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The Disney Thread | Happy 90th to Donald Duck!

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1 hour ago, cookie said:

He's also falling behind in the polls against Trump, so this could all be a play to try and keep his name in the spotlight.

It was always going to happen. I found it mad Conservatives jumped to him when hes basically been Florida only for so long. Hes totally untested and the Conservatives are going to go into the Primaries with Trump vs DeSantis. Will be interesting if a third candidate can cut through.

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It seems Quantumania is not coming on the Plus this May. Good. Let it come out on June or better yet July. Now keep the same windows for all the films, and do maybe a six month window for every family film (TLM, Elemental, Wish).

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1 hour ago, Sckathian said:

First hes playing to the national crowd but secondly Florida is changing, people are literally migrating for political reasons. 


In both cases he wants to be seen having a fight and winning. Personally I think hes going to get bogged down in a state issue whilst trying to run a national campaign but I can see why hes trying it.

Killing Florida's economy isn't going to win him votes nationally. At no point has he been seen to be winning outside a hard-core base that'll break for Trump over him 100% of the time.


He's an idiot that'll destroy his state's economy and his political career to hurt Disney.



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1 hour ago, YM! said:

It seems Quantumania is not coming on the Plus this May. Good. Let it come out on June or better yet July. Now keep the same windows for all the films, and do maybe a six month window for every family film (TLM, Elemental, Wish).

I think that is a given for all streaming releases. Even WB has released Shazam which has bombed only in digital. They wont release for free until they exhaust all avenues like discs, rental etc. They will milk these movies as much as possible. There is zero incentive at this point to dump movies for free on streaming just to get subs,. That era is done after last year. 

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Why are people writing off Ron so fast politically? He would obliterate Trump on national stage. Not that I would ever vote for him, but be serious. Trump can't win, Ron can, its an easy sell. 

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21 minutes ago, kayumanggi said:


The article says 360 dropped him cause of behavior issues. Seems to indicate the rumors of his being a POS long before his arrest have some validity. 

Probably about to see him be dropped by WME and some other projects soon (he’s rumored to be out of the Dennis Rodman movie he was set for). 

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2 hours ago, excel1 said:

Why are people writing off Ron so fast politically? He would obliterate Trump on national stage. Not that I would ever vote for him, but be serious. Trump can't win, Ron can, its an easy sell. 


Not the US Politics Thread (nor the 2024 US Pres Election one for that matter), but right now Trump is the one who is obliterating DeSantis in the polls, not the other way around.




(and don't give me a "he hasn't announced" falderal, when it comes to the "invisible primary" he's announced as much as he needs to)


Since this is neither of the two aforementioned threads, I won't go into it in detail here except to say: 


Never let personal preferences override a clear eyed analysis of a situation.




Tying this back on topic this statement ***ALSO*** applies to the Disney/DeSantis fight.  I think some people here aren't taking into account how miserable government (even at the state level) can make someone's life if they put their mind to it.  Especially when things like "ideological consistency" in regards to principles regarding limited government and business friendly policies go out the window.


I despise DeSantis.  I also take him seriously enough to know that when he has literally a supermajority in his state legislature and a very compliant court system at both the federal and state level... Well, I'll just say that while Disney lawyers are undoubtedly smarter and shrewder, the sheer power of government isn't something to just laugh off.

Edited by Porthos
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1 hour ago, Porthos said:

I despise DeSantis.  I also take him seriously enough to know that when he has literally a supermajority in his state legislature and a very compliant court system at both the federal and state level... Well, I'll just say that while Disney lawyers are undoubtedly smarter and shrewder, the sheer power of government isn't something to just laugh off.

To be fair, Disney hasn't really needed to fully unleash the legal kraken on DeSantis yet, mostly because he hasn't actually done anything to hurt them financially (they were sneaky about rendering his Reedy Creek board completely ineffective, but what they did was legal and made him and his board look like fools for clearly not doing their research). Needless to say, I wouldn't put it past them to try and lock him into a legal battle that would last years and unlikely to be resolved until after he's no longer governor (considering he's already had his ass handed to him by a cartoon mouse once, I wouldn't bet on second time being the charm), meaning he would just be wasting his time. What's sad is that he's willing to be go about this petty fight using Florida taxpayer money if necessary. He's clearly too self-absorbed to realize that he's nothing more than the latest in a never-ending line of Florida governors who will need to pack their bags eventually but need to keep the money coming in during the meantime while Disney (and the power they yield over this state) is here to stay.


