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BOT's 36 Worst Films of All Time - Ceremony Complete! Master List on Page 1.

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#26,16 points (14 rank sum):



A Sound of Thunder

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When a hunter sent back to the prehistoric era runs off the path he must not leave, he causes a chain reaction that alters history in disastrous ways.


Member blurb


I've always loved time travel movies, but I despised the "time waves" used in this movie. I've always preferred time travel like in Back To The Future. In here, the world doesn't change instantly with everyone outside of the time traveler(s) aware of it... it comes back the same, but "time waves" strike.. first the weather gets too warm and new plants come out... then there are some weird gorilla-dinosaurs. And the "time wave" concept wasn't even in the original short story this is "based" on.


Critic blurb

Scott Brown, Entertainment Weekly:
So perfect in its awfulness, it makes one seriously consider a theory of unintelligent design.


One major reason for the film's long delay is that the original production company went bankrupt during post-production, and there simply wasn't money to finish the film.



#21,17 points (13 rank sum):




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Based on the Korean legend, unknown creatures will return and devastate the planet. Reporter Ethan Kendrick is called in to investigate the matter, and he arrives at the conclusion that a girl, stricken with a mysterious illness, named Sarah is suppose to help him. The Imoogi makes its way to Los Angeles, wreaking havoc and destruction. With the entire city under arms, will Ethan and Sarah make it in time to save the people of Los Angeles?


Critic blurb

John Monaghan, Detroit Free Press:
The only winners in Dragon Wars are the computer-imaging geeks who must have logged tons of overtime. The rest of the world is left scratching its head at a monster epic so dismal that it doesn't even register as a guilty pleasure.


This marked the first Korean production in nearly three decades to receive wide theatrical release in the United States.

two fucking horrible movies

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#19,18 points (32 rank sum):



Sucker Punch

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A young girl is institutionalized by her abusive stepfather. Retreating to an alternative reality as a coping strategy, she envisions a plan which will help her escape from the mental facility.


Member blurb

Boring. Neutered, bloodless action. Very disappointing. It's stylish and has a couple of cool sequences but that doesn't cover up the overall "blah-ness" of the film.


Critic blurb

William Goss, Film.com: Snyder likes to think that his Russian nesting doll of a concept is enough to excuse its hollow center.


Vanessa Hudgens says she's looking forward to being seen by a whole new audience that might not necessarily be familiar with her work in the High School Musical (2006) films.


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I am glad I wasn't a part of this stupid disaster. I feel ASHAMED of being a part of this forum after this. There is some serious stupid, hating people in here that don't know the meaning of worst.


Yep, exactly why I decided not to vote, because in no way did I want to be a part of what I knew would be a horrible list. Somebody is completely allowed to not like 2001. That's fine. But in no way shape or form could it ever be considered one of the worst films of all time. You folks need to go watch King Dinosaur.


I'll try to say this in the politest way possible, but some folks who've only watched 20-30 movies per year for the past 5-10 years really need to learn when to self-censor their own opinion. People need to be able to recognize that they have no business trying to name the worst films of all time if they haven't seen that many of them.


For example, look at Transformers 2 or even Last Airbender. As bad as those movies are, they're not even close to being in the same league as stuff like Highlander 2 or Superman 4.

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I am glad I wasn't a part of this stupid disaster. I feel ASHAMED of being a part of this forum after this. There is some serious stupid, hating people in here that don't know the meaning of worst.

You know taking part would have made this less of a disaster.  Your own votes would have put different movies higher and probably knock off lower ranking movies like 2001: A Space Odyssey or Citizen Kane.

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You know taking part would have made this less of a disaster.  Your own votes would have put different movies higher and probably knock off lower ranking movies like 2001: A Space Odyssey or Citizen Kane.


The very notion that my vote would have counted exactly the same as some of the [mean word redacted]'s votes just doesn't work for me. Am I better than everyone else? No of course not. There are a number of folks here who have truly seen a shit ton of movies and are relatively well-qualified to answer questions like this one. But I knew there'd be so many more who'd vote that weren't, that I had no intention to add any more weight to this list.


And please don't take that as a personal insult to you. You did a fine job. The problem is that you had crap to work with.

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All I hear is


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Next time, vote.


By the way, you can't say things like "watch bad movies from before 2000!".


First of all, the majority of this forum grew up in the 90's and aughts. And by grew up, I mean, we did not yet have actual taste in movies. So if ever there was a period of time for members of BOF to subject themselves to stinkers, it's between 1995-2010.


Second off, and as mentioned by others, normal people do not purposely watch VOD crap like Bluberella II. Revenge of the Fallen and Alice in Wonderland make the list because people here at the time actually paid money and were excited to see them, and got a pile of shit to the face for their efforts. You can't blame them for that.


PS if anyone boycotts the list it should be me, clearly my vote for The Hobbit was not counted :wtf:

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I'm not gonna shit talk what other members don't like. I'd rather not be a whiny asshole about that.



Last Airbender is absolutely deserving of the top spot. A film that gets me pissed off whenever i remember it exists. SO much potential for a good flick there, but really it shoulda just stayed a tv show.

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All I hear is


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Next time, vote.


By the way, you can't say things like "watch bad movies from before 2000!".


First of all, the majority of this forum grew up in the 90's and aughts. And by grew up, I mean, we did not yet have actual taste in movies. So if ever there was a period of time for members of BOF to subject themselves to stinkers, it's between 1995-2010.


Second off, and as mentioned by others, normal people do not purposely watch VOD crap like Bluberella II. Revenge of the Fallen and Alice in Wonderland make the list because people here at the time actually paid money and were excited to see them, and got a pile of shit to the face for their efforts. You can't blame them for that.


PS if anyone boycotts the list it should be me, clearly my vote for The Hobbit was not counted :wtf:

Floppit was there, but in 109th place :P

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