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Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)

Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)  

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ATTENTION: I watched it with ridiculously low expectations


the first 30 minutes were really good, I almost thought Bay would make another good Transformers, but then came the explosions, loud noises, explosions, more explosions, it was so hard to keep paying attention, everything started not making sense. Some minor complaints are how bad Transformium FX looked and depowering the villains in the climax. The score was kind of bland, there was nothing that stood out like in the previous movies, the best parts were recycled themes.


On the bright side, there weren't many comic reliefs like the last two, the scenes in the ship were refreshing, and Peltez wasn't bad as I thought she would be, let's say she tried to act, unlike that chick from the third one. I kinda biased against Marky Mark, but I think he was the best part of the movie, he showed charisma and decent enough acting, I also liked his relationship with his daughter. I really appreciated the more serious tone, the comic relief dying  in the "beginning" film was a good and fresh surprise. I wasn't bothered by the product, but it was there, I understand how it could distract some people .


I like Bay, I think he's extremely talented, the cinematography in his movies are always crazy good (albeit very similar), I just think he needs a better editor, one brave enough to say "Michael this is too much". I'm sure there was a good movie somewhere.. 50/100


TF1 75/100

TF4 50/100

TF3 40/100

TF2 30/100

I really have a problem with that. I (And everyone I went to TF movies with) loved those goofy scenes between Sam and his parents or his dog or the government officials. In fact, overall, I think I loved TF 2 most of all the TF films. It had humor, great action scenes, MEGAN FOX, Shia (which I really come to associate with this series) beautiful locations and awesome music. So for me it is: TF2>TF1>TF3>TF4. 

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I really have a problem with that. I (And everyone I went to TF movies with) loved those goofy scenes between Sam and his parents or his dog or the government officials. In fact, overall, I think I loved TF 2 most of all the TF films. It had humor, great action scenes, MEGAN FOX, Shia (which I really come to associate with this series) beautiful locations and awesome music. So for me it is: TF2>TF1>TF3>TF4. 

Revenge of the Fallen's my favorite as well. Then, Dark of the Moon. Then, well, pretty much a toss up between Transformers and Age. I don't like either nearly as much as two or three though.


Also, may've already been linked somewhere on this forum but, nonetheless, interesting read.


Edited by JohnnyGossamer
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so i went to see this at the cinema with a friend friday night 


i'm being nice giving this a B-  but if you take the movie for what it is mindless explosion festival where your brain gets to sleep for a couple of hours than sure its great 


seriously the movie was too long , they could have shaved an hour off easily , i now understand why its doing so well in china , half the film goes on over there or the randomest reason 


the movie even though i miss sam witwicky and family , sure i was willing to go on with new plot of farm scientist and his top-model daughter /girl next door yeah right kkkk :rolleyes:  and for a while its ok but then the plot loses its head and splatters all over the place , the company boss who seems like an evil scientist turns mushy and gag maker that fall flat repeatedly 


then you have many scenes where you go hey that reminds of that other movie, like the jurassic park scene lol or the creator angle that reminded me of that fassbender flick where noomi rapace goes off into deep space to find the creators) oh yeah alien prequel anyhoo


halfway i just didnt care anymore  and started imagining what if bumblebee and pinky (i call her pinky because that car was mad hot :wub: , i was in love) fell in love, becoming star-crossed transformers lovers , he tries to save her from megatron mind-voodoo trick , they fight but instead of destroying her , he incapacitates her until they figure a way out to free her and then she and bumblebee drives off into the sunset , cue 5 yrs later we see they are living in a town outside new york and have 2 kids , 2 beautiful green cars one khaki the other green apple gorgeous sport cars!


they're the cars of sam witwicky and his 1st gf (nobody cares about model change in tf3) and their kids are the play cars (unusua playcars duh) of their twins (boy and girl) and of course the girl is more into cars than her brother lol


harmless movie , i did like mark whalberg in it esp his line about humans , sure underneath "all that junk you just have to find a treasure" but even he didnt have much to do of worthwile worthiness 


maybe tf5 goes all transformers on us and skip the human component alltogether!

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The movie is horrible though, so his quote is accurate.

Wasnt the worse movie by any means, a little too long and they went away what made

the franchise a stand out with movie one, but its about C+ to  B- level movie.


  Spiderman 2 this year, that is horrible. Bad Jokes, plot even more all over the place than Transformers and one

of the worst endings in history of the big tentpoles of the summer.


 Transformers I give a 7.4 out of 10.. Better than part 2 by a sliver but way below the quality of Movie one and faulters

 vs Transformers 3 which I gave a B+

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Revenge of the Fallen's my favorite as well. Then, Dark of the Moon. Then, well, pretty much a toss up between Transformers and Age. I don't like either nearly as much as two or three though.


Also, may've already been linked somewhere on this forum but, nonetheless, interesting read.


You know Transformers 2 is growing on me as well.. I still think Transformers 4 edges out part 2 overall.

They definitely need to make these movies more interesting if they are going for 155-160Mins every movie.

