychedelic acid  trip (this is what it must feel like anyway i wouldnt know) that scene where the drug finally kicked in at the country club had me in stitches i laughed so much :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  i was crying and struggling to catch my breath,
my tummy was hurting from muscles contracting and i was tapping my foot and hitting my lap , and this was after laughing a lot already and shaking my head at what i was seeing  :blink: and hearing, i  :o 



there's a line he says something like why would i want to live a normal life when i can have this instead and i was like damn he has a point tots life of the rich and crazy  and jonah hill "i can't imaging living life not being high" when leo tells him he's sober and a few mn later he cuts the sofa and takes out a bag of cocaine !


but man his wife what a number she riled him up good in that scene , knowing he's not in the best place to take the news good!!


his speeches to his troops , uplifting and inspiring , like hell yeah what a motivator didnt give too shit about the product what was important was the sale and living off the money it brought them  "i figure their money is better off in my hands because i know how to spend it " 


as the french say he's "un bon vivant" someone who lives and enjoy life to the fullest and he was generous  and letting his friends and people around him enjoy it , i had to laugh at the end when in jail that driving force inside him always make him see there's an opportunity here to make a profit 


leonardo di caprio was on fire in this movie until i see 12YAS he's my  frontrunner for best actor 

more importantly i was not expecting a film like this from his collab with scorsese as they've done really serious films together but this what a gem , movie started at 2.10pm came out it was about 5pm couldnt believe it the movie was that long i had no idea !


the movie itself was like a metaphor of belfort lifestyle 




Watch AH first.  I implore you.  You need to see the inferior film first.  Hustle is good but Wolf is just in another league.



so true , i'm so glad i did too ! cannot imagine someone watching both and thinking AH is better lol



A journalist said a friend of his counted “500 f’s” in the “The Wolf of Wall Street.”



that's funny i tweeted a friend that the film must have at least 500 occurences of the word FUCK and true enough after a while you don't even notice them



He is shown as being addicted to the money and the drugs and the lifestyle.  He was good to those in his life, like the woman that asked for $5,000 and he gave her $25,000?  She fucking loved him and pretty much everyone that worked with him did too.  Not a single person broke when questioned.  That's some fucking loyalty right there.  



that was crazy to see and heartwarming even if what they did wasnt legal , they followed him to the end , he was THE  rockstar to them and he made sure to nurture that bond , i love the scene where he's announcing his retirement and the mood is like waking up after being hit on the head with a hammer and then he's like fuck it fuck the SEC i'm staying and they all go wild 
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without a doubt in my top 5 movies of 2013
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i never hated belfort in this , i see him for the animal he is in his environment that is wall street 


something you see that is still well alive with those morons who caused the financial crisis of 2008

these people live in a bubble not in the real world where normal people live and struggle


and fact is deep down who'd rather a 9-5 job struggling all your life for scraps when you can be rich 

sure you know what's right but who wouldnt be tempted for a few mn to live the good life


i go walking on the port and see beautiful yachts like in the movie and boy i sure would like to at least spend the day on one in my lifetime 


but yeah the movie was like an orgy of decadence, i couldnt believe my eyes the bachelor party plane ride and the one to switzerland 

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...and yet, for all that loyalty, he fucked 'em over by testifying to reduce his sentence.


The funny thing is that Belfort was a pretty minor guy overall on Wall Street. In terms of fucking people over for their money, the big hedge fund companies did way more.

Edited by Telemachos
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he fought the good fight giving the finger to the FBI and SEC  for as long as possible but comes a day rich or poor you have to pay the pipper and at that point its "all for one and one for one!"


none of them were innocent really if not him someone else would have taken the deal , with things looking that bleak !

just possible collateral damages when living on the edge like that!

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...and yet, for all that loyalty, he fucked 'em over by testifying to reduce his sentence.

See, maybe I'm wrong but didn't Hill's character turn him in? With the napkin? It was after that that he(maybe) decided that if they aren't going to be loyal to him, they weren't worth being protected. I could be wrong.
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See, maybe I'm wrong but didn't Hill's character turn him in? With the napkin? It was after that that he(maybe) decided that if they aren't going to be loyal to him, they weren't worth being protected. I could be wrong.

I got the impression that the FBI searched all related evidence at the table when they didn't get what they wanted.
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It looked to me like Hill's character had his own secret deal with the FBI since they got the napkin and we never see Hill taken away in handcuffs as opposed to the other flunkies (his body language and facial expressions in that scene when he is in his office demonstrate guilt/shame).

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