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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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Thing about the China Market is that, Covid aside, it exists only as long as the CCP and Dictaor Xi allow it t0; and XI can shut it down to foreign films with a single stroke of his pen.

We have seen one major market just vanish this year, could happen again, though I don't think it likely. I think though the China market is going to tighten for Western films.

Dictatorships  suck. end of story.

Edited by dudalb
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5 minutes ago, BruiseCruise said:

assuming covid clears up by december, i'm not worried about a2 in china, they gave it a re-release just last year and only marvel stuff seems to be banned from disney, free guy did really well there as well which is 21cf

I understnad Cameron got sme of his funding from China,which I don;t like because there have got to be some political strings attached.

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5 hours ago, interiorgatordecorator said:

So apparently it's a visually stunning trailer thats doesnt try to be trailer but it's just quick snippets of some unrelated scenes + scenery showcase and is a bit uncomfortable to watch due to the to the quick transition between frame rates 


I guess I can easily picture how to supposedly mind blowing footage (the first 20 min) is condensed into "meh"


Why even release this? Why not just release an 8 minute preview or a normal trailer that actually tries to tell a story, that way they can at least avoid the feeling of mishmash that happens when pairing random scenes of different frame rates together, and the big focus on showing of the world seems to have bored people a bit


what they did seems unnecessary and has the potential to backfire on them if people find it boring or uncomfortable to watch, terms that are unlikely to be applicable to the final product


Seems like an example of a badly put together teaser carried by its out of this world visuals



That's a lot of words for someone who presumably hasn't seen the footage at all, let alone the way it was intended, in a theater with proper projection.  I'll trust an established studio, PR people, and James Cameron, who's been working directly with Projection innovators, in this case.  


5 hours ago, TheDude391 said:

3 is already filmed but watch Cameron decide to fully innovate and create new tech for 4-5 leading to another decade plus long delay for the later sequels. 


I agree with this presumption -- but not necessarily another decade!  Someone asked me the same question today -- "Why should we believe that Film 3 will arrive on time?"  Or "Two years between sequels seems too short."  Everything I understand from what Cameron has been saying and what has been hinted to me by people in the know is that Films #2 and #3 are essentially on their way to a timed-release.  Films #4 and #5 have more of a possibility of being stretched out timeline-wise depending on tech/narrative response to the first two.  

Edited by Macleod
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I wonder why there was no emphasis on 3D effect. Regardless of how people feel about avatar, it is the 3D experience that got people consensus and make the entire movie unforgettable. This is their biggest asset and probably they can draw nostalgia from this 3D-mania. 

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3 hours ago, BruiseCruise said:

assuming covid clears up by december, i'm not worried about a2 in china, they gave it a re-release just last year and only marvel stuff seems to be banned from disney, free guy did really well there as well which is 21cf

Thats what I'm hoping Bruise. Would love that 3 peat and Cameron does it again. Havent been so excited to see a sequel in a long long time. I have to admit nwh definitely is up there after getting confirmation from good movie sources that the best spidey is back. Lol


I'm very curious on the ow for Avatar 2. The juggernaut is almost here. Hopefully like the mega spidey movie , nothing can stand in its way Pandorians!!


Kal-El of Bom 

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1 hour ago, charlie Jatinder said:

 this may try 55-70M.


The first teaser isnt even out and Charlies already predicting 1 billion domestic


hahahaha that's pretty nice


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7 hours ago, IronJimbo said:

sex sells 🤣


Yeah it is a pretty strange name I can only agree, it's not confirmed yet tho

Blessings Iron jimbo. Hopefully thats just a code name and we get a better name than that.💪😎

I so want that bil domestic barrier reached in one run Jim. This is going to be amazing to track. NWH shows a taste of what A2 can potentially do.

OW 270m-300m ( Or a new OW record???  What's are the predicts for the OW?

6 hours ago, Lothar said:

Where's the trailer. 


Teaser is suppose to hit in Sept- october . Since avatar one is getting a re-release I think. Maybe get something with that. Also hope they do an avatar 2 day event sneak preview like A1

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28 minutes ago, interiorgatordecorator said:


The first teaser is even out and Charlies already predicting 1 billion domestic


hahahaha that's pretty nice


Exactly what I said would happen too. The man has gone from 2 billie club to 3billie club, will be at 4 billie club by the time the full trailer drops. 


Cameron didn't want to show this at CinemaCon is my guess so basically threw together this sizzle reel. He wants to drop the real thing at ComicCon SD, he's a man of the people. If he's in person at SDCC this goes to my point - didn't even bother turning up to LV for this.  



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20 minutes ago, Issac Newton said:

Just Curious, how much can this re-mastered version &Re-release of Avatar can make worldwide?

Completely depending on release scale and ambition, I think?

Personally, if Avatar 2 is capable of getting to 3B, I'd rather A2 be the first film to do so; Titanic first to get to 1B, Avatar 2B, and Avatar 2 - 3B, it's a nice legacy.

As for the re-release, I'm guessing anywhere between $50M to $200M globally is possible? Also depends on if China is getting it again, could squeeze some more money perhaps.

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28 minutes ago, charlie Jatinder said:

Avatar 2
Avatar 3

Yeah, it is probably easier to just refer to them as A2 and A3...


1 hour ago, Sheldon Cr said:

Hey NC soft how are you. Wait avatar 2 is coming in Sept?? What in the world? 

Hi Kal, doing very well, how about yourself?

Avatar 2 remains in Dec, it is the Avatar remastered re-release that is coming in Sept (I will be there for sure!)

Edited by NCsoft
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