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i actually enjoyed this. It was better than part 2 and 3. Good action all round. The CGI looked horrible here at times though compared to the older movies, which is strange. 


Nicola Peltz cant act for shit. Just a pretty face. Stanley Tucci was the only decent character in this. Wahlberg at times felt a bit off.


Lockdown was awesome. i like the whole story of the creators. Pity the timeline is in such a mess that its hard to understand what the order of the back history is in the 4 movies. 


Galvatron and his crew were massively depowered in the final battle. Also their whole new method of transforming felt rather far fetched. 


As for the cars...man oh man. Absolute beauties


i really wanted something about Unicron thrown in...I hoping there's something in the next 2 movies.


The music was pretty good too. New and refreshing.



B grade from me.

Edited by Omario
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i actually enjoyed this. It was better than part 2 and 3. Good action all round. The CGI looked horrible here at times though compared to the older movies, which is strange. 


Nicola Peltz cant act for shit. Just a pretty face. Stanley Tucci was the only decent character in this. Wahlberg at times felt a bit off.


Lockdown was awesome. i like the whole story of the creators. Pity the timeline is in such a mess that its hard to understand what the order of the back history is in the 4 movies. 


Galvatron and his crew were massively depowered in the final battle. Also their whole new method of transforming felt rather far fetched. 


As for the cars...man oh man. Absolute beauties


i really wanted something about Unicron thrown in...I hoping there's something in the next 2 movies.


The music was pretty good too. New and refreshing.



B grade from me.


It's not just far-fetched their method of transforming. It's the fact that we barely see any of that during the final battle. Everyone is overwhelmed pre-Dinobot attack with these new sand-dispersing Decepticons and yet they're able to take them out as easily as in the other movies' final battles.

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Why is it making so much money in China if it was apparently bad?  :wacko: I don't think it should be even close to a billion.

Hong Kong in the final act.I also like to think that the Chinese dub actually has good dialogue but I have no evidence for this.
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This was the worst Transformers movie so far which also makes it the best one. Or so I thought before they killed TJ Miller 45 minutes into the movie. Best thing this franchise ever had and Bay wastes it just like that.


Anyway, liked Marky Mark much more than Shia, and Tucci and Grammer were also fine but the movie is too fucking long and the plot is just a convoluted mess of nothingness. But yeah, this has too many intentional or unintentional funny moments and the OHMYGAWD is way too glorious for me to hate on the movie so it ranks somewhere in the middle of TF movies.



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Almost epic in how bad it is. Nothing about the film works.


There are plot points, but no narrative arc that makes sense. Things happen. And then other things happen for no rhyme or reason. Even for a Transformers film, it's on a whole new level of random happenstance.


Characters lack motivation or development. They waffle between emotions for no reason, often acting out completely at odds with what's going on around them. Characters also appear and disappear for no reason. There are several scenes where I wondered where the Autobots, who had been present just moments before, had wandered off to, despite all the explosions and peril going on around their friends.


The Transformers themselves feel completely under-utilized. At times they just exist as vehicles, without any interaction. At others they spout unmemorable one-liners with no connection to the scene at hand or even realization that there are other characters around them.


Even the Bayhem is lackluster. I'd like to say that Bay is learning to try different things, but without his trademark layered construction, it mostly looks boring and generic action. More than a few times I thought "no, that looks exactly like they set off some fireworks".


Perhaps the most damning is that the one character who has continuity with the previous films, Optimus Prime, doesn't feel like he's the same character at all. Peter Cullen gives it his best, but the rousing Optimus speeches are unmemorable, and most of the rest of the time he's shouting "I'm going to kill you!" for no good reason.


It's almost impressive that they could make a film worse than TF2. I have to wonder if that's what they were trying to do.


Mostly, I came away wondering if anyone actually cared about this film. The actors only rarely engage, the technical construction is lackluster. It just seems like everyone was bored and showing up for a paycheck.


If there's a film where nobody involved is engaged why should I be?



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"I think I just found a transformer" in that almost out of breathe Mark Whalberg voice. That about sums it up.


Long, drawn out and corny. In my opinion.


they are talking fucking robots based on toys made for small children. it has every right to be corny. its kind of sad listening to fully grown adults slate the transformer films for being cheesy and silly. Its Transformers.

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they are talking fucking robots based on toys made for small children. it has every right to be corny. its kind of sad listening to fully grown adults slate the transformer films for being cheesy and silly. Its Transformers.

maybe if the movie was good we wouldn't care about that.

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maybe if the movie was good we wouldn't care about that.

You must like something about it or you wouldn't keep going back for more. Basically you're saying this movie isn't good but the previous 2 were even worse? If that's the case, why would you waste 2 and a half hours watching this one? My theory is you all secretly enjoy something about these movie but pretend they are all complete shit to sound sophisticated. Personally I know these movies as a film critics point of view are bad, but I have no shame to admit that despite this, I find entertainment in them.

Edited by jessie
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