Remember the days when the GOP was actually pro-business and not so thirsty and desperate to cling to power (instead of being, you know, an effective governing body for the people) in an evolving world by any means necessary that it means getting into infantile feuds with the rights of private business corporations? I sure miss those.

Edited by filmlover
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5 hours ago, excel1 said:

Why are people writing off Ron so fast politically? He would obliterate Trump on national stage. Not that I would ever vote for him, but be serious. Trump can't win, Ron can, its an easy sell. 

Ron has no juice, no charisma. He's creepy and offputting in social interactions. I deeply hate both Trump and him but Trump's got charisma and on the debate stage, he's gonna destroy him with insults. One solid meatball ron zinger and he's gone. Even if Ron wins the primary, he has no appeal with moderates (despite the midterms proving that most Americans don't care about culture wars, he's still doubling down like crazy) and Trump is gonna do everything in his power to knock him down during the election. Biden sweeps despite being super unpopular, he's like George W, gets in a second term bc the other side is a total mess.

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13 hours ago, keysersoze123 said:

I think that is a given for all streaming releases. Even WB has released Shazam which has bombed only in digital. They wont release for free until they exhaust all avenues like discs, rental etc. They will milk these movies as much as possible. There is zero incentive at this point to dump movies for free on streaming just to get subs,. That era is done after last year. 

Yep. As long as it becomes inconvenient to wait even if the films underperform this year, it’ll bounce back next year. Because it’ll retrain the GA to expect theatrical from now on.

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5 minutes ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

Are they going to stop doing nonsense like releasing big budget movies like Peter Pan & Wendy directly to Disney+? Or, do they think that's a necessity to keep subscribers on? 

Lilo & Stitch '25 (?) is set for D+ (makes sense given how the cast is shaping up so far) but I guess they could change their minds if it tests like crazy. The bar is pretty low for the big budget D+ originals given the subpar quality of most of them so far.

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15 minutes ago, filmlover said:

Lilo & Stitch '25 (?) is set for D+ (makes sense given how the cast is shaping up so far) but I guess they could change their minds if it tests like crazy. The bar is pretty low for the big budget D+ originals given the subpar quality of most of them so far.

With the exception of the 2010s movies I'd say it has the most potential at the box office out of the Live-Action left to release. I'm surprised Disney didn't choice to release it on theatres like Stitch alone is way more popular and won't be surprised if also has been selling more merchandising than anything that came out of Hercules, The Hunchback or any 90s movie that has not be remaked yet.

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11 hours ago, filmlover said:

To be fair, Disney hasn't really needed to fully unleash the legal kraken on DeSantis yet, mostly because he hasn't actually done anything to hurt them financially (they were sneaky about rendering his Reedy Creek board completely ineffective, but what they did was legal and made him and his board look like fools for clearly not doing their research). Needless to say, I wouldn't put it past them to try and lock him into a legal battle that would last years and unlikely to be resolved until after he's no longer governor (considering he's already had his ass handed to him by a cartoon mouse once, I wouldn't bet on second time being the charm), meaning he would just be wasting his time.

Disney clearly lost the first round of this and the second round is actively ongoing. I just don't see how you can confidently say Disney's already won their decision to embarrass DeSantis over his group's inattention to detail.  If DeSantis thought he had his ass handed to him, he wouldn't have doubled down right now.


Let's look at the big picture instead of the blow-by-blow: How does getting embroiled in a fight over if Disney World will receive a punitive regulatory tax "win" anything for Disney? How does Disney benefit from being a piñata on a GOP presidential primary debate stage? "Disneyworld can host LGBTQ forums" isn't exactly how the first round of this fight got started (which I'd argue is why Disney's is trying to have PR set that as the response to DeSantis instead of public policy lobbying over K-5 education). The best case for Disney is the fight gets defined along those lines which only bakes in extra bad will among the hyper political RWers instead of a broader conservative population. 

Political fights don't have to have a sole winner/loser but "lose/lose" just seems like a good case for Disney here.  Disney making DeSantis lose doesn't necessarily place Disney in a better position than it was without these rolling controversies and DeSantis punishing Disney doesn't necessarily help his presidential campaign. 



I feel crazy here: getting people to cheer Disney fighting an active presidential candidate may be cathartic but that's a purely defensive posture that does nothing but burn generalized goodwill. I don't see arguments for Disney winning relative to a baseline without this fight. This is all downside mitigation. 


Edited by PlatnumRoyce
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