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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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A4 is vaporware at this point. A2 and A3 are confirmed. And let's be honest, aside from a certain blue-collar/grunt attitude, dialogue has never been Cameron's strong suit. It'll be functional, and the aforementioned grunts will get some decent one-liners, but that aspect of the movie won't be sublime. 



Edited by Telemachos
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I can't think of any sequels filmed back-to-back that were particularly good*, so if Cameron pulls that off then well done him - though for me that angle of the the production doesn't bode too well.




* and yes, Back to the Future did cross my mind.

Edited by Hatebox
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I can't think of any sequels filmed back-to-back that were particularly good*, so if Cameron pulls that off then well done him - though for me it doesn't bode too well.




* and yes, Back to the Future did cross my mind.




Here's the difference, IMO: POTC2 & POTC3 didn't have finished scripts (and what they had was further disrupted by the writers' strike). Cameron won't have that problem, nor does he have his head as far up his ass as the Wachowskis did in the early 2000s.


That being said, if you didn't like A1, my bet is that you won't like A2 or A3 either.

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That being said, if you didn't like A1, my bet is that you won't like A2 or A3 either.


Probably. Like I said in a previous post, at this point I'm simply more interested to see what novelty/hook another Avatar film could possibly have beyond its story. And I don't say that snarkily - it'd be silly to underestimate Cameron now.

Edited by Hatebox
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A4 is vaporware at this point. A2 and A3 are confirmed. And let's be honest, aside from a certain blue-collar/grunt attitude, dialogue has never been Cameron's strong suit. It'll be functional, and the aforementioned grunts will get some decent one-liners, but that aspect of the movie won't be sublime. 




"dialogue has never been Cameron's strong suit"


Aliens says Hi !



Cameron is a great screenwriter, the fact that he manages to be successful EVERY single time is obviously no coincidence.

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"dialogue has never been Cameron's strong suit"


Aliens says Hi !



Cameron is a great screenwriter, the fact that he manages to be successful EVERY single time is obviously no coincidence.


This is the first post of yours that I don't find annoying (The character of your avatar irks me). Congrats!


Dialogue are very down to earth in Cameron's movies. He does not write long tirades that try to delve into philosophical issues like a student doing a thesis because he primarly thinks where his characters come from, their upbringing and their way of thinking before trying to sound clever putting clever things in their mouths that would not sound natural but forced.

Edited by dashrendar44
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"dialogue has never been Cameron's strong suit"


Aliens says Hi !



Cameron is a great screenwriter, the fact that he manages to be successful EVERY single time is obviously no coincidence.


I agree, Cameron is a great screenwriter. Or perhaps, more specifically and importantly, he's a great STORYTELLER. (There's more to a script than dialogue).


ALIENS (and THE ABYSS) might be the high points in terms of dialogue for him, and there's a reason: both prominently (almost exclusively) feature blue-coller/grunts as their characters.

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Do you think this do big business at midnights?

Assuming it has something decent to offer, yes.Again with A2 it's going to be leggy (if Dec release) but I can easily see $25m in midnights - but it's just so hard to predict anything right now without a proper release date or any teasers/posters etc.
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Here's the difference, IMO: POTC2 & POTC3 didn't have finished scripts (and what they had was further disrupted by the writers' strike).


Main difference is that JC envisioned the trilogy before Avatar came out. he said that himself. He may not have all details laid out but he has the vision where the story goes. OTOH, POTC sequels made a forced trilogy. There were really COTBP + a two-parter and that`s in the loosest sense because AWE did a damn good job at ignoring tons of development from DMC and pretty much pissing and shitting on it and COTBP. Sure, going into production w/o script is never a good idea but it isn`t like they cared one way or the other anyway. If you watch bonus features on BD you`ll see that those movies were written around set pieces. Designer team creates a set piece and than writers are asked to write a plot around in. hence why there were "gems" like pirates and Navy gathering thousnads of ships for battle only to each send 1 ship to spin on a big whirlpool. Makes no sense, right? Well, they came up with the whirlpool first and than they wrote the script for it. Doesn`t sound like Cameron`s style.


Also, for a guy who is so weak at writing JC created surprising number of iconic and memorable characters and lines.

Edited by fishnets
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I actually don't think A2 would do giant midnight numbers. Obviously it's really hard to predict without seeing anything at all, but my wild guess right now would be more like mid-teens. Solid enough, since the diehard fans and geeks will rush to see it, but since so much casual interest came from beyond that core group I wouldn't be surprised if it "only" had modest midnights and then bigger (than usual) legs.

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I actually don't think A2 would do giant midnight numbers. Obviously it's really hard to predict without seeing anything at all, but my wild guess right now would be more like mid-teens. Solid enough, since the diehard fans and geeks will rush to see it, but since so much casual interest came from beyond that core group I wouldn't be surprised if it "only" had modest midnights and then bigger (than usual) legs.

Another thing is December now has small opening days. Avatar/TH both did 24M non-midnights (could this go up?).

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A4 is vaporware at this point. A2 and A3 are confirmed. And let's be honest, aside from a certain blue-collar/grunt attitude, dialogue has never been Cameron's strong suit. It'll be functional, and the aforementioned grunts will get some decent one-liners, but that aspect of the movie won't be sublime. 


I think Avatar is the first James Cameron movie that completely faceplanted in the dialogue department.  At this point, I'm fully expecting more over the top heavy handed eyerolling dialogue for Avatar 2.  I still remember the laughs in the theater at Quaritch's speech to his men right before the end battle, same with Jake talking to the Tree of Souls,  along with a hand full of other cheesy scenes.  Hes openly said hes gonna use these movies to say what he wants to say about the world.


Probably. Like I said in a previous post, at this point I'm simply more interested to see what novelty/hook another Avatar film could possibly have beyond its story. And I don't say that snarkily - it'd be silly to underestimate Cameron now.


I'm kinda in the same boat. I'm sure he'll cook up another nice spectacle and I'll definitely be curious enough to see it, but as far as storytelling goes, I'm starting to think thats not necessarily James Cameron's priority anymore(atleast for this series, I still have high hopes for Alita).

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